Adelaide man wins 150-million-dollar Powerball division one jackpot

  • 4 months ago
A South Australian man has become the country's biggest lottery winner taking out last night's 150-million-dollar Powerball jackpot. He purchased the winning ticket in Adelaide’s northern suburbs and got a life-changing surprise when he checked the numbers online last night.


00:00 This server station in Salisbury in Adelaide's north has just helped make one of its customers
00:07 a very wealthy man.
00:08 "To have a South Australian winner, let alone a winner who has purchased a ticket from our
00:14 OTR Salisbury Drive-Thru store is fantastic for the community as well."
00:19 The winner is keeping his identity under wraps, but he's provided some insight into his reaction
00:24 in a statement released through the lottery organiser.
00:27 "I've never screamed so loud or jumped so high," the statement read.
00:32 He says he hasn't slept and kept checking the ticket all night.
00:36 But he still went to work today and plans to keep working despite the life-changing
00:42 windfall.
00:43 Fellow Adelaideans have offered some suggestions for what he could do with his newfound fortune.
00:48 "$150 million. I would probably cash it, put it in a room, swim in it, make paper aeroplanes,
00:56 throw them out the window."
00:59 "Probably retire early. I'm still in my 30s so I'd travel, take my kids around the world
01:04 and live lavishly."
01:06 The man says he's still coming to terms with the win and plans to buy a house, help out
01:10 family and friends and go travelling.
01:13 And no doubt he won't be short of invitations.
01:17 "If the recipient was brave enough to show his face, we'll definitely welcome him back
01:21 into the store. I reckon he could probably shout for you most hot dogs to all the staff
01:27 and his family and friends and all that."
01:28 $150 million. That's a lot of hot dogs.
