Anabolic steroids risky dangerous

  • 15 years ago The dangers of taking anabolic steroids for enhanced sports performance and bodybuilding. The risk is not worth it. The side effects are way to risky, and most are inevitable. Many young men have died from the use of ergogenic strength and muscle enhancing drugs. Anabolic steroids are ilegal drugs, and banned in most countries. Bodybuilders use dianabol as a bulking steroid, but suffer the consequences of high liver values, bloating, water retention, high blood pressure, and aggression often called roid rage. Steroids like dianabol can also produce premature balding. Most users of dianabol expect shrunken testes, while their own production of testosterone shuts down. Some people can understand why pro bodybuilders mistakenly take dianabol stacked with other steroids like anadrol, because their life and business depends on their wins, but what about the no-hope young trainer, that wants to use dianabol to gain 2 more inches on the bicep? This is insane, because the risks and internal health problems cannot compensate. Dianabol is famous in gyms for its quick effects, and feelings of grandure, but this addictive anabolic has its downside. Durabolin is usually injected. Other steroids include: Dynabolon, Hcg, Human growth hormone, Somatropin,
