Barstool Employee Gets Punished For Failing To Go Viral | VIVA TV

  • 4 months ago
Ben Mintz | Viva TV
00:00What's up everyone? Viva TV, same show, different channel. We are now and going forward going to be
00:06posting on the Barstool Sports main channel. We got a call from the big dog upstairs, Dave. He
00:11wants us to move Viva TV, stuff like the film festival, move it over from Viva. We're going
00:15to move it over to the main channel. Some things that are on the main channel are going to get
00:18moved over to Viva Stool. You should be subscribed to both. If you're not, make sure you are. Stool
00:22scenes will still be on this channel as well. It's just going to drop on a different day. So
00:25we're not dropping two episodes at the same time. Stay tuned and enjoy. If you don't want to stay
00:30tuned, I'm not going to be mad. This episode, I'm just going to say right now, Nick Fasoli is dead
00:34to me. He's dead to me. You're going to find out why. If you don't want to find out why,
00:38I appreciate you, but I'm just going to get in front of it. Nick Fasoli, dead. Dead to me. Dead.
00:45So on last week's rundown, a clip came out and it's Rico losing his mind over me being
00:50friendly with Nadu, me going to the Kentucky Derby with the enemy. And it seems like Smokes
00:54and Nadu are getting close. Nadu wants to move to Chicago. Nicky Smoke's taking trips with a lot
01:00of guys recently. What's that supposed to mean? Is that a gay thing? No. What's another word for
01:04novel? Book. Oh, wow. Yeah. I've seen that one. Book it with Trent. Oh, got it. Little did I know,
01:14Rico's got an infinite amount of enemies, whether it's Nadu, Book it with Trent,
01:19.212 hitter, the Cowboy. The list is infinite and it's just too long for me to keep up with.
01:24Nadu reached out to me when I got re-signed, something Rico Bosco didn't do. So yeah,
01:27I'm a little friendly with him. We talk on the side. We have the same interests. We both like
01:31chasing women. I didn't know I was crossing any lines, so I fired back at him. Like I said,
01:35there should be a fucking handbook on who you could fuck with and who you can't fuck with when
01:39you get hired. Or at least so you know what side to pick. It's like, if you've worked here for
01:42three presidencies, don't fuck with them. Simple as that. That's pretty simple. Chain of command.
01:46I didn't fuck with him. He just throwing shots at me. If you want to throw jabs at me, I'm going
01:50to throw jabs back. I don't, but like he follows you on Twitter. Why can't he just like, he's not
01:54allowed to like your posting shit. It's not like he didn't expose you for anything. Yeah. I didn't
01:58know it was a problem. If it was a problem, he should have been like, yo, why are you fucking
02:02with him? And just texted me. Who said it was a problem? I mean, he obviously had a problem with
02:05it. Did you say you had a problem with it? Did you not watch the clip? No, I actually didn't.
02:10Yeah. Well, it sounded like you had a problem with it. What'd he say? I'll just show it to you.
02:14It was actually hilarious.
02:44You do take a lot of trips. Out of those trips, two of them were work. One was family issues.
02:51And then the last one, I went to the Derby. So London, personal, Derby, personal. I did,
02:56I did videos there. Dude, I'm not picking an alliance between the Dew and Rico. But if you
03:01were going to, what's your lien? It was Rico probably three, four months ago, but then I
03:06haven't heard from him in three, four months. Didn't even text me congratulations when I
03:09resigned. Nothing. You know who did? The Dew. So he's, he's recruiting hard right now.
03:15Yeah. Cause he needs people in his corner. The Dew is a user.
03:18Who's who's in Rico's corner. He's got you.
03:21Big T. I like Rico.
03:24Big Cat. Big Cat.
03:26Piffed. Piffed.
03:28Dave. Dave, big three.
03:30It's not a coincidence that people that aren't riders aren't with us anymore.
03:33Like I said, there should, there should have been something in my contract that
03:37explained all this in depth. I actually don't hate that.
