Sundae Conversation with Jelly Roll

  • last year
Caleb Pressley | Sundae Conversation
00:00 Jason, roll.
00:03 (Jason laughs)
00:06 So you have to be cremated.
00:10 (Jason laughs)
00:13 I read that.
00:14 - That I had to be cremated?
00:15 - They said you didn't have enough land.
00:17 - That I didn't have enough land to be buried on?
00:19 - 'Cause you just won biggest country artist.
00:23 No, newest country farder.
00:27 - Say that one more time.
00:28 What award did you just win?
00:30 - The new country, new,
00:32 God damn, you got me confused, Caleb.
00:34 - Best new artist?
00:35 - Best new artist.
00:36 Best new artist at the CMA.
00:37 - And you gave a very perspirational speech.
00:40 - I don't think perspiration is the word.
00:42 - But you were sweaty.
00:43 (Jason laughs)
00:46 I fucking hate you.
00:47 - Could you see I was sweating?
00:50 (Jason laughs)
00:54 (Jason laughs)
00:56 You're going to hell.
01:02 I read that you only hire felons.
01:06 Is that true?
01:08 - Yes, with the exception of if they can fail a drug screen.
01:12 If you don't have a felony, but you fail a drug screen,
01:15 you can still get hired.
01:16 - And what does that mean?
01:17 - Either you got a pop for THC or (beep)
01:20 or some sort of drug.
01:21 We only trust people with some sort of a drug in them.
01:24 - And how many staffs do you have?
01:25 - I think if you count truck drivers,
01:27 it's 74 or 76 on tour.
01:30 - Why not trim the fat?
01:31 - There's no...
01:33 I'm not going to let you catch me on video
01:37 saying there's no fat to trim.
01:40 - When you hire felons, do any of them have melons?
01:44 - When I hire a felon, do they have melons?
01:46 - Do you have any employees with big tits?
01:47 (Jason laughs)
01:50 Sorry, Glenny Balls, I have one minute to answer.
01:51 - For sure, no, no.
01:53 - To answer your question, Glenny.
01:54 - Appreciate that, thank you.
01:56 - Yes, we definitely, we employ women too.
01:58 We're an equal opportunities employer.
02:00 - No, but are they big?
02:01 - Well, you know, yeah.
02:03 - And your family, your dad was a meat guy.
02:07 - Yeah, my dad was a meat salesman.
02:09 - And your brother was a?
02:11 - Meat salesman.
02:12 - And he is a?
02:13 - Meat salesman.
02:14 - When did you first realize your dad was into meat?
02:17 - Young.
02:18 When I was a kid.
02:23 (dramatic music)
02:25 - We can move on.
02:26 When you laughed, it showed a lot about you.
02:29 (Glenny laughs)
02:30 So when people see the show, they'll be like,
02:32 he didn't have an answer, but I saw his answer.
02:35 - It was funny.
02:37 - Where do you stand on the police?
02:40 - All about 'em, good for the police.
02:43 - People say, "Deef on the police,"
02:44 but you said, "I've made so much money in the last year."
02:48 What did you say you wanted to do
02:49 when you were announced on the show?
02:50 - We didn't talk anything about the police at all.
02:53 I don't know what you're talking about, to be honest.
02:55 - Everyone's saying, "Deef on the police,"
02:57 but Jelly Roll wants to, the police.
03:00 - I don't have any money to fund anything.
03:02 I barely funded the Jelly Roll campaign.
03:04 I gotta fund my next album, Caleb, I'm broke.
03:06 - What do you spend it on,
03:08 and where does Big and Tall keep it?
03:10 (Glenny laughs)
03:13 - I do spend, of denims.
03:14 I got 75 of these in my closet.
03:17 - Do you mind if we do a new segment
03:18 presented by Body Armor?
03:19 - Yeah.
03:20 - This is a segment we always do with every guest.
03:23 It's called "Skeletons in My Closet."
03:25 You say a skeleton in your closet that you've never said,
03:29 it's weighing on you, it's giving you guilt.
03:31 What's the worst thing you've ever done in your life?
03:34 It'll end your career, but you'll feel better.
03:36 (Glenny laughs)
03:37 - Whoa, it's not a career ender.
03:40 The worst thing I ever done in my life was robbery.
03:43 - What kind of robbery was it?
03:43 - It was armed.
03:44 - Armed?
03:46 And how old was the lady?
03:47 (Glenny laughs)
03:50 - It was a couple of guys.
03:52 It was a couple of guys.
03:53 - But robbing guys is fun.
03:55 - Until you go to jail for it.
03:56 - It's the boys being the boys.
03:57 (Glenny laughs)
04:00 Who in country music stinks at it?
04:05 - I, um...
04:17 I'll pass.
04:18 - What's something that you used to do
04:20 that you don't do anymore?
04:21 (beep)
04:22 Really?
04:23 - Yeah.
04:24 - And when's the last time you did (beep)?
04:25 - I don't remember.
04:29 - What's something your fans don't know about you,
04:33 but if they learn it, they will not be surprised?
04:36 - I'm not afraid to shit on the side of the street.
04:40 (Glenny laughs)
04:44 - Don't fucking look at me like that.
04:45 When you got the face tattoo,
04:47 how long did you not have to eat for?
04:50 - We ate that day.
04:51 - And if they told you you couldn't have ate,
04:53 would you have a face tattoo?
04:54 - Probably not.
04:55 I'm picking food for sure.
04:57 - What's your biggest vice?
04:58 - Food.
04:59 - So where do you rank?
05:01 - Second.
05:02 (Glenny laughs)
05:04 (bubbles popping)
05:07 you