Bercy et le ministère du Travail : deux ambiances.

  • 6 months ago
Il est difficile de savoir à qui prêter l'oreille : confrontés à un ministre de l'Économie multipliant les prises de parole fracassantes sur le sujet du travail, et à une titulaire du poste plus mesurée, les syndicats ont l'impression de se retrouver dans une situation de "deux poids, deux mesures".
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00:00 It is difficult to know who to listen to.
00:02 Faced with a Minister of Economy multiplying the frantic speeches on the subject of work,
00:07 and a head of the most-measured post,
00:09 trade unions seem to be in a two-weight, two-measure situation.
00:14 For several months, Bruno Le Maire has been repeating that it is necessary to reduce the duration of compensation for job seekers,
00:20 arguing that structural reforms are necessary to reach full employment.
00:24 He has also recently pleaded for a final resumption by the State of Unemployment Insurance,
00:29 currently piloted by social partners via Unédic.
00:33 These are words that come after controversial reforms in unemployment insurance in 2019 and 2023,
00:39 and which have aroused strong trade union protests.
00:42 On his side, the Minister of Labour Catherine Vautrin is on edge and insists that social dialogue should take place in Grenelle.
00:49 Bruno Le Maire has been here for seven years, I have been here for two months,
00:53 and has made this exceller worthwhile,
00:54 who has been at the head of a super-ministerial body with health and solidarity since January but seems less audible.
01:00 If she has delegated ministers since early February,
01:03 notably to Health, Frédérique Valtout, she does not let go of her various caps.
01:08 These multiple moves on the subject of health are evidenced more so than on the issues related to work,
01:14 where she is alone on board.
01:15 What makes social partners perplexed,
01:19 who are currently negotiating on the employment of seniors with a blanket on unemployment compensation?
01:24 We have a Minister of Labour, officially,
01:26 thus ironies Denis Gravouille for the CGT.
01:28 In the press, the minister assures that on unemployment insurance,
01:33 "everything will be done in consultation, in social dialogue", he says to AFP.
01:37 But ten days later there is the Deputy Prime Minister,
01:40 Minister of Economy who announces that according to his personal opinion,
01:43 the government should take over unemployment insurance.
01:46 So, either he speaks to the government before announcing anything,
01:50 or he has taken decisions that are completely based on what the Minister of Labour says.
01:55 For Ivan Ricordo, CFDT, for the moment at the Executive, we have two rooms, two atmospheres.
02:01 "We are used to having 'Bercy' trends which are not the 'Ministry of Labour' trends", he says.
02:07 But traditionally, there are regular and morning arbitrations
02:11 that make it known where the cursor has been placed.
02:13 No more ministries.
02:16 If Cyril Chabanier, CFTC, recognizes Catherine Vautrin
02:20 for being really attached to social dialogue and for being low cash,
02:23 he also points to a problem,
02:25 it must be explained to Bruno Le Maire that he is not Prime Minister of Economy.
02:28 "When you discuss with Catherine Vautrin,
02:31 it's pretty much the opposite of what you said or what you read about the Minister of Economy", he says,
02:35 assuring to have never seen two ministries so publicly opposed.
02:39 Who will win in the end?
02:41 I don't know, but you have to listen to who.
02:44 "We are completely lost", says the union manager.
02:47 He also thinks that the morning arbitration is not clear
02:51 and says that the Elysee is more on Le Maire's side.
02:54 The boss of the CFCGC, François Omrile,
02:58 does not go by four ways, obviously,
03:01 there are no more Ministries of Labour, Emmanuel Macron has deleted them.
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