03:40I think there should be a one day crash course that explains,
03:44gives you the rundown and then you can choose where you want to,
03:47your allegiance to like a sorting hat. Yes. No, just like giving you the information.
03:52And then you can take, and then you declare like a signing day. You declare I'm team Rico.
03:57I'm team to do. Are you, are you sliding for Trent?
04:00It's always Barstool first, but like Trent's my boy.
04:03It's Barstool first, but right now he's team Trent,
04:06who does not with us and Dew Crew, who's also not with us, but it's Barstool first.
04:10No, that's, that's going to see through shots at me first. That's bullshit.
04:13Dew will be with us soon though. Don't worry.
04:15I will always stand with Barstool sports. So wherever you believe that lies,
04:20that's where I ride. This is why there needs to be a crash course.
04:23How am I supposed to know this?
04:25And are you a rider?
04:27What does that mean?
04:28That's a wonderful thing to ask a girl, bro.
04:32Get back on Athena, brother.
04:34You should have left it to Dew question.
04:38Rico has a fan crew called the Riders.
04:42Ride for Rico. We ride at dawn for the record.
04:51Chicago street race weekend, July 6th, July 7th. Doing a little promo for NASCAR,
04:55big cat and the boys. That's a fun one. Get a whole nice little setup out here.
04:59I'm some sort of mechanic slash hot peppers dealer. We're just loading up that NASCAR.
05:05I feel like this is a good look for me, but I'm not cut out for it.
05:07Cause I'm already sweating my balls off, but I love it.
05:10He looks like a world war one vet, that mustache.
05:12All right, here we go.
05:24I've been rolling and going as fast as I possibly could
05:27thinking this dead end wouldn't be so busy. It's the busiest dead end in the world.
05:31All right, here we go.
05:36Stop the trains.
05:38Hey, do you guys know where the NASCAR Chicago street races?
05:41Jump on 90s. When you see Jim's original on the right,
05:44you're going to jump off and you're going to make a larynx.
05:46Jim's original, better dogs than these.
05:48Absolutely not.
05:48Yeah, they are. They're better dogs than these.
05:50They're known for their Polish.
05:51They're known for their Polish.
05:52This is for friendship.
05:53They're known for their Polish, not their dogs.
05:55No, they're not. Just listen to me. This is garbage.
05:58You're kidding.
05:59Yeah, these are bad dogs.
06:01They're known for their Polish.
06:02So anyways, you're going to bang a U-ey. You'll be right there. Grand Park, no problem.
06:06Yeah. If you see a guy with no pants on too, don't talk to him.
06:08No, don't talk to him.
06:08Crazy Joe.
06:09Crazy Joe.
06:10Don't talk to Crazy Joe.
06:11He'll have no pants and have a little wiener going like this.
06:13Hey, suck my weenie. Crazy Joe, I'm Crazy Joe. Touch my weenie.
06:18All right, so now we're moving to White Sox day.
06:20Got the gravy ready going in.
06:22Should I?
06:23And it's just a slow pour.
06:24And you're like, little bit of gravy in here for you.
06:26Right? And we'll just do a series of those.
06:28Little bit of gravy for you, pal. Yeah. Like right here. It's going.
06:31Three, two, one, action.
06:34Yeah, I got a little bit of gravy for you, pal.
06:36You had it. Hold on. You had that.
06:38Little bit of gravy for you, pal.
06:40Got a lot of gravy for you, pal.
06:42One more. One more.
06:43Got a lot of gravy for you, pal.
06:45Got a lot of gravy for you, pal.
06:47Little bit of gravy for you, pal.
06:49That was perfect.
06:49Cool. Cut. Moving on.
06:51Action, chief.
06:52Can't forget the peppers.
06:53Can't forget the peppers.
06:55All right, pal, we're going to load you up with some peppers.
06:57All right, peppers.
06:59All right, got some peppers.
