FTS 12:30 06-01: 70% of Gaza destroyed by continuous Israeli attacks

  • 8 months ago
Hezbollah attacks two Israeli air bases in occupied Palestine. // 70% of Gaza destroyed by continuous Israeli attacks. // PDVSA and PEMEX strike partnership. teleSUR

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00:03 In Palestine, Israel's relentless genocidal war
00:12 has so far destroyed over 70% of civilian institutions
00:15 and infrastructures in the Gaza Strip.
00:18 Also in Palestine, Lebanese militant group Hezbollah
00:23 attacked two air control bases installed
00:25 by the Israeli occupier.
00:29 And Venezuela's executive vice president and petroleum
00:31 minister met with a high-level delegation
00:33 from the Mexican state-owned company, Pemex.
00:35 Hello, welcome from the south.
00:42 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Adelanto Studios
00:44 in Havana, Cuba.
00:45 We begin with the news.
00:51 Recent studies revealed that at least 70%
01:06 of civilian institutions and infrastructures in Gaza
01:09 were destroyed as a result of the continuous air, land,
01:12 and sea attacks carried out by Israeli occupation army.
01:15 According to reports published by a non-governmental
01:17 organization, Israel deliberately destroyed
01:20 or caused severe damage to a number of essential facilities,
01:23 including schools, industrial centers, hospitals,
01:26 and clinics, mosques and churches, as well as
01:28 press and media offices.
01:30 Several residential buildings and houses
01:32 were also among the construction destroyed,
01:34 resulting in the displacement of most people from Gaza Strip.
01:37 The issue document denounced that the Israeli bombings
01:41 seemed to be aimed at carrying out a collective punishment
01:44 against the population, turning the area
01:46 into an uninhabitable place for Gazans.
01:48 Ongoing Israeli shelling make it clear
01:55 that there is truly no safe place in Gaza,
01:58 as attacks on the civilian population
01:59 completely disregardlessly safe zones
02:02 are corresponding in the coastal enclave,
02:03 Norh Harsin, with details.
02:07 There is nowhere safe in Gaza.
02:10 This is what we are on the ground witnessing here
02:14 in the coastal enclave.
02:16 Over the past days, the Israeli military
02:18 have repeatedly asked and called the people of Gaza
02:22 to head to Deir el-Balah and also to Rafah to take refugee.
02:25 However, most of the Israeli attacks
02:27 now are in middle Gaza and also in southern Gaza.
02:31 A number of people were killed in Israeli strikes
02:34 on the city of Deir el-Balah.
02:37 Another 12 people were killed in an Israeli strike
02:41 on Hayy al-Zuhur neighborhood in Rafah.
02:45 And now, as we are speaking, actually,
02:48 the eyewitnesses estimated that the Israeli tanks
02:52 are only 400 meters away from my current location,
02:56 from the Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital,
02:58 as now the Israeli incursion has reached Salah al-Din Road.
03:02 And this hospital, actually, the Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital,
03:06 is just located 400 meters away from Salah al-Din Road.
03:10 So will this hospital be next?
03:13 Should people evacuate?
03:15 What is happening now in Gaza is not realistic.
03:18 People panicked.
03:20 People do not know what to do.
03:23 However, for now, Palestinians are
03:26 staying inside their homes in Deir el-Balah
03:29 as it is a safe area.
03:32 This woman who is crying is talking
03:36 about how the Israeli snipers and the Israeli warplanes
03:39 are attacking Palestinians and safe areas
03:42 inside the al-Maghazi refugee camp.
03:45 Nur Haruzin, Tele-Sour, Gaza.
03:48 The Palestinian Journalist Union called on the relevant parties
03:51 to pressure the Israeli authorities to facilitate
03:53 the departure of journalists injured
03:55 during the siege against al-Shifa Hospital
03:57 and to receive treatment outside the Gaza Strip.
04:00 The statement came after Palestinian journalist Akram
04:02 al-Shafi died of critical wounds caused by Tel Aviv attacks.
04:06 Israel denied his medical transfer out of Palestine.
04:08 The Palestinian Journalist Union stressed that his death
04:11 cast light on the suffering of wounded journalists there.
04:14 The union detailed that there are about 25 journalists
04:17 in the Gaza Strip in need of urgent treatment abroad.
04:20 This brings the number of journalists
04:21 killed during the ongoing Israeli aggression to 103.
04:29 Lebanese militant group Hezbollah
04:31 attacked on Saturday two air control bases installed
04:33 by the Israeli occupier in the north of the Palestinian
04:35 territories.
