'Entirely Preventable Death': Stacey Plaskett Promotes Gun Safety Laws In Weaponization Committee

  • 4 months ago
At today's House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee hearing, Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) spoke about the victims of gun violence.

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00:00 Thank you to the chairman.
00:03 Good morning and thank you to the witnesses and the others that are here and joining us
00:08 at this hearing.
00:10 Last week, after Trump insider and convicted criminal Steve Bannon demanded that Chairman
00:16 Jordan do more to protect Donald Trump, and this committee answered the call.
00:22 It's no accident that last week this committee called as a witness a former defense attorney
00:29 for Donald Trump in the classified documents case.
00:32 Rudy Giuliani's former lawyer and the attorney who has written and filed Chairman Jordan's
00:38 amicus briefs to the Supreme Court to support Donald Trump's many indictments.
00:45 Republicans rolled their eyes and snickered when I noted, as the ranking Democrat on this
00:48 subcommittee, that the plain goal of that hearing was to influence the New York Hush
00:52 Money trial against Donald Trump.
00:56 Just so the public is clear how closely this committee is trying to link Donald J. Trump's
01:02 criminal and civil matters and use this committee to act as outside defense special counsel,
01:08 two days ago Robert Costello, a Republican witness from last week's hearing, was called
01:14 by Donald Trump as a witness for the defense in that very trial and used his same manic
01:21 rambling testimony that he gave in this subcommittee.
01:25 Thankfully now, maybe the chairman and GOP members won't continue to be blasted by Fox
01:31 News and other MAGA news outlets and blogs for not doing enough with the committee to
01:36 support the former president.
01:38 Costello got to try out his testimony.
01:41 Defense counsel thought it was good enough to appear as a witness on the stand last week.
01:46 I know the American people don't believe that this is an appropriate use of the $20 million
01:52 allocated to this committee, holding six full hearings to bolster disproven lies that the
01:58 government is colluding with social media companies to target conservatives, calling
02:03 in an anti-Semitic, anti-vax, racist conspiracy theorist who claims a worm ate part of his
02:10 brain as a witness.
02:12 Others just spread the widely debunked fringe claims about the deep state or have personnel
02:17 grievances from appropriate firing from their former employers that the committee offers
02:23 them time to air here.
02:25 This is what Republicans have made of the committee process, but I guess it goes along
02:30 with their inability to effectively legislate in this Congress as well.
02:36 You know, people often wonder with my courtroom litigation background, having been prosecuting
02:41 assistant district attorney, if I enjoy these hearings.
02:45 I have to tell you, every time I get a notice of a hearing for this committee, my stomach
02:52 hurts because I'm disturbed by the use of this legislative time to prop up a failed
02:58 individual, one individual, a loser in elections, a disastrous dictatorial wannabe in governing,
03:07 a perennially bankrupt, false revenue inflating con artists in business, and a cheater in
03:14 marriage even.
03:16 That's who the Republicans want us to spend our time on supporting Donald Trump rather
03:22 than the American people.
03:24 Today we're going a step further.
03:26 We are somehow having a hearing to protect the gun lobby to prop up Donald Trump's pro-death
03:32 agenda when more than 100 Americans die of gun violence every day.
03:37 We have colleagues who have lost friends, classmates, mass shooters.
03:41 Some of us in this Congress see the scourge of illegal guns coming across state and city
03:46 lines to ravage communities with gun violence and death abuse.
03:51 But these deaths happen everywhere, haunting every corner of the American experience.
03:56 And without a robust federal law enforcement, an ATF and FBI, Americans will die at a faster
04:04 rate.
04:05 I know that the Virgin Islands, my home, our federal law enforcement play a critical role
04:10 in combating the scourge of drugs and guns trafficking.
04:16 Without these agencies or with more guns available to bad people, my region where I live and
04:21 all of America will be even more dangerous.
04:26 Families of gun violence victims have their lives ripped apart and turned upside down
04:30 in a moment.
04:31 None of that has helped or made less common occurrence when we attack and undermine the
04:37 ATF and the FBI.
04:39 Republicans on this committee simply, it's not a matter of caring about those mass victims.
04:48 Families in Valdi identified their children by shoes because they could not identify them
04:56 by the faces that they had looked at every day.
05:00 It's easy to become desensitized in politics, but if that doesn't hurt you, if you don't
05:06 feel anything for that, God help us all.
