Derecho reported plowing across the Midwest

  • 4 months ago
AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Mike Doll reports the storms barreling through the midwestern United States to be a derecho on May 24, with storm reports of high winds spanning hundreds of miles.
00:00I want to show you this take a look at our storm reports here over the last 24 hours here and look
00:08at that area that is a long distance for a line of thunderstorms now with that I do want to bring
00:15in one of our severe weather experts Mike Dahl joining us on the phone here this morning and
00:21Mike you made the call before any other known sources we are calling this a duration I want
00:28you to explain to our viewers why you made that call and again we believe that this is a duration
00:34we made that call about an hour and a half ago Mike yeah certain criteria has to be met for the
00:40official definition of a duration it has to have a thunderstorm wind damage blop that extends either
00:48continuously or intermittently for more than 400 miles with a width of at least 60 miles
00:55and it must include wind gusts of at least 58 miles per hour or greater along most of its length
01:03we saw we see the storm reports of wind damage from southwest Nebraska and far northwest Kansas
01:11extending all the way east through much of central southern Nebraska and into central and eastern
01:18Iowa so as far as the length goes you can check that box it's more than 400 miles the width is
01:26more than 60 miles and we've had dozens of wind gusts reports of at least 58 miles per hour in
01:34fact we've had by my count about 16 reports of wind measured wind gusts of 70 miles per hour or
01:42greater with the highest gusts that we've seen so far 85 miles per hour in south central Nebraska
01:49and Mike when we look at the climatology of where the the ratios occur you can see the current one
01:54now pushing in the western Iowa as far as the where we typically see them I have the graphics
02:01showing this right now that you know you tend to get them in the midwest and the south central
02:06United States that that's correct so a derecho occurring in this part of the country is not
02:14uncommon many may recall the derecho from August 10th of 2020 that went across parts of Iowa
02:24and Illinois now this one will probably not be as damaging as the one or that that one was more
02:31damaging than what we're going to see with this one currently ongoing but this is a part of the
02:36country where we do see derecho they're not uncommon and this is the time of year also when
02:42we can see those all right meteorologist Mike Dahl one of our severe weather experts again Mike made
02:48the call before any other known source we are calling this a derecho and we are still tracking
02:54this here across eastern parts of Iowa Mike get back to work and we'll continue to keep in touch
03:01with you as we go through the morning Mike thanks for joining us.
