Lappa Valley converts battery-powered locomotive

  • 4 months ago
00:00 Hello, you join me on the platform of the Lakeside Railway here at East Wheel Rose.
00:06 And this is Victoria. Those of you who have visited us since 2020 up to last year may
00:12 remember she used to sound a little bit like this.
00:24 And now as you can hear it's a lot quieter. So we can enjoy the sound of the birds and
00:30 the bees all on the Lakeside Railway. It's all good fun. And don't forget to shout tunnel
00:39 as you go through.
00:46 So why have we converted one of our diesel electric locomotives to battery electric?
00:52 Well the simple answer is it is a lot more efficient. For each single charge of these
00:58 batteries they will do up to two days summer running with a five coach train. Now that
01:04 can be up to 400 laps of the Lakeside Railway. To put it into perspective our old APT and
01:11 HST power cars would have needed refuelling at least twice on each one of those days and
01:17 that's around 30 litres of petrol. So this locomotive is a lot more efficient for our
01:23 operation and will take a lot more passengers each time around our very beautiful Lakeside
01:30 Railway.
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