Recap 2023 22-12: Latin Americas decides 2023

  • last year
*Ecuador decides 2023
*Argentina decides 2023
*Guatemala decides 2023


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Welcome to another 2023 recap.
00:13 We take a look at the events of the year
00:15 that is coming to an end.
00:17 A year with a lot of information about elections
00:19 and here we comment on it.
00:21 I'm Luis Alberto Matos, be welcome.
00:23 (upbeat music)
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01:02 (dramatic music)
01:05 We begin with Ecuador.
01:28 The people of that country went to the polls
01:30 last October 15th for the runoff election
01:33 where they chose the new presidential binomial.
01:35 - 13.4 million Ecuadorians were called to the polls
01:40 in an electoral process that was marred by violence
01:44 after the assassination of the consultation movement
01:47 party candidate Fernando Villavicencio,
01:50 which worsened the political and social crisis
01:53 in the country.
01:54 A first round of elections took place
01:56 under this scenario where eight presidential candidates
02:00 faced each other, including the substitute
02:02 of Fernando Villavicencio.
02:04 Despite tensions and a climate of insecurity,
02:07 the elections were held with a turnout
02:09 of over 82% of the electoral roll.
02:12 Luisa Gonzalez, candidate for the Citizens' Revolution
02:16 Movement Party and Daniel Novoa
02:18 of the National Democratic Action Party
02:21 were elected to face each other in a runoff.
02:23 As a result, right-winger Daniel Novoa
02:26 won by three percentage points over the candidate
02:29 of the Citizens' Revolution Movement, Luisa Gonzalez.
02:33 - And also I want to thank all those people
02:41 who have been part of a new, young,
02:42 improbable political project whose aim was
02:45 to give a smile back to the country,
02:48 to give peace back to the country.
02:56 - On her part, Luisa Gonzalez congratulated and acknowledged
03:00 the results of President-elect Daniel Novoa.
03:03 - To the candidate, now President-elect Daniel Novoa,
03:09 our most sincere congratulations because it is democracy.
03:13 We have never called to set fire to a city,
03:16 and we have never gone out shouting fraud.
03:24 - During this runoff, more than 53,000 police officers
03:28 and some 43,000 members of the armed forces
03:31 were deployed throughout the Ecuador
03:34 to protect the security of voters.
03:36 On November 23rd of this year, Daniel Novoa
03:39 assumed the presidency of Ecuador,
03:41 being the youngest elected by popular vote.
03:44 The inauguration was held in the city of Quito
03:47 and was attended by personalities and presidents
03:50 of the region to present his government proposal.
03:54 - The country needs employment, and to generate them,
03:56 we will send urgent reforms to the assembly.
03:59 The reforms must be dealt with responsibility
04:02 and by thinking of the country first.
04:04 - One of the challenges that this new government
04:08 will have to face is that Novoa will have about 18 months
04:12 to strengthen the path of this nation
04:14 because according to statistics,
04:17 Ecuador could become the most violent country in the region.
04:22 - Let's review some facts about the new president of Ecuador.
04:25 Daniel Novoa Asin is a 35-year-old businessman
04:28 and politician from Guayaquil,
04:30 the youngest president in the history of the country.
04:33 He was a legislator during the period 2021 and 2023.
04:36 He will complete the presidential term of Guillermo Lasso
04:39 in the period 2023-2025, after the latter declared
04:43 cross-death by dissolving Congress
04:45 and calling for early elections.
04:50 Argentina also held an important electoral process
04:52 that began with a simultaneous and mandatory open primaries,
04:56 also called PASO, and ended in a runoff election
04:58 in which the ultra-right-wing, Javier Milley,
05:01 was elected as the new president of the country
05:03 for the 2023-2027 term.
05:06 - About 36 million Argentines were summoned to vote
05:10 after the elections to choose their new president
05:13 in the first round of the elections.
