Optimalisasi Lifting Minyak dan Gas 2024

  • 8 months ago
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tak menampik lifting minyak dan gas di tahun 2023, tak mencapai target atau hanya sebesar 605.000 barel per hari, dari target 660.000 barel per hari. Maka dari itu, sejumlah upaya dilakukan Kementerian ESDM, untuk menggenjot produksi di tahun 2024 ini.


00:00 The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
00:02 did not achieve the target of lifting oil and gas in 2023
00:06 or only as large as 605,000 barrels per day from the target of 660,000 barrels per day.
00:13 For that, a number of efforts are made by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises
00:16 to boost production in 2024.
00:19 The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif,
00:25 mentioned that the lifting of oil in 2023 was only as large as 605,000 barrels per day
00:30 or far from the target of 660,000 barrels per day.
00:34 Although there is a prospect of oil production decline,
00:37 Arifin mentioned a number of reasons for the decline in oil lifting,
00:41 especially since no new wells have been found that add to raw oil production in the water.
00:46 For that, a number of steps are taken to pursue an increase in national oil production,
00:51 including by optimizing the Sukir Idle wells, which have not been utilized yet,
00:56 although they have potential.
00:57 In 2024, we have several efforts to be able to
01:07 not only not hold back, but also to increase.
01:13 So the program we will do is to take advantage of the Idle wells,
01:21 which have not been utilized yet, but still have potential.
01:27 We have asked that in Q1 2024,
01:32 programs to empower it are already there and are just launching.
01:39 In addition, in 2024, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises will also pursue an increase in oil and gas
01:46 through the optimization of a number of new wells found.
01:51 From Jakarta, I am Devir Monjah, IDX Channel.
01:53 (upbeat music)
01:57 (swoosh)
01:59 (bell chimes)
