BREAKING NEWS: State Department Provides Updated Count Of American Citizens Still In Gaza

  • last year
State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller was asked to provide an update on American citizens and close family still in Gaza as Israeli operations intensify.
00:00 Can you give us an update on how many Americans have been able to depart Gaza via the Rafah
00:06 gate?
00:07 How many remain?
00:08 And do you have an update on the death toll, both from the October 7th attacks and possible
00:11 deaths in Gaza?
00:13 Sure.
00:14 So with respect to the first question, around 800 American citizens, legal permanent residents,
00:21 and family members have departed through Rafah gate.
00:24 There are a little over 1,200 left, which is a higher number than we had when we announced
00:31 it last week.
00:32 One of the things that happens is we continue to identify either additional American citizens
00:36 or American citizens or permanent residents who have additional family members that they're
00:40 reporting to us that we then try to get on the list to get out of Gaza.
00:46 With respect to American citizens who have died, the number who died as a result of the
00:50 attacks of October 7th is the same as it has been.
00:56 There is one additional casualty in post-October 7th incidents that I can report out today.
01:00 There are a total of six American citizens who have died, not from the terrorist attacks
01:05 in October 7th, but in the month, month plus since.
01:11 Five who are members of the IDF and one who is a national police border officer.
01:16 Did they die in Israel or in Gaza?
01:20 Of the IDF, I believe four of them died in Gaza, one died in Northern Israel.
01:25 And any reports of Palestinian Americans?
01:28 There have been, you've heard me speak to this last week, there has been a report of
01:31 a Palestinian American who died.
01:32 We have not been able to confirm that report, going back several days now.
01:37 As you know, communications networks were down in Gaza last week, are only getting back
01:41 online now after fuel was delivered.
01:43 So we're seeking to verify that information, but haven't verified it as of yet.
01:46 Thank you.