05:15 In that instance, the polls were contested
05:17 by Sergio Massa of the Union for the Homeland Party,
05:20 Javier Milley of Freedom Advances,
05:22 Patricia Bulrich of Together for Change,
05:24 Miriam Brenkman of Workers Left Front,
05:27 and Juan Schiaretti of the Coalition We Do for Our Country.
05:30 The turnout of this first round was 77%,
05:38 and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa,
05:40 was the most voted candidate,
05:41 reaching 36.7% of the popular support,
05:45 while Javier Milley advanced to the runoff
05:48 with 29.9% of the votes.
05:51 After the results were known,
05:54 and despite Milley's condemnation
05:56 of what he called the political caste,
05:58 he made an alliance with the former right-wing candidate,
06:01 Patricia Bulrich, and the former president, Mauricio Macri,
06:05 which would be decisive for the upcoming electoral process.
06:09 Prior to the ballot, Sergio Massa and Javier Milley
06:11 went head-to-head in a televised debate.
06:14 - I want to reiterate.
06:17 Are you going to dollarize the economy or not?
06:19 - Yes, we are going to dollarize the economy.
06:23 We are going to close the central bank.
06:25 We are going to have to put an end to the cancer of inflation.
06:29 During the runoff, which took place on November 19,
06:32 over 76% of the electoral roll voted
06:35 after a long day the Javier Milley-Victoria-Villarreal
06:38 binomial was elected, with 55.6% of the votes.
06:43 Against the binomial formed by Sergio Massa and Agustin Rossi,
06:47 who obtained 44.3% of the votes.
06:51 After the results were known,
06:53 Milley addressed the Argentine citizens.
06:56 - I also want to tell you that we are committed to democracy,
07:04 free trade, and peace.
07:06 We will work hand in hand with all the nations of the world
07:10 to help build a better world.
07:12 This is a historic night, not because of us,
07:14 but because one way of doing politics
07:16 is over and another begins.
07:18 For his part, the now former presidential candidate
07:24 Sergio Massa acknowledged his rival's victory
07:27 while thanking those who entrusted him with their vote,
07:30 while citizens expressed their concern
07:32 about the economic proposals put forward by Javier Milley.
07:40 - I want to say, obviously, the results are not what we expected
07:44 and I have spoken to Javier Milley to congratulate him
07:48 and wish him the best because he is the president
07:50 that the majority of Argentines have elected
07:53 for the next four years.
07:55 Javier Milley assumed the presidency of Argentina
08:01 on December 10, 2023, for a four-year term
08:04 in which he will seek to reduce the state
08:06 to its minimum expression with controversial measures
08:09 such as dollarization, the elimination of the central bank,
08:14 the privatization of public companies
08:16 and the legalization of gun control.
08:18 - Let's learn about President Javier Milley.
08:23 He was born in the city of Buenos Aires
08:24 and he's a 52-year-old economist.
08:27 After a frequent presence in the television media,
08:29 he was elected as deputy speaker in the year 2021.
08:33 For his government plan,
08:34 Milley has proposed to dollarize the economy,
08:36 privatize public works, legalize the possession of weapons
08:39 and the free sale of organs,
08:41 besides closing the central bank
08:43 and implementing a system of vouchers
08:45 for the education system.
08:46 Despite denying what he calls the political caste,
08:49 he came to power after allying himself
08:51 with former president Mauricio Macri
08:53 and officials of his political spectrum,
08:55 such as Patricia Bulrush and Luis Caputo,
08:58 are part of the new government.
08:59 Thousands of Guatemalans also went to the polls this year
09:06 to elect their new president and vice president.
09:09 The electoral process was defined in a runoff.
09:12 - The candidate chosen to represent
09:16 the Sid Buffman party, Bernardo Arevalo,
09:18 won the victory in the runoff of the presidential elections
09:21 held on August 20,
09:23 where he faced the candidate of the National Unity
09:26 of Hope party, Sandra Torres.
09:29 In the first round,
09:31 Arevalo achieved the second place
09:33 with 11.8% behind Torres,
09:36 who obtained 15.7% of the votes.
