9-1-1’s Kenneth Choi and Jennifer Love Hewitt on Becoming 'Best Friends' Through 'Madney' Romance

  • 4 months ago
9-1-1’s Kenneth Choi and Jennifer Love Hewitt on Becoming 'Best Friends' Through 'Madney' Romance


00:00I was totally I felt like it that's the way it was supposed to be yeah I mean I
00:09loved it I think I think Maddie's even says that in the thing it's like that's
00:13what we do we end up at a hospital together and all the good stuff happens
00:16so yeah no it felt it felt perfect
00:23I think that they are first of all I love I mean we're one of the older
00:29couples on the show and I love that it took them a minute to find each other
00:36but I I love that all of their broken pieces separately somehow feel fixed
00:44when they're together and I think that Maddie needed somebody like Chimney to
00:52shine light on the darkness she had been in and I think that Chimney needed
00:58somebody to see him for how special he is and Maddie does that for him and so I
01:04don't know I ship them like I just I really do I just think it's like such a
01:09it's such a beautiful thing and it's so funny because I really did say to Tim
01:14like the first day he was like what do you want to do on the show and I said I
01:17want Maddie and Chimney to end up together and everybody was like what are
01:20you talking about and we had not even had a scene together yet so who knows
01:25like if we would have had chemistry or not or you know whatever but I was like
01:28that's her person like I just there's something about it I was like that's
01:33that's the person she needs to like to fix all of this stuff that's happened to
01:38her and he felt the same and so I think that we've just always come to their
01:43relationship with a lot of gratitude and an excitement for them I have some
01:49friends who are happily married and when you ask how'd you meet your wife they
01:54say when I saw her I knew in my head I was gonna marry her and I told my
01:59friend I'm gonna marry that girl I told my friend I'm gonna marry that girl and
02:03I think that actually happens a lot love at first sight and I think that's the
02:07case for Maddie and Chimney I think the first time he saw her when they were
02:11gonna helping her move and all that she saw him there was that instantaneous
02:15kind of that's the one for me that's the one I've been waiting through all these
02:21people but that is the one and I think Maddie's line at the end where she says
02:27you know we always find our way back to each other it doesn't matter what
02:31optical they have thrown their way they're gonna find their way back to one
02:35another and I just want to say that it's just so incredible to play all of these
02:41different colors with an actor like Jennifer Love Hewitt like she's so
02:46special and dear to me personally we've become the best of friends I love her I
02:53love her entire family and I think that personal relation bleeds on the screen
02:59so we know that we're always there for each other however far out it seems
03:03however kooky it may seem however dark it may seem we know that we're there for
03:09each other and we got each other's backs I think that's what translates and
03:13personally I think that Chimney Maddie I think they're the greatest couple on TV
03:17right now because they have been through so much and and they always overcome it
03:23and I think it's a metaphor for a couple of just relationships in general right
03:27everybody has strife everybody has conflict in their relationships and you
03:32always have to somehow come back together somehow you have to come back
03:36together to make it work I mean he's the best like first of all he's the best
03:43human I always say to people no matter what's going on in life no matter what's
03:50going on in the world especially when we were filming during kovat and you know
03:53all of that stuff he is sunshine like he truly is that person and he's that
03:59person for me he's a great uncle Kenny to my kids he's a great friend my
04:04husband in real life he just feels like our family and he and I've always felt
04:09like family together and you know the crew just is always like oh god those
04:14two again because all we do is laugh and act like we're four but we have the best
04:19time and that's what it's about you know you should be able to go to work and
04:23still feel joy and have the the long days like move through easily with with
04:31like a great partner by your side and that's what he is for me and it's just
04:34been great