04:36 The Lebanese group confirmed it had
04:38 attacked the Meiron air base situated
04:40 at the top of the Jarmak hill, following
04:42 the killing of Hamas leader Saleh al-Adouri in Beirut.
04:46 The air base coordinates and manages
04:48 all operations of the Syrian armed forces
04:49 directed to Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Cyprus.
04:53 The Israeli military said earlier
04:55 that about 40 rockets were fired towards the Meiron air
04:57 surveillance base and that it had responded
05:00 by attacking a cell that had took part in the attack.
05:03 There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.
05:05 In Spain, the movement of solidarity
05:12 with the Palestinian people held a protest on Friday
05:15 to denounce the complicity of transnational fast food
05:17 companies with the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.
05:20 More details in the following report.
05:22 In the streets of Nou Barres district in Barcelona,
05:27 under the long-lived struggle of the Palestinian people
05:30 and boycott Israel, the demonstrators
05:32 denounced the support of multinationals
05:35 to the Israeli occupation in Palestinia.
05:37 At this moment, we are carrying out
05:41 an action with a double meaning.
05:45 First, to denounce the genocide that
05:47 is being carried out in Palestine
05:48 with the complicity of the United States imperialism
05:51 and the European Union.
05:54 And secondly, it is a campaign of boycott
05:57 against the companies that are collaborating
05:59 with the Zionist state of Israel.
06:07 It is very important because these
06:08 are the brand names, the companies that
06:10 are funding with weapons and financial support
06:13 the genocidal Zionist rulers of Israel.
06:19 In the so-called unity march, different organizations
06:22 participate demanding the Spanish state
06:25 to break off relations with Israel,
06:27 as well as to put an end to hostilities against Palestine.
06:35 It is very important that society becomes aware
06:37 that there are some big companies of Jewish capital
06:40 that we need to boycott.
06:45 The economic power of Israel is very important,
06:48 and it is also a form of struggle.
06:54 There are many other forms of struggle
06:56 to achieve peace in Gaza, in the whole Middle East.
06:59 We need to work for peace and not for war.
07:05 The rallies will continue to be held
07:07 across the Spanish territory in order
07:09 to keep giving visibility to the Palestinian cause.
07:12 [CHANTING]
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08:05 Welcome back from the south.
08:21 On Friday in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital,
08:24 Venezuela's executive vice president,
08:25 Telso Rodriguez, and petroleum minister, Rafael Teixeira,
08:28 met with a high-level delegation from the Mexican state-owned
08:31 company, Petroleos Mexicanos, Pemex.
08:34 The meetings were aimed at evaluating
08:36 religious relations between these two
08:37 powerful Latin American state-owned companies.
08:40 Attending the meetings were Pemex general director,
08:42 Octavio Romero, and Pemex prospecting director, Angel
08:45 Cid, as well as Mexican foreign minister representative,
08:48 Efrain Guadarrama.
08:50 Peleveza, vice president and Venezuelan ambassador to Mexico
08:53 also took part in the meetings.
08:54 The Venezuelan petroleum minister
08:56 said that the companies will start working together
08:58 for a shared, promising partnership.
09:02 The National Assembly of Venezuela
09:08 ratified with a clear majority the current board
09:10 of directors for a new legislative term of 2024-2025.
09:14 On behalf of the ruling bloc of the homeland,
09:16 Deputy Diosdado Cabello recognized the merits
09:18 of the board of directors headed by Jorge Rodriguez
09:21 in terms of peace and security of the South American country
09:24 and proposed to ratify Rodriguez as president, Pedro Infante
09:28 as first vice president, and America Perez
09:31 as second vice president.
09:33 The parliamentarians paid honors before the statue
09:35 of the liberator and father of the homeland, Simon Bolivar,
09:38 in the park that bears his name in the capital.
09:40 Furthermore, they also mentioned that in 2024,
09:43 they will establish routes to maintain unity
09:45 within the homeland bloc in order
09:46 to ensure the development and welfare of all Venezuelans.
09:54 The approval also of the pending laws of the people's power
09:58 to make them more dynamic.
10:00 We have pending the approval in second discussion
10:02 of the law of communes and a law that
10:05 will bring the function of the communities
10:08 closer to the new realities of our self-sustaining economy,
10:12 based on enterprise and also based
10:14 on the organized growth of our economy,
10:16 the political and territorial organization of the community,
10:20 along with their involvement in economic activity
10:23 is a fundamental element to be discussed in the new law.
10:28 The Court of Justice of Ecuador ordered this Friday
10:30 the preventive incarceration of former Vice President Jorge
10:33 Glass.
