Palestine lives under constant destruction and despair

  • last year
From Gaza, Palestine, our correspondent Noor Harazeen updates us on the situation there. teleSUR


00:00 Destruction, bombardment and constant fear have become the daily scenario for the residents
00:05 of the Gaza Strip.
00:07 Israeli incursions have swept into the southern region of the Gaza Strip, leaving Palestinians
00:11 with no safe places to go.
00:14 For more details, our correspondent Noor Harassin reports directly from Gaza.
00:20 An intensive night of Israeli shelling and bombings on the Gaza Strip in northern Gaza,
00:25 and in southern Gaza, it became like a daily scenario that we cannot even keep up with
00:31 the updates and the news and the numbers of people killed and injured.
00:36 Apparently what was happening in northern Gaza over the past weeks is now or will be
00:41 happening to southern Gaza, specifically in the city of Khan Younis, as today was an overnight.
00:48 And the early hours of this morning, there was a very intensive bombings on the city
00:54 of Khan Younis.
00:55 Paramedics and civil forces are talking about hundreds of people that are left inside their
01:00 homes or in the streets, killed or injured, without anyone that can help them.
01:07 Today we also have another story from inside the hospital.
01:11 It is the story of Amir Abul Atta.
01:13 Amir is actually from Ashija'ia, which is located in central Gaza City.
01:18 Amir fled with his family to another place in Gaza City until there was an intensive
01:24 Israeli bombings in Gaza.
01:26 After that, he and his family fled to middle Gaza, specifically in the Palestinian city,
01:33 in the Gaza city of Al-Nusayrat refugee camp.
01:36 They were taking, actually, shelter inside a school, the Malaysian school.
01:42 He and other families, 20 days ago, the Israeli warplanes targeted this school, the Malaysian
01:51 school.
01:52 He lost his sister, Amir, and also his siblings were injured.
01:56 Amir now has a very serious injury in his leg.
02:00 We will talk to Amir.
02:02 He's actually a very nice person, always smiling.
02:06 While I was talking to him, he was always smiling, despite everything that he gone through.
02:11 We really want to know how Amir is looking at the world, what they do want as Palestinians
02:17 in Gaza.
02:18 Amir, I want to ask you, if you have a message for the international community, or if someone
02:23 is listening to you, or if you have a problem you want to express, what can be your message
02:27 in a few words?
02:31 May God help the doctors in this Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
02:35 They are suffering from lack of medicines.
02:37 For example, when I have an operation, I have to wait at least eight to nine hours to enter
02:41 the operating room.
02:44 May God help them because they are under so much pressure.
02:47 I call on the Arab countries to at least help relieve the pressure on the doctors and allow
02:55 us to travel to be treated and to be taken care of.
02:59 That is all.
03:02 May God make things better.
03:05 According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, more than 42,000 Palestinians have been injured
03:12 here in the Gaza Strip during the past eight weeks.
03:16 However, only 400 of them managed to get permits to leave Gaza and get treatment in other countries
03:23 like Egypt, Turkey, or the United Arab Emirates.
03:28 Most of these cases are actually children with amputated lumps.
03:33 But what about the other 40,000 Palestinians injured inside the hospitals of Gaza?
03:40 Noor Harazeen, TeleSou, Gaza.
