Medics warn pregnant women in Gaza need protecting

  • 7 months ago
The Palestinian Health Ministry reported a 300 percent increase in the rate of #miscarriage among pregnant women in #Gaza since the start of the Israeli war.

It warns the lives of about 60,000 pregnant women are at risk, due to the absence of health care in the Strip, and the difficulty of reaching #hospitals. Noor Harazeen reports from Gaza..
00:00 Well, yes, I mean during the three past months, we're talking about tens of hospitals that closed
00:07 Dozens of health clinics that also were forced to close because of the continuous Israeli
00:13 attacks on these facilities adding the fact of the very little aid that is entering Gaza and the lack of
00:20 medicine and medical supplies all of these reasons are putting the lives of
00:26 patients premature babies pregnant women at risk also adding the fact of
00:31 The Palestinian women are forced to flee their homes walking for hours. I mean from northern Gaza to southern Gaza
00:39 We are talking about
00:41 four to five hours of
00:43 Walking in the safe passages just so they can arrive to the green areas
00:48 So yes
00:48 all of these are risks that are adding to the suffering of people and pregnant women in Gaza and here is a story and
00:56 Where we talked to some of these women
00:59 The health system in Gaza has collapsed
01:04 Dozens of hospitals and dozens more health care centers have shut down over the past three months
01:11 exposing the lives of hundreds of wounded people
01:14 patients pregnant women and premature babies at the risk of losing their lives as a result of Israeli bombing
01:25 Pregnant women in Gaza are at increased risk in many cases
01:29 They are forced to give birth or have abortions in camps or on the road
01:35 This is what happened to Shirin Abu Dhaher who suffered a miscarriage
01:40 When she was fleeing from the north to the south
01:43 We moved on foot from the north to the checkpoint set up to path through to the south
01:50 The journey was very long and tiring because I was pregnant and had a previous surgery on my foot
01:56 But I could not stop because of fear and I did not pay attention to my bleeding when I reached the checkpoint
02:02 I felt terrified. There were a lot of people tied up and naked. They were arrested
02:07 Dr. Jamal Al-Hams a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology
02:19 Attributed the increase in miscarriage rates to the Israeli weapons used during the war in Gaza
02:25 including phosphor bumps smoke bombs and
02:29 Toxins emitted from the rockets used in the Israeli attacks on the strip
02:34 We're certain that the weapons used against residents are ammunition that we were not previously accustomed to
02:42 They have caused disastrous health impacts and among them is the increase in miscarriages
02:49 We receive women with miscarriages around the clock and constantly see pregnant women bleeding
02:55 Due to limited resources and the severe shortage of medicine many cesarean sections and deliveries are
03:03 Performed in Gaza without basic medical supplies or anesthesia and without any postnatal care
03:10 Women are forced to leave the hospital within hours after giving birth due to the secrecy of
03:18 available beds and in light of the daily arrival of hundreds of wounded to the hospitals in
03:24 addition to increased miscarriages
03:26 There has been an increase in postnatal infant mortality
03:31 Due to high infection rates and the lack of basic supplies such as vaccinations milk and diapers
