Rosa maría payá se pronuncia por la democracia en Cuba en la OEA

  • last year
La activista cubana Rosa María Payá habló a favor de los derechos humanos y en contra de la represión del régimen cubano en la Sesión Especial del Consejo Permanente de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA).
A solo unos días del 75 Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, la líder de Cuba Decide reconoció a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) por responsabilizar a la dictadura castrista de la muerte de su padre el activista Oswaldo Payá y de Harold Cepero el 22 de junio de 2012.


00:00 Guy Perez Cisneros, who presented to the United Nations General Assembly
00:05 for his vote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
00:08 In fact, it was the Cuban delegation who also presented
00:15 the first document that served as a basis for this declaration.
00:20 Sadly, the dictatorship broke out in my country a few years later,
00:25 and, well, it was the activists, the human rights defenders,
00:29 the opposition, who had to carry that legacy of rights
00:34 under the most cruel repression possible,
00:38 trying to change a system of a single communist party
00:43 into a democratic system where each of the articles of the declaration
00:49 that we celebrate today are respected.
00:50 Those of us who in Cuba stand up in favor of human rights
00:54 are faced with three options from the regime.
00:59 Forced exile, prison or death,
01:02 as happened to Diurbis Laurencio on July 11, 2021,
01:06 as happened to Luis Barrios, a political prisoner, two weeks ago in Havana,
01:12 and as they did to my father and Harold in 2012.
01:16 That is why we thank the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
01:19 for its historical report on the Oswaldo Paella case and other Cubans
01:24 that concluded that the Cuban state is responsible
01:28 for the deaths of my father, Oswaldo Paella,
01:30 and Harold Cepero, with the participation of state agents.
01:34 Eleven years had to wait for the Cuban people
01:37 for the world to officially recognize the truth.
01:39 Today, all the states that you represent
01:43 know that the Castro's murdered the leader of the opposition in Cuba,
01:46 and yet, with the honorable exception of a couple of states,
01:51 this permanent council has decided to ignore the crime
01:53 and still has not spoken, not even to condemn the case.
01:57 In the same way that, by voting for this council,
02:01 the commissioners of the CIDH were refused to listen
02:04 to the atrocities committed against the peaceful protesters
02:08 in the pro-liberty protests of July 11, 2021.
02:11 The signal is terrible, because the message that is being sent
02:14 to the repressors in Cuba and in all of the Americas
02:16 is that they enjoy impunity.
02:18 My name is Rosa María Paella, I come from Cuba
02:20 and I represent the Latin American Network of Young People for Democracy.
02:23 Our network denounces the political persecution
02:26 of the regimes of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba against its citizens.
02:29 We alert that the young people have been the main victims
02:33 of the repression in these three countries.
02:35 We denounce that these three regimes use the bodies of the young people
02:39 as a currency to obtain concessions from the international community,
02:43 as demonstrated by the practice of expatriating political prisoners
02:46 from the dictatorship of Ortega Murillo,
02:48 which is something that the Cuban dictatorship also does.
02:50 We alert that democracy and respect for human rights
02:53 continue in retrocession on our continent,
02:57 causing great human suffering,
02:59 as can be seen from the shameful figure
03:01 of more than 1,400 political prisoners in Latin America.
03:06 In my country, there are more than 1,000 people in prison,
03:09 for thinking differently.
03:10 There are more political prisoners in Cuba
03:13 than in the rest of the continent, all of them young,
03:15 more than 600 of them are young.
03:17 We denounce that the regime has forced the Cuban people
03:20 into a profound economic, social and political crisis
03:23 that the Cubans know that the only way out of the crisis
03:27 is the way out of the dictatorship,
03:29 and that we are demanding democratic change,
03:31 as demonstrated by the thousands of protests in recent years.
03:34 Beyond our borders,
03:36 we denounce the authoritarian interference of the Cuban dictatorship
03:39 as a fundamental factor in the democratic instability
03:42 that our region suffers.
03:43 The export of the Cuban repressive model
03:46 was crucial in the collapse of democracy in Venezuela,
03:49 where military counterintelligence
03:52 is in the hands of Cuban state agents,
03:54 as the Verification Report of the UN Mission of Facts collected.
03:58 We denounce the implementation of Cuban migrants
04:01 as a strategy of destabilization,
04:03 initiated in November 2021,
04:06 in an operation manufactured by the governments of Cuba and Nicaragua,
04:10 when the latter withdrew the visa restriction
04:12 for Cuban citizens, opening the possibility
04:15 for the current schemes of extortion and trafficking of people
04:18 from the airport in Managua to the southern border of the United States.
04:21 The influence of the regime extends beyond our continent,
04:26 it is involved in the shipment of Cubans
04:29 to the war of aggression in Ukraine by the Russians,
04:33 it is involved in the support of terrorist organizations,
04:36 it is involved, or also allows,
04:40 the presence of Chinese spy bases in our national territory,
04:45 but not only sponsoring terrorism.
04:47 The Cuban regime applies state terrorism every day
04:50 against its citizens.
04:52 And to finish, since we are talking about young people,
04:55 I want to tell you that the youngest living person
04:57 who participated in free elections in Cuba
05:00 is now around 90 years old,
05:02 because it has been 70 years
05:05 since fair and plural free elections were held.
05:08 The system prohibits them,
05:10 but the system cannot be above the right to democracy of my people.
05:15 That is why it is time for the states members of the OAS
05:18 to take part in the right to decide of the Cuban people.
05:21 You can help us to achieve that the Cuban regime
05:23 submits to the sovereign will of the citizens in the polls
05:27 and gives way to change.
05:28 We ask you to support the implementation of a binding plebiscite
05:32 with strict democratic preconditions
05:34 on the change of system in Cuba
05:37 to start a legitimate process
05:39 of transition to democracy
05:41 that concludes free elections.
05:43 This is what it means to defend the self-determination of the peoples.
05:48 Support the plebiscite
05:50 so that my people can determine their destiny.
05:53 It is urgent,
05:54 because the Cuban regime is a threat to national security,
05:56 peace and democracy of several countries in our continent
06:00 and in the world.
06:01 It is the Berlin Wall of our days.
06:03 And the courage of the Cuban people
06:06 needs the solidarity of the nations of the Americas
06:09 to pull down that wall.
06:11 I conclude
06:13 with three invitations
06:15 to the States present
06:19 in this Council.
06:20 We invite you to eliminate all forms of political violence
06:24 and to demand the immediate unconditional liberation
06:28 of all prisoners and political prisoners in all countries.
06:31 Denounce state terrorism,
06:34 its crimes against humanity
06:36 and demand that the State of Cuba adopt the recommendations
06:39 of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
06:42 in its historical report "Osvaldo Payá y otros Cuba".
06:46 Use all available tools,
06:50 including the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance
06:53 to stop the threat imposed by the Cuban regime
06:56 and support the change to democracy for the Cuban people.
06:59 Dictatorships only respond to pressure
07:02 and you, as Member States of the OAS,
07:04 have the responsibility to exercise it
07:06 to defend the right of our peoples to democracy.
07:09 At least that establishes another great document,
07:12 the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
07:14 Thank you.
