PCSO, iginiit na hindi maaaring manipulahin ang lotto games

  • 8 months ago
PCSO, iginiit na hindi maaaring manipulahin ang lotto games
00:00 The Philippine Charity Swift Stakes Office has returned the concern of some to the doubts and doubts of their operation.
00:07 On the other hand, is it possible to hack their computer system?
00:12 Daniel Manalas was in the details.
00:14 The Philippine Charity Swift Stakes Office is once again facing the Senate to answer some issues that are covering their occupation.
00:24 Some are concerned that there is manipulation in the winners of the lottery.
00:29 But in their hearing, the PCSO answered the doubts and doubts of their operation.
00:35 To begin with, we would like to assure you that you can never, never manipulate it.
00:43 That is why we are allowed to bet. Even I can bet because it's beyond me, Mr. Chairman.
00:49 Even if we wanted to, with the system we have, we cannot.
00:53 I think it is exceptional that the winner can win. Definitely, many will be happy if the jackpot is big.
01:03 That is our objective, to bring in the bettors.
01:06 If you can manipulate it, I don't think you have to bet more.
01:14 If our premise is to manipulate, I think just P20 will be enough.
01:19 Some senators are also concerned that the PCSO's system might be hacked.
01:24 But the PCSO also answered their concerns.
01:27 If there is a root access, he will replace the computer with the one, two, three, four, five, six that he left.
01:36 Even if he left it in the outlet, he will make it seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
01:41 Same serial number, same everything, except that he will replace it with the number.
01:49 Because in the outlet, there is no receipt.
01:55 I understand what he is saying, that there is a winner and they will chase the winner.
02:01 But the practice is at 8.30, it is already cut off. All bets are separated in a flash drive.
02:12 It is standalone, it is not online.
02:14 I don't think it is possible because it is not online anymore, it is in the drive.
02:19 That is why we in our group, we are the first to know because it is almost simultaneous.
02:24 When the number is released, it is almost simultaneous. So don't worry, there's no way they will penetrate.
02:32 All the bets are separated and it cannot be added.
02:36 It is cut off, that's why we are at 8.30, it is already cut off.
02:40 At 9 o'clock, it is drawn. But there's an assertion that bets cannot be entered.
02:46 Even if they want to, even online, they will not be allowed to enter.
02:50 Senator Rafi Tulfo wants the PCSO's charter to be reviewed and the senator wants more of our countrymen to be helped.
02:58 The PCSO said, that will definitely go boss.
03:02 It is a good thing. It is charity. You won't have a hard time but it's already pending here.
03:06 We will really release funds for charity.
03:09 We will give the necessary aid to the poor countrymen,
03:16 which is chemotherapy, kidney dialysis, ambulance, wheelchair, hospital bills, medicine, etc.
03:26 The PCSO also approved their programs for charity, healthcare and many more to help our countrymen in need.
03:35 Daniel Manalastas for the Morning Show of the Philippine State, Rise and Shine, Philippines.
