We cannot afford an Israeli attack on Rafah, says Jordan’s King Abdullah

  • 7 months ago
'We cannot afford an Israeli attack on Rafah', says Jordan's King AbdullahSource: Reuters


00:00 Nearly 100,000 people have been killed, injured or are missing.
00:07 The majority are women and children.
00:10 We cannot afford an Israeli attack on Rafah.
00:14 It is certain to produce another humanitarian catastrophe.
00:18 The situation is already unbearable for over a million people who have been pushed into
00:25 Rafah since the war started.
00:28 We cannot stand by and let this continue.
00:32 We need a lasting ceasefire now.
00:36 This war must end.
00:38 Military and security solutions are not the answer.
00:41 They can never bring peace.
00:43 Civilians on both sides continue to pay for this protracted conflict with their lives.
00:50 All attacks against innocent civilians, women and children, including those of October 7th,
00:56 cannot be accepted by any Muslim, as I had previously stressed.
01:02 We must make sure the horrors of the past few months since October 7th are never repeated
01:09 nor accepted by any human being.
01:12 We must, together, along with Arab partners and the international community, step up efforts
01:19 to reach a ceasefire in Gaza and immediately start working to create a political horizon
01:25 that leads to a just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution.
01:31 An independent, sovereign and viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
01:38 But living side by side with Israel in peace and security, this is the only solution that
01:46 will guarantee peace and security for the Palestinians and the Israelis, as well as
01:53 the entire region.