10:33 Judge Felipe Cordova granted the request of the state attorney
10:36 general, Diana Salazar, and issued the arrest order
10:39 against Glass, who is presently in the Mexican embassy
10:42 in Quito, waiting for an asylum request to be processed.
10:45 Glass said he will seek to reverse this case
10:47 after the Supreme Court of Brazil
10:49 annulled the evidence used by Odebrecht, which
10:51 has affected politicians of that country.
10:53 The former Vice President spent five years and four months
10:56 in jail after being sentenced to eight years in a bribery case
10:59 for which there was no solid evidence.
11:01 Bolivia on Friday reported its biggest ever cocaine seizure.
11:09 More than eight tons of the drug apparently
11:10 destined for the Netherlands and found
11:12 in a massive shipment of timber last month.
11:15 Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo
11:17 announced that the powder cocaine
11:19 had a street value of about $526 million.
11:23 The minister said that the largest cocaine seizure
11:25 in the history of the country was discovered
11:28 on a truck on an Indian road on December 30,
11:31 hidden among a Europe-bound lumber shipment.
11:33 Four people were arrested, including a Colombian national
11:36 del Castillo, described as a "big fish" in the drug trade.
11:40 According to the United Nations, Bolivia
11:42 is the world's third largest producer of coca and cocaine
11:45 after Colombia and Peru.
11:46 In Brazil, millions of people lack access
11:53 to dignified housing, but the cities
11:55 are full of empty government buildings.
11:57 Social movements are trying to solve the problem
11:59 by organizing occupations of vacant buildings
12:01 and fighting for their conversion
12:03 to low-income housing.
12:05 Here is CFR correspondent Brian Muir has more.
12:09 For 20 months, 65 homeless families
12:12 have occupied an abandoned building owned
12:14 by Brazil's Federal Institute of Geography and Statistics.
12:17 After fighting successive eviction attempts
12:19 and winning a legal victory enabling them to stay,
12:22 this week residents installed plumbing and electricity.
12:26 We know that this isn't dignified housing,
12:29 but it is the housing that we have today.
12:31 So at least we have to set up running water
12:35 so there is a dignified way for people
12:37 to take care of their needs.
12:38 And we need electricity.
12:40 I think it's beautiful that I see people using
12:43 sewing machines today, working,
12:45 because we have electricity now.
12:48 The 2022 census shows there are 11.4 million
12:51 potential housing units available in vacant buildings,
12:54 more than enough to solve Brazil's housing deficit
12:57 of around 6 million units.
12:58 Exercising the constitutionally guaranteed right
13:01 to occupy property doesn't perform a social function.
13:03 Social movements pressure the government
13:05 to convert empty buildings to social housing
13:08 and pass ownership to the squatters.
13:10 We put in fire extinguishers not just because
13:12 they are important to have,
13:14 but because the fire department threatened to close
13:16 our buildings with fire hazard
13:17 when we began installing the electrical wiring.
13:19 So the MTSD helped us install a fire prevention system
13:22 and bring the electrical wiring and plumbing
13:24 up to legal standards.
13:26 Residents of the Maria Firmina occupation
13:33 now have two collective bathrooms per floor
13:35 running water and electricity.
13:37 It's an important step for the government
13:38 to gain their right to own their own dignified housing.
13:41 We plan to reform our apartments and we have more rooms.
13:48 Those who don't have bathrooms in their apartments yet
13:55 will have them.
13:57 This will take time, but we know there are going to be
14:03 more reforms.
14:06 Brian Muir, Telesur, Recife.
14:09 We now have a second short break coming up,
14:13 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
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14:22 Cause a new scourge of Latin America and the Caribbean
14:24 as well as the rest of the world.
14:26 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:28 Final short break, we're going.
14:31 (upbeat music)
14:34 Welcome back from the South.
14:46 In the U.S., a Supreme Court set on Friday
14:48 will decide whether former President Donald Trump
14:50 can be kept off the ballot because of his efforts
14:53 to overturn his 2020 election loss,
14:55 inserting the court squarely in the 2024 presidential campaign.
14:59 The justices acknowledged the need to reach a decision quickly
15:03 as voters will soon begin casting presidential primary ballots
15:06 across the country.
15:08 The court agreed to take up Trump's appeal of a case
15:11 from Colorado stemming from his role in the events
15:13 that culminated in January 6th, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
15:17 Colorado's Supreme Court, by a 4-3 vote,
15:20 ruled last month that Trump should not be on
15:22 the Republican primary ballot.
15:24 The decision was the first time the 14th Amendment
15:27 was used to bar a presidential contender from the ballot.
