Crumbley Parents 'Excessive' Sentence In School Shooting Case Sets Precedent: Criminal Defense Atty

  • 5 months ago
Jennifer and James Crumbley— the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley, were sentenced to 10 to 15 years for involuntary manslaughter after the November 2021 Michigan mass shooting. Criminal defense attorney Silva Megerditchian joins Brittany Lewis on "Forbes Newsroom" to discuss.

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00:00Mhm. Hi everybody. I'm B
00:05breaking news. Joining me
00:07attorney Silva Maggard it
00:10so much for joining me. B
00:14news this week. Jennifer
00:17the parents of school sho
00:19were sentenced to 10 to 1
00:22manslaughter after the No
00:25mass shooting. First, befo
00:28the conversation. What's
00:30the sentence? Oh Britney,
00:34a little bit only because
00:36time that parents have be
00:39liable for what their chi
00:42sense. Was I shocked? I'm
00:46I wasn't shocked to the v
00:48shocked to the judge's se
00:52is two reasons for that.
00:56focus on this case was hu
00:59the judge felt comfortabl
01:02than 15 years because the
01:05were watching. The second
01:09case is a little bit exce
01:12where a child's prize for
01:17ignored. And I feel like
01:21absolutely wanted to send
01:25your child seems distresse
01:29health issues, lock your
01:33safe and the child doesn'
01:37I think because of those
01:40necessarily shock me, but
01:43shocked at the harshness
01:45the parents. Ethan Crumbl
01:49found guilty in december.
01:54actions. Why then this ve
01:57for his parents? You know
02:01it's a few reasons. The e
02:03this case is how much the
02:07signals. We know that Eth
02:10to life without parole. B
02:14a child's cries are ignor
02:18was telling his parents,
02:20right? Seeing demons, see
02:25parent wants to believe t
02:28mental health treatment.
02:31No parent wants to believe
02:33is going to kill anybody,
02:36a school. And I think the
02:41with the fact that this b
02:44the murders. They wanted
02:47parents who ignored legit
02:51help, ignoring the mental
02:56I feel like no matter wha
02:58child were given interven
03:02think this child would ha
03:05another question. If this
03:09easy access to a weapon,
03:13been able to commit the l
03:17he did at the school, kno
03:20I think people wanted mor
03:25because every single pers
03:27case is going to have a h
03:31crumblies almost now are
03:34the judge really threw th
03:37to 15 year sentence. What
03:40that sentence is sending?
03:43because the prosecutor ha
03:46the sentencing saying tha
03:48case and it doesn't open
03:52a defense attorney who de
03:54cases. I am worried. I do
03:57a very big lesson and a w
04:03which is number one. If y
04:05the home, you make sure i
04:08I don't think it restrict
04:10capacity. It's saying tha
04:14child is interested in gu
04:16is locked safely away, wh
04:19it was not. The second th
04:22has definitive mental hea
04:26statements, troubling ill
04:29messages asking for help.
04:33that. You need to get hel
04:37again, if it's essentially
04:39a child who is really vio
04:44or is living almost in th
04:48like a mythical world of
04:51you don't give him a gun.
04:55gave him a gun a few days
04:58It is very distinctive fa
05:01they can be easily used i
05:05good, good families who b
05:08could never do this. Does
05:12you cannot ignore those w
05:16you said, Ethan Crumbly h
05:19a gun. His family gave it
05:22I believe. Also those trou
05:25was crying out for help.
05:28ignored 10 to 15 years. T
05:31Do you think in your opin
05:34fit the crime? Oh, that's
05:37I think. Okay, I'm gonna
05:40the punishment fits the c
05:43to the public's need for
05:47I don't think anybody can
05:52did enough and I don't th
05:54that the parents were reas
05:57to their sons issues. I d
06:02as an attorney, as a defen
06:05juvenile matters, I do th
06:08a little excessive. I don
06:11and I want to be clear by
06:13have a very difficult job
06:16to the public. They are p
06:20if this judge gave the pa
06:24than 10 years, I do think
06:27an excessive backlash bec
06:31this case was and how man
06:35So do I think it was exce
06:38I do. If I were the judge
06:41given such a harsh sentenc
06:44it all. Brittany, I under
06:48the parents ultimately fo
06:51holding them responsible
06:54you think that this sets
06:56if so, what is that prece
07:01I do. I feel like the pro
07:04isn't precedent because i
07:07case. But I actually do t
07:10the door. And I think espe
07:12shootings where there is
07:18response from the public
07:22this country is fed up wi
07:24not feeling safe at schoo
07:27used to be the safe haven
07:29up, we never anticipated.
