Procès du meurtrier présumé du policier Eric Masson à Avignon 2021

  • 7 months ago
Malgré un dossier très lourd, Ilias Akoudad, le présumé meurtrier du brigadier Eric Masson, abattu en 2021 sur un point de deal à Avignon, comparaît à partir de lundi devant les assises de Vaucluse.
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00:00 Despite a very heavy case, Ilias Akouda, the presumed murderer of the brigadier Eric
00:04 Masson, was shot down in 2021 on a point in Dila Avignon, compared to Monday in front
00:09 of the Vaucluse headquarters.
00:11 His lawyer, the tenor of the Barreau de l'Ile Franck-Berton, did not want to speak up
00:15 before debates that should last two weeks.
00:17 "I don't see how he can stay in this defense system," said Master Sabine Goni Massu,
00:25 lawyer of Eric Masson's company, his daughters and Romain, his teammate on the day of the
00:29 tragedy.
00:30 "I think he will admit it, the guilt is undeniable."
00:34 Serenity commands that things be said in the face of so many charges, said Master
00:39 Philippe Expert, lawyer of Eric Masson's parents and his brother and sister, also
00:43 police officers, in the wake of their father.
00:45 The accused, now 22 years old, has not made them outright since the beginning.
00:51 On May 5, 2021, he assured that he was not present on Rue du Râteau, in this historic
00:56 square in the city of the popes, when Eric Masson was shot down at Bouportan, on the
01:01 brink of a banal surveillance operation of a point of deal.
01:03 Four days later, two young men, 19 and 20, were arrested on the highway heading to Spain.
01:09 The youngest, Ilias Acuda, is then designated as the shooter by at least two witnesses,
01:15 his escapee comrade, present during the fatal control, and Eric Masson's teammate.
01:20 The investigation will also show that a telephone line, which he finally recognized the use of,
01:25 had been cut in this street at their defeat.
01:27 And shooting residues were found on his clothes.
01:30 Police support to the family.
01:33 Already sentenced six times, especially for "stunning trafficking", the young man,
01:39 pursued for murder and attempted murder on a person of public authority,
01:43 for having also shot at Roman, risks perpetuity.
01:46 Eric Masson's police status is indeed an aggravating circumstance when the
01:51 quality of the victim is apparent or known to the author.
01:53 But did the accused know, as the investigation concluded, that he was shooting at a policeman?
01:58 Did Eric Masson wear his armband in his hand?
02:01 Did he scream to the police?
02:03 Why did the murderer shoot while he was not under control?
02:07 So many questions that will be at the heart of a trial that is announced to be extremely tense,
02:12 inevitably political, according to Master Charlene Neveu Sanchez who defends the third
02:16 man who put the two young men's lodger in question during their escape.
02:19 This murder has been a difficult plea to close, which will stir the city and the police as a whole,
02:24 according to Florence Galtier, prosecutor of the Republic in Avignon, who will
02:29 personally serve for this hearing.
02:30 Except for Ilias Hakouda, the other two accused will be judged for "conex crimes"
02:35 which usually involve correctional work, their lawyers insisted.
02:39 Ayub Abdi, 23, who accompanied the shooter on the day of the events and fled with him,
02:44 and Ismail Bougeti, 24, who had lent them his cellar, which served as a clandestine grocery store,
02:50 will only be judged for the abduction of a criminal under arrest or search.
02:54 The testimonies of Ayub Abdi and Romain, Eric Masson's colleague, will be decisive.
02:59 Since the drama, the latter is still in the police, but far from Avignon.
03:04 And this trial will be a difficult step for him and all the civil parties,
03:08 which should be supported by many police officers in the audience room.
03:12 The word of order and support to the family, said Claude Simonetti,
03:16 representative of the SGP Police & Faux union,
03:20 who did not plan to take action on the brink of the trial, fearing any form of political recovery.
03:25 week.
