President Maduro highlights Venezuela's economic growth despite blockade

  • 8 months ago
President Nicolás Maduro said in his podcast, broadcast on Wednesday, that the economic war continues against Venezuela, but through national policies it has been possible to recover the growth of the economy and the income of workers. teleSUR


00:00 President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, during the fifth episode
00:04 of the Maduro podcast, ratified that the Index VI, Integral Meaning of Vital Income, is a
00:10 war economy mechanism to protect Venezuelan families.
00:14 The Venezuelan president emphasized that his administration knows the strategies and adequate
00:19 mechanisms to face a war to which a country is subjected.
00:23 The head of state highlighted that his administration also maintains a system that prioritizes investments
00:29 in health, education, housing, fuel and water subsidies.
00:34 In this respect, Maduro assured that his model of government is humanist and Christian, since
00:39 it looks after the interests of the citizens with special attention to the most vulnerable
00:44 ones.
00:45 In this sense, the Venezuelan president added that the pensioners and also retirees also
00:49 received a 333% increase.
