以巴冲突停火无望? 双方停火谈判陷入僵局

  • 4 months ago
八点最热报 | 以色列和哈马斯在埃及首都开罗最新一轮的停火谈判陷入僵局,参与停火谈判的哈马斯、以色列、卡塔尔以及美国的代表团,在昨天已经离开了开罗。根据报道,加沙停火谈判主要的障碍有两个,第一,是哈马斯要求在释放人质之前,以色列必须承诺休战12个星期,而不是6个星期,而以色列坚决反对这项提议。第二,则是哈马斯提议每个星期释放3名人质,但以色列却坚持要每天释放人质,同时减少可获释的巴勒斯坦囚犯。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Israel and Hamas have reached a stalemate in the latest ceasefire negotiations in Cairo, Egypt.
00:11 Hamas' Israeli-Qatar-U.S. delegation that participated in the negotiations left Cairo yesterday.
00:18 According to reports, there are two main obstacles to the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza.
00:22 First, Hamas demands that Israel must promise to cease fire 12 weeks before the release of hostages, not 6 weeks.
00:30 Israel firmly opposes this proposal.
00:34 Second, Hamas proposes to release 3 hostages every week, but Israel insists on releasing hostages every day, while reducing the number of Palestinians who can be arrested.
00:44 In addition, with the Israeli military launching ground attacks on Gaza, US President Biden said to Israel the day before that if the Israeli military launched a full-scale attack on Gaza, the United States would suspend the supply of missiles and other weapons to Israel.
00:57 Biden believes that even if Israel launches a large-scale attack on Gaza's southern city, Lava, it will not be able to defeat Hamas.
01:06 For Biden's decision to suspend the supply of weapons to Israel, White House State Security Council Spokesperson Kirby explained that the United States is not saying to give up on Israel, but that Israel has a better choice and a better way to find Hamas members, rather than launching a ground attack on Lava like it is now.
01:27 Faced with the pressure of the domestic campus anti-war demonstrations, US President Biden issued a warning to Israel the day before.
01:32 If Israel insists on launching a ground attack on Lava, the United States will stop providing part of its weapons to Israel.
01:37 The U.S. State Department spokesman added yesterday that the United States opposes Israel's full-scale attack on Lava, but will continue to contact Israel and provide them with other solutions.
01:46 We have presented a full range of other policy choices that they can make that we think would achieve the goal of dismantling Hamas and choking off the Hamas battalions that remain in Lava without further endangering civilians there, without causing this mass population displacement with no place for them to go.
02:06 And so they may end up taking that option, but right now we will wait and see what happens.
02:12 Despite the possibility of losing US weapons, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was still tough yesterday, saying that if necessary, Israel will fight to the end.
02:21 If we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. I have already said that if we have to fight with two birds, we have much more than two birds.
02:29 And with the same strength of mind, with the help of God, together we will win.
02:37 Yesterday, a large number of Israeli hostages were demonstrating outside the Tel Aviv government office.
02:42 The demonstrators took up signs and photos of the hostages, and shouted slogans.
02:46 They demanded that the government agree to the release of the hostages, and at the same time condemned the Netanyahu government for not accepting the ceasefire agreement in order to extend the war.
02:56 I'm here to support the families of the hostages. I think it's important to raise their voice so they will get their loved ones back.
03:03 We have a deal on the table, and it's obvious that the Netanyahu government tried to postpone this deal in order to prolong the war.
03:10 And I think if we just sit down and be quiet, nobody will listen to us.
03:14 Peace.
03:16 Action!
03:18 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
