PM announces new strategy to crackdown on migration

  • last year
The government has announced it will scale back migration as part of a new strategy with details to be released in the week ahead. The Prime Minister says the plan will involve a crackdown on abuses of the migration system that sees international students entering Australia without adding to the broader skills base.


00:00 We have a plan to fix migration by ensuring Australia can get the skilled workers that Australia needs, but putting an end to any abuse and any rorts.
00:14 Treasury forecasts show that migration is expected to decline substantially over the coming financial year.
00:22 The new migration strategy we'll announce this week will bring migration back to sustainable levels.
00:29 There was always going to be a jump post COVID in our migration numbers, and the net figures for population are of course lower than that was projected to be in place by now, before the global pandemic ensured that our borders were shut.
00:50 But what we know is that we need to have a migration system that enables Australia to get the skills that we need, but make sure the system is working in the interests of all Australians.
01:04 We had a once in a generation review of the migration system by Dr Martin Parkinson, the former head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
01:13 And it found that it was a deliberate decision to neglect the system, and that it was so badly broken, according to Mr Parkinson, it required a 10 year rebuild.
01:25 Well we are determined to fix this. People are coming here, enrolling in courses that don't really add substantially to either their skills base, or to the national interest here.
01:45 So it's not in the interests of our neighbours, nor is it in the interests of Australia, that there not be a crackdown on this. We're determined to do that.
01:55 that.