09:40 - Today, Guatemalans have hope
09:44 and we are celebrating the return of the feeling of hope
09:48 today to the streets of our country.
09:50 - During the runoff, Bernardo Arevalo won
09:53 against his opponent by obtaining 58% of the votes
09:57 against 37.2% obtained by Torres.
10:02 In an election that registered 45% of the citizen
10:06 participation with 55% abstention.
10:09 After Arevalo's victory,
10:13 the Attorney General of the Republic, Consuelo Porras,
10:16 ordered the suspension of the Sid Movement party
10:19 for alleged anomalies in its creation process.
10:22 The Supreme Electoral Court suspended the disqualification
10:26 of the party in which the president-elect is a militant,
10:28 as its spokesman announced.
10:32 - The director of the registry of citizens is held in abeyance
10:36 until the conclusion of the electoral process.
10:39 - The president-elect Bernardo Arevalo described the attacks
10:45 by the Attorney General's office as a coup d'etat attempt
10:48 to prevent him from taking office.
10:50 After the candidate for the Sid party
10:53 obtained the majority of votes,
10:55 the attacks began by the public prosecutor's office,
10:58 whose officials raided the headquarters
11:00 of the electoral tribunal.
11:02 - Today, Guatemala is suffering
11:06 because our institutions are in crisis.
11:09 Consuelo Porras' office does not seek justice.
11:12 As has become clear,
11:13 they confirm that they are willing to persecute
11:16 innocent people for their opinions and political stances.
11:19 - As a result, thousands of Guatemalans
11:22 have demonstrated against the Attorney General,
11:26 demanding her immediate resignation
11:28 for interfering in the electoral process
11:31 and violating democracy.
11:32 Amid the institutional crisis,
11:35 Bernardo Arevalo is expected to assume
11:37 the presidency of Guatemala this coming January 14.
11:41 - But who is Bernardo Arevalo?
11:45 The new Guatemalan president-elect,
11:47 Cesar Bernardo Arevalo de León,
11:49 is a politician, sociologist, and writer born in Uruguay.
11:52 His father was Juan José Arevalo,
11:54 former president of Guatemala between 1945 and 1951,
11:59 who was exiled after Jacobo Arbenz's coup d'état in 1954.
12:04 Arevalo, before being elected president,
12:06 held several diplomatic positions.
12:08 He was vice minister of foreign affairs in 1994
12:11 and ambassador of Guatemala to Spain in 1995.
12:15 In 2015, he founded the progressive party,
12:17 Zemilla, to fight against corruption
12:19 in the Central American country.
12:24 Presidential elections were also held in Turquille,
12:26 in which Recep Tayyip Erdogan was re-elected
12:29 after winning on May 14 against his opponent,
12:31 Kemal Kelik Daraoglu, in a run-off election
12:34 with a very tight result of 52% versus 48%.
12:38 In his first statements after his re-election,
12:40 Erdogan celebrated his victory.
12:42 "We are not only the winners.
12:44 "Turquille is the winner.
12:46 "Our nation, with all its sectors, is the winner.
12:48 "Our democracy is the winner," he said.
12:50 (silence)
12:55 Amid a complex context of ongoing conflicts
12:57 in the Middle East, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
12:59 said he is committed to a new phase of prosperity
13:02 in his nation and commented,
13:04 "It is our goal to contribute as much as possible
13:07 "to peace and prosperity in the world
13:09 "in the context of the crisis that everyone is experiencing."
13:12 (silence)
13:17 Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a member of the Justice
13:19 and Development Party, supported by the Nationalist
13:21 Movement Party, as well as other Islamist parties.
13:25 This is his third consecutive term,
13:27 and he has ruled the country since 2003.
13:30 That is 20 years in the presidency of Turquille.
13:33 The president was running before parliament
13:35 in Ankara on May 29th.
13:37 (silence)
13:42 We have a short break coming up,
13:44 but we'll be right back.
