Woman defends charging family £150 for Christmas Day dinner

  • last year
Woman defends charging family £150 for Christmas Day dinner. Source: Good Morning Britain, ITV


00:00 It is getting costly, isn't it?
00:02 You know, 150 quid for 15 people, that's thousands.
00:04 I walked in Tesco the other day and I spent about £100
00:07 picking up a couple of bottles of wine and a couple of nibbles for myself.
00:10 It is expensive.
00:11 And the thing is, you know, you do want to get everybody round
00:14 to your house and whatnot, and you are working.
00:16 You can't really enjoy Christmas Day if you're the host, I think.
00:19 Yes, you can. You can't.
00:21 Yes, you can. You're not drinking enough champagne
00:24 if you don't enjoy it then.
00:25 And then all the mess the next day.
00:27 Everything else, no, I think it's priceless, to be honest.
00:29 I would pay somebody that to have a Christmas.
00:31 After listening to what you've said, and you don't want to serve,
00:34 you don't want to have the hassle of anything,
00:36 if I were you, I would have gone out for Christmas.
00:39 And then everyone would have known exactly what they were getting,
00:42 when they were getting it, and how they were getting it.
00:44 I do have a little one. It's quite easy for me to be in my own home
00:47 at Christmas. I have got a little one as well.
00:49 Has he got to pay? No, she.
00:50 She does have to pay. The children don't have to pay.
00:53 The children are paying. There's no charging for the children.
00:55 Well, that's all right, then. Yeah.
00:57 - We're all okay. - This is awesome.
