Hamas claiming 10-month-old hostage killed is ‘not credible’, says security minister

  • last year
Hamas claiming 10-month-old hostage killed is 'not credible', says security ministerSky News


00:00 Right, so I'm afraid, you'll forgive me, but I'm not going to take anything that Hamas
00:09 says in any way particularly credible.
00:14 This is an organisation that only a few weeks ago went over, murdered the rest of this poor
00:19 baby's family, then took him, his brother and his mother hostage and now claims that
00:25 somehow the Israeli government is in some way responsible for this.
00:29 I mean it's completely absurd.
00:31 This is an organisation that literally murdered the entire rest of his family and is now blaming
00:37 somebody else for his death.
00:38 I mean if it wasn't so deeply offensive it would be laughable.
00:43 But it is extremely worrying that these claims are being made because we don't know whether
00:48 this means that they are looking to hold the child for longer or whether they've lost control
00:54 within Gaza or whether indeed in some way the poor child has been killed by them.
01:00 Now this is, I mean I can't begin to imagine the pain of the whole family.