07:33The only thing we were af
07:35war from Russia. Things h
07:39And because of that, I do
07:42a school shooting case, I
07:46in any state is going to
07:49dynamic. What was happeni
07:53the parents knew what the
07:57the accessibility of that
08:01if the weapon is not safe
08:05parents will be liable in
08:08their child's actions. I
08:11is an exceptional case. A
08:13about. There are exceptio
08:16But as a defense attorney
08:19way as a sort of slippery
08:23I think when you, I espe
08:26it is a case that attracts
08:29the media attention. I ca
08:32into other aspects, but I
08:36that every school shootin
08:40it, there will be examinat
08:43actions. And I think that
08:48know, I don't know, I don
08:50to extend to a child, let
08:52know, taking a knife into
08:55other Children. There are
08:58ways. I would be surprised
09:03into other aspects. But a
09:07a door that we've never h
09:10I think the other issue t
09:13right now, school shootin
09:15parents feel safe to send
09:18to school, I do think the
09:20a natural consequence of
09:24decides to, you know, do
09:28going to face the consequ
09:31here obviously are facing
09:33Do you think this sentenc
09:36an effective way of deteri
09:39and gun violence coming f
09:44I'm hoping that maybe par
09:46bit more attentive to a c
09:50Um, I don't think Childre
09:53sentence one way or anothe
09:56a child who, you know, I t
09:59agree. A child who goes i
10:01to hurt has a lot of issu
10:05a child and their short w
10:08not going to affect their
10:10hoping that parents might
10:12careful if they find a dr
10:16If they get text message
10:19mom, I don't know what I'
10:22I think all of that toget
10:26and handled in a reasonabl
10:31I think that's really wha
10:33to show parents. And you'
10:37position because you're a
10:40on juveniles in your posi
10:43then when we're talking a
10:46from the national dialogu
10:50say, Brittany, it goes to
10:54mental health policies in
10:58under the age of 18. The
11:01not enough. We need thera
11:05and psychiatrists who are
11:08a child's brain and a chi
11:13you know, someone like Et
11:15a lot of negative imagery
11:18in this way. We have to h
11:22and an open dialogue abou
11:26You know, for me, 90% of
11:30come from extreme trauma.
11:33They've had parents die y
11:37Children of addiction. An
11:40D. C. F. S. Or Child Prote
11:45they don't understand the
11:47therapy for a young child
11:51trauma. They don't have t
11:55at 14 years old. What happ
11:59need to have a deeper disc
12:01the child, it's too late.
12:05them in a therapeutic envi
12:07a psychiatrist ready. But
12:10hired because a crime has
12:13you imagine if that child
12:16when the trauma occurred?
12:18is too young, you wait ti
12:21conceptually and put them
12:24their fears and anxiety a
12:28swept under the rug. Ther
12:31who are able to handle tr
12:34They really need more tha
12:37can give. They need someo
12:41to understand, diagnose a
12:44we do that, we're going t
12:48And that I think is what
12:50this case is. And do you
12:55really putting bad parent
12:59Brittany, I think there's
13:01bad parenting and essentia
13:05dangerous parenting, righ
13:08of warning signs are not
13:11completely almost forgott
13:17always say there's no man
13:19I feel like maturity of p
13:22to be the best they can.
13:25So many Children have the
13:28lives and personalities t
13:30even understand on social
13:33parents understand how imp
13:36also to monitor those soc
13:40their child is okay, you
13:43or not saying scary thing
13:47I think society needs to
13:50at the same time, let the
13:54your child is having issu
13:58There has to be things th
14:01tragedy. And by the way,
14:04only just killing other p
14:07a high suicide rate of Ch
14:09of 18. No parent should h
14:13I think schools have to b
14:15when they see a child in
14:17to spend them for three w
14:20put them in therapy for t
14:22honestly, let's change th
14:26slapping the wrist and mo
14:29treating. And I think onc
14:33And you know, again, peop
14:36can't forget that either
14:39lost their lives and it b
14:43parent should have to go
14:46a really, really just hea
14:49all around. Silva, thank
14:51in providing your insight
14:55can join me again soon. I
14:58Thank you, Brittany for e
14:59something that we should