05:11 There have already been 27 deaths from school shootings this year alone.
05:16 Almost 4,000 children and teens are shot and killed every year, 15,000 more injured.
05:22 Guns are the number one cause of death in children between the age of one and 18.
05:26 The first cause of death, guns.
05:30 Car accidents, suffocation, drowning, poisoning, cancer.
05:35 Number one, guns.
05:37 An entirely preventable death if guns were in fact well regulated.
05:43 Instead of addressing this real problem and instead of listening to three quarters of
05:48 gun owners, gun owners, three quarters that support common sense gun safety laws, we're
05:55 continuing with this.
05:57 They brought us here right after police week in furtherance of a mission to defund and
06:02 dismantle the agency trying to save our children, save Americans from gun violence.
06:08 The ATF is a central agency dedicated to stopping the source of gun violence.
06:14 Agents ensure the background check laws are followed, they keep guns out of the hands
06:19 of criminals, they investigate gun crimes, they prevent mass shootings, school shootings,
06:24 they support local law enforcement and gun tracing and enforcement efforts.
06:28 They do the vital work we so desperately need.
06:32 We're going to hear today about ATF overreach and especially about the death of Mr. Malinowski.
06:41 That is a tragic loss of life.
06:45 Every loss of life is tragic.
06:47 Our sympathies, all of us I believe, go out to the family.
06:52 While an investigation is ongoing, it's inappropriate to be drawing conclusions before the results
06:59 of an investigational release.
07:02 We do know from affidavits from the court that it was alleged that Mr. Malinowski was
07:08 a mass gun trafficker and we know that some of the guns he sold were used to commit crimes.
07:15 We know that ATF agents were serving a legitimate search warrant.
07:19 Beyond that, we await the results of an investigation and this committee shouldn't seek to influence
07:25 that.
07:26 Let's not be mistaken.
07:29 Republicans are not here today because they're concerned about the tragic loss of life during
07:34 a police raid.
07:35 You know why I know that?
07:37 Because they have not uttered a word about a Florida deputy shooting and killing senior
07:43 airman Roger Fortsman in his apartment just a week ago.
07:48 You know why I know that?
07:50 Because they don't say anything.
07:52 They don't say the name Breonna Taylor, who in 2020 was shot and killed in her home through
08:00 an inappropriate police raid.
08:03 They don't want to talk about the gun violence impacting communities or how across the country
08:08 a black American is shot and wounded every 11 minutes.
08:15 They don't want to talk about the interstate gun trafficking that's fueling violence in
08:19 Illinois, where on an average someone is killed every six hours with a gun and where black
08:25 individuals are 38 times more likely than white individuals to die by gun homicide,
08:32 triple the national average.
08:34 So while homicides dropped by 13% in Chicago last year, that doesn't mean that people aren't
08:40 still dying.
08:41 Those victims deserve to be more than statistics.
08:45 We don't talk about that.
08:46 They don't want to talk about that.
08:48 They don't want to talk about other kinds of police raids.
08:51 They want to talk about this police raid on Mr. Malinowski because it fits their narrative
08:58 about how to dismantle the ATF.
09:01 That's what this is about.
09:03 Don't let them fool you.
09:05 They don't care.
09:07 And when they do care, it's not about every American.
09:10 It's only about a specific type of American that they're concerned about those deaths.
09:15 I don't hear those other names being called by them.
09:19 Ms. Sampson, Mr. Graham, I want to thank our witnesses for being there today.
09:25 Ms. Sampson, your expertise and vast experience in gun violence prevention spaces is truly
09:30 impressive.
09:31 I'm confident it will be invaluable as we examine those issues here today.
09:36 Mr. Graham, I'd also like to thank you for your more than 37 years of public service
09:42 at the ATF.
09:46 I guess I will be enlightened as to why you've begun getting paid by the very gun lobby fighting
09:53 ATF's work.
09:55 I want to thank the other witnesses.
09:57 I would ask all four of you today in your testimony and answers to remember something.
10:02 As we engage in this hearing, in the three or so hours we'll be sitting here before us,
10:08 more than a dozen Americans will lose their lives to gun violence.
10:12 It's a somber but necessary reminder of the gravity of what we discuss here today and
10:18 what's really at stake.
10:20 I yield back.
10:21 The gentlelady yields back without objection.
10:23 All of the opening statements will be included in the record.
10:25 I will now recognize the gentleman from Arkansas to introduce himself.