07:01I'm good with that. Yeah, we have options on that quick one too.
07:03Cool. Yeah, cut.
07:04How did that guy know I was there?
07:06What is this smoke?
07:07I'm not playing terrible.
07:09I'm playing terrible.
07:10These people are just laying down in the back.
07:12Fuck this game.
07:13Look at my team. Dog shit. Dog shit.
07:15That guy just buried me.
07:17I'm dead.
07:23I shoot like 90% from the free throw.
07:25It's your ball.
07:26Oh, it's your ball.
07:30Wait, hold on.
07:31Come on. See, that's what I'm talking about.
07:33Like, can we have a fair?
07:34Just one time, let's do fair.
07:36Like, come on, dude.
07:38Show some respect.
07:39Just going to ask a question.
07:41No questions?
07:45Bro, come on.
07:46Dude, I'm not going to play in these games when, like, I don't do that to you.
07:51Playing fair, dude.
07:55Ty, did you see this form?
07:57It's still good.
08:00We got a new shot?
08:01God forbid that someone tried to distract someone from a free throw.
08:04Oh, we're doing a free throw contest?
08:080 for 2.
08:090 for 1.
08:100 for 2!
08:11Cameron didn't see it.
08:17It's good.
08:19I mean, I don't care.
08:21I'm mentally stronger than you.
08:22You got to pretty much make the rest, right?
08:27Are they?
08:29The difference between me and you is I don't complain.
08:31Well, the first one didn't count, so I have one more.
08:34Double or nothing.
08:34I'm not doing this, bro.
08:36Do we have black suits?
08:37Oh, shit, Ty.
08:39I don't complain.
08:42I love black suits.
08:44Let's go 3-4.
08:45Five spots, three shots.
08:52Oh, my God.
08:53Oh, my God.
08:58There it is.
09:07There it is.
09:09There it is.
09:24He's so, he's so bad.
09:26If you can get a million view video on Monday, that will count.
09:37But I'm not going to...
09:38If you don't get one on Monday, I'm not going to count it against you.
09:41Tuesday is when it starts.
09:42If you can't get the million view video, I will accept an organic trending.
09:47But the minute you don't have one of those two things, you have to come back.
09:52I got to get viral on Hoover, Alabama.
09:54It's happened before, though.
09:55It has definitely happened before.
09:57Just got to stay.
09:57If you stay viral, then you get to stay as long.
10:00You can stay for the rest of your life.
10:02Okay. So we tried the new plan with Mincy.
10:06He goes on a trip instead of just going on a vacation like he's been doing.
10:09We're going to try to make him work.
10:11Novel concept.
10:12He has to go viral.
10:14First day he was at the SEC tournament, he went viral with the Vandy Whistler.
10:18He had that one in his back pocket.
10:19He was going to do that video no matter what.
10:21Second day, didn't work out.
10:26I told him over and over.
10:31I had text messages with him.
10:32I was like, Mincy, don't try too hard.
10:34Just be yourself.
10:36He admitted to me last night.
10:38He was like, I think I might have tried too hard.
10:40So this was an experiment.
10:42I'm going to put my hand up.
10:43It didn't work.
10:44The first time he's ever tried at work, didn't work.
10:47It's ongoing.
10:48We're just trying to get the most out of Mincy.
10:50This one was a failure.
10:51Next one, I think we'll be back on track.
10:54We're back.
10:56I have no idea what I'm walking back into whatsoever.
10:59We're here.
11:00Ready to do the deal.
11:01Face the music.
11:02You're not walking back into anything.
11:04You're walking back into work.
11:05I'm ready to ball.
11:06I'm going to ride some balls.
11:07It's work.
11:08Great to have you back.
11:09Hell yeah.
11:10It's good to be back.
11:12Not what you expected.
11:13We're just working.
11:15All right.
11:15I love it.
11:16Let's go ride some balls.
11:18When do you go back?
11:21That's totally fine.
