43% reduction on global emissions by 2030?

  • 6 months ago
Is the 43% reduction on global emissions by 2030 a good enough goal?

#ecology #climatechange
00:00 Asia's future direction is being mapped out at the Boer Forum.
00:03 China's top legislator says Beijing aims to be a driving force for global economic recovery.
00:09 Zhao Lijian told the opening ceremony that China will further open its markets
00:14 while continuing to provide more opportunities for foreign investors.
00:18 Zhao also pledged the country would pursue green development and global cooperation in science.
00:25 "China will proactively link with high-standard international economic and trade rules
00:32 and build a market-oriented, rules-based and first-class international investment environment.
00:38 Over the next five years, China's total import and export of goods is expected to exceed 32 trillion US dollars.
00:47 This will further unlock the potential of China's supersized market with its more than 1.4 billion people."
00:54 The former United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon is the chairman of Boer Forum.
00:59 He told CGTN that all countries must put global climate action at the center of their development goals.
01:07 "I'm deeply concerned by the way the international community are now taking on this climate action.
01:16 We must take much, much stronger and faster action to make sure that by 2050,
01:25 whole world's people will realize carbon zero, net zero target.
01:32 By 2030, we must make sure that at least 43 percent of the global emissions will be reduced.
01:46 Last year, 2023, was recorded as the highest temperature since 1850.
01:57 That is very worrisome.
02:00 Then the climate change has been causing a lot of very serious flooding and very bad desertifications.
02:11 We must take urgent action to finish our leadership pattern.
02:17 When President Xi Jinping announced carbon neutrality by 2060,
02:23 I was a bit disappointed because the world target is carbon neutrality by 2050.
02:33 But what President Xi Jinping said, because of absolute amount of emission, we cannot finish by 2050.
02:44 But by 2060, we'll make sure that China will come net zero by building, by constructing 150 nuclear reactors.
02:58 I was surprised. I could not believe if that can be done.
03:03 But there was a very ambitious, very ambitious political commitment.
