Pablo the Little Red Fox Pablo the Little Red Fox E031 What’s This

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 ♪ The wind and the rain and the sun ♪
00:02 ♪ Have a run in the wind and the rain and the sun ♪
00:06 ♪ Have a run in the wind and the rain and the sun ♪
00:11 ♪ ♪
00:18 I found something, Pablo!
00:20 Wow, Fimba! A wind flower! That's amazing!
00:27 The people call it a toy!
00:29 No, it's definitely a wind flower. Let's look for some more stuff!
00:34 But... Hey! Careful, Pablo!
00:37 Ouch!
00:38 Don't just stand there, Fimba! Get it off!
00:50 Keep still then!
00:52 Oh, it's no good. It's stuck fast. Let's go to the tip.
00:58 The gull must have something to get it off.
01:00 Well, nothing of value in here.
01:06 Just lots of crumpled paper.
01:09 Hi, Fimba!
01:11 Who's your elephant friend?
01:15 That's not funny, Bill.
01:17 It looks like an elephant, but it sounds like Pablo, the little red fox.
01:22 It is me! It is me!
01:26 Don't worry, Pablo. I'll have that woo-woo off in a minute.
01:30 This box of pepper should do it.
01:36 Oh, thanks, Gill. What is that thing anyway?
01:48 It's part of a vacuum cleaner. People use it for sucking the dirt out of their homes.
01:53 Weird.
01:54 I call it a woo-woo and use it to call for help. Like this!
01:59 Did you call, Gill?
02:08 Sorry, Madam Owl. I was just showing the woo-woo to the little red fox.
02:12 I wish you wouldn't do it when I'm in the middle of having a dinner.
02:15 A woo-woo! What a great idea!
02:19 It's the hose from a vacuum cleaner.
02:22 Yes, yes, I'm sure it is.
02:24 Sometimes. Let me show you some of my other treasures.
02:29 Mind the plip-plop. It's full of rainwater.
02:32 Plip-plop?
02:33 Oh, you found it!
02:35 This is preposterous, Gill. Your plip-plop isn't a raincatcher.
02:42 It's a mixing bowl. People use it for making cakes.
02:45 Are you sure, Fimba?
02:48 Sounds crazy to me.
02:50 Ta-da!
02:52 Now, this, dear Pablo, is a shopping trolley.
02:57 No, Fimba. It's a whiz-bang for flight take-off.
03:02 I'll show you. Jump in.
03:04 See? You whiz down the hill.
03:18 And bang into a stone. And you're flying in no time.
03:22 Except cats don't fly.
03:24 And now I can't get down. I'm too high up.
03:27 You're too heavy for me to lift, that's for sure.
03:30 Can you help me, Madame Owl?
03:37 Thanks, Madame Owl. Thanks, Gill.
03:45 Your woo-woo really did work.
03:48 Remember, Pablo, it doesn't matter how people use things.
03:52 We animals always have better ideas.
03:55 - Yeah! - That's right.
03:57 We do!
03:58 [all laugh]
04:02 [all laugh]
04:05 [all laugh]
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