13:45 Stay with us.
13:47 (music)
13:52 We return to our special program, Recap 2023,
14:09 to review the electoral processes held during the year
14:11 and their protagonists, their impact on politics
14:13 and the world economy.
14:15 Citizens of Cyprus, Sierra Leone and Uzbekistan
14:17 also call for elections.
14:18 Presidential elections were held in Cyprus in February.
14:24 In a runoff election, the candidate of the
14:27 social democracy movement, Nikos Christodoulides,
14:30 was the winner with 51.92% of the vote,
14:34 ahead of his direct opponent, Andreas Mavroiannis,
14:38 who attained 48.8% of the popular support.
14:44 We are now in Central Asia.
14:46 In Uzbekistan, a constitutional referendum was held.
14:50 The president of this nation, Shavkat Mirzoyev,
14:53 with the aim of running for the third re-election,
14:56 proposed to reform the articles of the Magna Carta
14:59 that referred to the extension of the presidential term.
15:02 The participation of the citizens was 84.51%
15:07 in the popular referendum, and the winner was the
15:10 yes option with 90.61%, against 9.39% for the no option.
15:15 Let's see in South America.
15:22 In Paraguay, presidential elections were held
15:25 on April 30th of this year.
15:27 It was the eighth electoral party since the departure
15:31 of dictator Alfredo Stroessner in 1989.
15:34 With 95% of votes counted, the candidate of the
15:38 Colorado Party, Santiago Peña, was elected and obtained 51.60%,
15:43 while his main contender, Efrain Alegre, obtained 27.48%.
15:50 We are now in South Asia.
15:54 Elections were held in Singapore on September 1st, 2023,
15:59 with 17.40% of the votes.
16:02 Tarman Shanmugaratman won, leaving his other two contenders
16:06 behind with a difference of more than 20 points.
16:09 The president-elect took office of Singapore's
16:12 first president 14 days after being elected
16:15 by a majority vote.
16:17 In Sierra Leone, Julius Maravio was re-elected president
16:24 in the first round with 56.17% of the votes,
16:29 while his direct opponent, Samurai Kamara, obtained 41.16%.
16:35 The results were made public two weeks
16:38 after the elections were held.
16:40 In Spain, general elections were also held
16:43 to elect the president of the country.
16:45 Let's see the information in pictures.
16:47 After the municipal and regional elections held in May,
16:49 presidential elections were held in which the candidate
16:52 for the People's Party, Alberto Núñez-Fejo,
16:55 obtained the majority of votes.
16:56 However, he failed to win enough support
16:58 to be sworn in as president of Spain,
17:00 having only 172 votes in favour, 177 against and one null.
17:05 The King commissioned Sánchez to form a government.
17:08 Pedro Sánchez did manage to obtain the necessary votes
17:10 in favour of the Spanish Parliament to be invested
17:13 as president with 179 votes in favour,
17:16 171 against and zero abstentions.
17:19 His investiture took place on November 16th
17:22 amid a context of protest called by the far right
17:24 who opposed the amnesty law proposed by President
17:27 Pedro Sánchez and the Catalan independentists.
17:30 (silence)
17:32 In order for to grow as a multi-platform,
17:36 we covered the elections in our other platforms.
17:38 In our official Instagram account @TelesorEnglish,
17:41 we provided a minute-by-minute follow-up
17:43 of Argentina's general elections.
17:45 (somber music)
17:49 (music intensifies)
17:52 (music fades)
18:21 You can watch this and other materials
18:23 of our multimedia in all platforms.
18:25 We are on Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Spotify,
18:29 because Telesur this year made the leap
18:32 into the world of podcasts.
18:33 Before we go, we share a music video titled "Tierra Santa"
18:36 by the artists Trueno and Victor Heredia from Argentina.
18:40 Enjoy it and see you in a future broadcast.
18:42 (music)
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21:45 (rhythmic drumming)
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22:12 (upbeat music)
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22:32 (dramatic music)