11:22I can't police your weekends.
11:24335 PM.
11:25I can't police your weekends.
11:26We're going to change your strategy too.
11:27I think it was too much pressure on you.
11:29I think so too, but I think that's my fault.
11:31And just so we're clear, it was like the first amount of pressure ever put on you.
11:36That is definitely true.
11:39We found out just a little bit of pressure is too much pressure,
11:42but I liked you trying.
11:43You were trying stuff.
11:45Trying too hard, but yeah.
11:47I definitely was.
11:48I was fortunate.
11:48The output had increased.
11:51The effort was there, but the thing with the viral, it's got to be organic.
11:54Self-aware me is not what people want.
11:59I'm excited to look.
12:00Upwards and upwards.
12:03You're not in trouble.
12:04No, I know.
12:04It's good.
12:05Let's go.
12:06It's good.
12:06Let's go.
12:07All right.
12:08Hell yeah.
12:08Hell yeah.
12:08I freaking love Dan.
12:09Gosh damn.
12:10I don't...
12:11Damn right.
12:12I don't deserve Dan.
12:15All right.
12:15I need to go ride balls.
12:16I got a couple of good ones.
12:18I definitely...
12:19The pick of Brandon yesterday with him with Doug, I thought that was the whistler.
12:23And I actually...
12:24Are you blogging about me?
12:25I am.
12:26I got Moody to get his binoculars out scanning...
12:28Don't spoil the blog.
12:30I want to read the blog.
12:31All right.
12:31All right.
12:32All right.
12:33I really did.
12:34I thought...
12:34Because I thought y'all were messing with me and sent Brandon to the SEC turning.
12:37It was during the Saints game.
12:38I mean, during the state game.
12:40So I really was like, oh, it makes sense he'd be here.
12:48Knocking around the zoo Thursday afternoon.
13:09All right.
13:09So the last thing was you maybe got an ad though.
13:12I've got a very, very promising lead.
13:15Very, very.
13:16Oh, this is big time.
13:20I was approached by the vice president of Expedia.
13:24The vice president?
13:26I'm texting with the president.
13:28This is the VP of Expedia?
13:31This is the VP of Expedia?
13:32I always said he was the head of marketing.
13:34Oh, my God.
13:35Oh, my God.
13:36Come on.
13:37God damn it.
13:38You can troll.
13:39Oh, y'all trolled me.
13:40I can't do it.
13:41I didn't troll you at all, Missy.
13:42I can't do it.
13:44How do you think that guy looked at his Twitter?
13:46That's the VP of marketing?
13:48Oh, no.
13:50Oh, that's so bad.
13:52God, that was not me.
13:54I'm getting the fuck out of here.
13:55You're getting the fuck out of here?
13:57Did you see how bad they trolled me?
13:58How bad did they troll you?
14:00Oh, they crushed me.
14:01I might have believed I had an ad deal with Expedia and they were paying attention.
14:04And by might, I mean I did believe.
14:07You know, they definitely don't call you gullible, Vince.
14:10No one here does.
14:13So you got aisle seat?
14:14Got middle seat?
14:15What you got going back?
14:17I've literally no idea.
14:18But I know I'm getting back at 5.45 p.m.
14:19And I'm trying to make the LSU game at the seventh inning.
14:21And then I'm going to dance my ass off in Memphis this weekend.
14:24Because the only cure for this is some widespread panic, as always.
14:28Have a safe flight, Mincy.
14:29Thank you.
14:31I hope to.
14:32We've got to beat this traffic, you know.
14:33I'm going to Henway this weekend.
14:35Are you?
14:37What's a Henway?
14:39Five to six pounds, depending on age, diet, maturity, lifespan, et cetera.
14:44God is ass.
14:46The more, you know.
14:49Run me to clip.
14:56Hey, who filmed this?
15:03The white, the white.
15:10Oh, that's so good.
15:14That's so good.
15:15That's so good.
