'Anybody but Labour', we take to Wellington to see how people feel abut the upcoming election.

  • 4 months ago
Wellington streets were full of people unsure of who to vote for. We chat to a couple of residents.
00:00 I come from Reneaton in Warwickshire and every morning when I'm walking in there's sweeping the roads
00:07 sweeping the roads and the little one comes on the pavement there, it's fantastic
00:12 I've never been down there
00:14 Do you live Shropshire now then?
00:16 Yeah I live in, as in 21, it's Warden's Control in Gleave Street
00:20 Yeah, I'm in Wellington, yeah
00:22 Yeah in Wellington, yeah
00:24 Probably the only one that engages for us, thank you
00:26 What will be the most important issue then for you when you are going to vote?
00:31 Erm, stopping the vote first
00:34 France
00:36 That's the number one for you, you want to do less on that?
00:38 That's the number one, yeah
00:40 Is there anything else like the NHS that you want to prioritise?
00:42 Well yeah, the NHS, yeah
00:44 Well you're a doctor, a doctor is one, when you're in medical practice it's a lottery to try and get in
00:49 There you go, you know
00:51 In fact, the, Sean Davies, one of them, the Mayor, the Mayor really, he put in, but it started good alright
00:59 but they haven't got enough doctors to see to get in
01:01 Yeah
01:03 You said you were surprised, did you think he'd call the general election later in the year?
01:07 I thought it would be later on in the year, I did, I did, I thought it would be later on in the year
01:11 Now that we've got the inflation down a little bit I thought well we're going to leave it a bit long, you know
01:16 Until it reaches 2% he wants it, but you know
01:21 Do you think he's done the right thing calling it now?
01:24 I do, yes, now, I do now, I do now, yeah
01:28 He's got to sort something out, he can't wait for it, he ain't doing his job right, you know what I mean
01:34 Do you want to see change? We're seeing that word used a lot at the moment in the run up to the election
01:39 Yeah, there's one or two things that could change, you're saying the hospital, the NHS, yeah
01:45 I mean I have a lot to do with the NHS because I've got one by the way, yeah
01:51 I have a lot to do with the NHS, yeah, I do have to do with the NHS
01:56 So do you know who you're going to vote for?
01:58 Yes
02:00 Are you happy to say or?
02:02 Sorry, no, I'll keep it to myself, yeah
02:05 Yeah, yeah, it's fair enough
02:07 That's fair enough
02:08 That's why I say, that's why I have a vote, I'm sure it's down to everybody who knows
02:12 Are you able to take your name?
02:14 Go on Luke
02:16 The election's coming up, what's your thoughts about the election?
02:18 So, what I always thought was, and what I've always been taught was, everything's better than Labour
02:25 Okay
02:26 That's what we've always been told, don't it?
02:28 Yeah
02:29 And is that still the case then, going into this, do you think so?
02:31 Yeah, because you know what, as much as Rush is, can I swear on it?
02:37 No
02:38 As much as he's a bit of a watter, yeah, like he's done his part, I think he's doing alright
02:48 My only wish was he was doing more for Palestine and that, but with Labour, they hurt businesses more
02:59 Okay
03:00 Than they try and help them
03:02 Is the economy and business a big thing then for you, going into the election?
03:05 For me, yeah
03:06 And are you going to be voting then?
03:08 I'll be probably, I ain't got time to sit in lines
03:13 Okay
03:14 Them lines are massive
03:16 Everything counts
03:17 Yeah, see like, I know what my dad's voting for, and he's blatantly said, anything but Labour
03:24 Okay, very interesting
03:25 Would I be able to get your name by any chance?
