Sharon Collins, Hospiscare Regional Fundraiser, during her speech at Sandford. Video by Alan Quick
00:00 It's a pleasant morning compared to what we've had over the last couple of months.
00:03 I think perhaps, dare I say it, that spring is round the corner.
00:07 That tempting fate.
00:09 But I'd also personally like to thank Victoria and her family for putting on this yearly event.
00:16 This is the third year of running this Coffee Morning and I think it's something that I believe
00:22 that the local community look forward to year on year out.
00:26 And it raises a lot of money for hospice care.
00:29 Victoria and her family have raised £2,900 in just two years.
00:35 So we're kind of hoping that we've gone over the foreground mark with today's Coffee Morning.
00:40 So I'd like to thank all the folks that have helped Victoria to put this event on and to make it successful.
00:48 [Applause]
00:56 And for the people that have helped on the day and for Samford Gate Milk Company for donating the milk
01:03 and for the lovely people for making all of those cakes.
01:07 So just before I disappear and hand over to Andy, I'd just like to say it's an honour and a privilege
01:15 to attend events in the local community for your local charity.
01:19 So from my heart, from the bottom of our patients' and their families' hearts,
01:24 our volunteers and our staff, we thank you and please keep doing what you're doing
01:30 and keep spreading the love of hospice care because without you we wouldn't be who we are today.
01:36 I'm going to pass you over to Andy.
01:38 [Applause]