Avoid These Peak Traffic Times This Memorial Day Weekend

  • 4 months ago
Get ready for a busy Memorial Day Weekend! AAA forecasts that 38.4 million people will hit the road, marking a 4% increase from last year and the highest number since AAA started tracking in 2000. Veuer’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has the story.


00:00 Get ready for a busy Memorial Day weekend.
00:03 AAA forecasts that 38.4 million people will hit the road, marking a 4% increase from last
00:09 year and the highest number since AAA started tracking in 2000.
00:13 Expect driving times up to 90% longer than usual.
00:16 Warrants in rigs.
00:17 The worst times to travel are Thursday and Friday between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and the
00:22 return trip is busiest between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday.
00:26 Key trouble spots include I-5 North from Los Angeles to Bakersfield on Thursday after 6
00:32 p.m., Baltimore-Washington Parkway North on Friday afternoon, I-87 from New York City
00:37 to Albany Thursday at 11.45 a.m., and I-75 South from Gainesville to Tampa on Sunday
00:44 after 9 a.m.
00:45 Plan ahead, use traffic apps, and travel safely this holiday weekend.
00:49 (camera shutter)
