Scuffles among UCLA protesters, police as university leaders testify in Washington

  • 4 months ago
Clashes between police and protesters at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) broke out on Thursday (May 23) just hours after the head of the university told a U.S. House panel that the school should have been ready to immediately remove an encampment of pro-Palestinian activists that became the site of a violent clash with counter-protesters last month.

00:00 Clashes between police and protesters at the University of California at Los Angeles UCLA
00:08 broke out on Thursday, just hours after the head of the university told a U.S. House panel
00:14 that the school should have been ready to immediately remove an encampment of pro-Palestinian
00:19 activists that became the site of a violent clash with counter-protesters last month.
00:25 Aerials of the campus showed protesters and police pushing each other.
00:34 On April 30, UCLA was the site of an overnight mob attack on pro-Palestinian activists that
00:41 was one of the most violent scenes of the recent protests.
00:44 The university on Wednesday removed the head of its campus police for its handling of the
00:49 protests, which included inaction during the attack and the arrest by state and local police
00:54 of 210 people the next night.
00:57 On dozens of campuses throughout the country, students set up tents and held rallies to
01:02 call on President Joe Biden to do more to end the fighting in Gaza and to demand that
01:08 their universities divest from companies that back Israel's government.