15:30 On Friday, Regional authorities announced readiness
15:36 to evacuate residents of the city of Belgorod
15:38 due to the Ukrainian attacks.
15:40 The governor of the Russian province of Belgorod,
15:42 Vyacheslav Gladkov, stressed that in order to be evacuated,
15:45 the residents must submit their respective requests.
15:48 In turn, Gladkov added in case that there are no more spaces available,
15:52 he will ask his colleagues from other Russian regions for help.
15:56 For his part, he also assured that after the first shelling
15:58 of Belgorod at the end of last year,
16:00 he received dozens of calls from the heads of the neighboring provinces
16:03 offering support and all necessary resources.
16:06 So far, the authorities evacuated several families
16:09 and assured they are doing everything they can
16:11 and intend to do so without delay.
16:13 A decision by Senegal's Constitutional Council
16:19 to reject the candidacy of jailed opposition leader
16:22 Ousmane Sonko to run in next month's presidential election
16:25 was described as an electoral farce by his lawyer.
16:28 The 49-year-old opposition figure,
16:30 who came third in the 2019 presidential election,
16:33 has been at the center of a bitter standoff with the state
16:36 that has lasted more than two years
16:38 and sparked several episodes of deadly unrest.
16:40 Authorities had previously refused to provide Sonko
16:42 with all the necessary documents to run in the February 25th poll.
16:46 They argued that Sonko had been removed from the electoral register
16:49 after being sentenced in June to two years' imprisonment
16:52 for morally corrupting a young person.
16:54 He has been jailed since the end of July on other charges,
16:57 including calling for insurrection, conspiracy with terrorist groups
17:01 and endangering state security.
17:03 It's clear that the cascade of violations of the law is not stopping
17:12 and that there is a desire to move towards elections
17:18 that lack transparency from the outset
17:23 and that in any case will not reflect the will of the nation.
17:27 I think that national and international public opinion will remember
17:34 that this is an electoral farce
17:38 that has been organized and that continues to be organized.
17:44 Following the ruling, Sonko supporters reacted to Senegal's constitutional court move
17:49 and denounced it as a political strategy to prevent Ousmane Sonko from running.
17:53 It's not an election, it's a selection.
17:58 Because he's the leader of the opposition and the most popular candidate in Senegal,
18:03 no one is disputing that at this stage.
18:05 There are already people working hard to ensure that his rights are respected
18:12 and that his candidacy is supported by the people.
18:17 It's not individuals who are supporting his candidacy
18:20 but rather people from every corner of Senegal who want to see this candidate take part.
18:25 This decision does not mean the end of our fight.
18:30 We will not accept subjugation.
18:32 The last word goes to the people.
18:34 The state thinks it has won, but it has lost.
18:37 Because sooner or later, our will will be realized.
18:40 We are preparing our voter cards and we will use them to remove them from the leadership of this country.
18:46 Sonko will govern. He will win sooner or later.
18:48 They can use all the means of the state to eliminate him, but God is pleased.
18:52 In Bangladesh, five people were killed after a passenger train caught fire on Friday.
18:57 Police suspect arson during unrest ahead of national elections boycotted by the opposition.
19:02 Fire Department officer Ratchiboul Hassan said at least four carriages caught fire on the Menapol Express,
19:08 which was arriving in the capital Dhaka from the western city of Yesore.
19:12 Meanwhile, Police Commander Khan Daker Al-Moin told reporters that five people were rescued from the place.
19:17 Witnesses said the train caught fire at the Gopi Pak in an old area of Dhaka not far from Megacity's main railway terminal.
19:24 An anonymous rescuer told private broadcaster Somoetv that hundreds of people had rushed to pull people from the burning train.
19:31 When we initiated the rescue efforts, we observed multiple lifeless bodies inside the coaches.
19:42 They were in such a state that identification was not possible.
19:47 The bodies had turned into charcoal.
19:52 As the train approached Dhaka, a coach was already ablaze, and we yelled to alert fellow passengers about the fire.
20:01 Unfortunately, those in another coach dismissed our warnings, thinking we were joking.
20:08 It wasn't until they understood the gravity of the situation that the train driver halted the train.
20:14 However, in just one minute, the entire coach was engulfed in flames.
20:19 We have come to the end of this news brief.
20:21 You can find these and many other stories on our website at www.telesforenglish.net.
20:24 You can also join us on our social media on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
20:30 For TELESFORENGLISH and Wizard Bear Tomatoes, thank you for watching.
20:33 Thank you for watching.
20:35 (upbeat music)
