Delcy Rodríguez: We are all prepared for December 3, we are defending our territory.

  • last year
Venezuela's Vice President, Delcy Rodriguez, offers statements on the mock consultation on the Essequibo. teleSUR


00:00 I would like to Venezuela with the electoral drill of the S.E. Cuivo referendum.
00:09 Let's listen to the statement of the Serroria, Vice President of Venezuela.
00:20 And let's remember that the Venezuelan National Electoral Council announced on November 3rd
00:24 that the drill referendum will be held on November 19th.
00:29 As Vice President Desi Rodriguez called on citizens to participate on Sunday on the drill
00:36 of the S.E. Cuivo referendum, which is scheduled for December 3rd.
00:41 Through her account in the social network X, the official said that everything was ready
00:48 for the electoral rehearsal.
00:50 In addition, she added that the Supreme Court of Justice ordered to continue with the consultative
00:56 referendum and made it clear that no action of international bodies will be valid.
01:03 Venezuelans are on this exercise once again and this shows that the world represents the
01:10 electoral system and their determination to defend the S.E. Cuivo and that everybody should
01:15 go to the polls and exercise in order to maintain the sovereignty and territorial integrity.
01:23 They are the people of Venezuela as a country of peace.
01:29 The Venezuelan National Electoral Council announced that on November 19th this exercise
01:36 is going to take place and for the consultative referendum.
01:43 And right now we are seeing images that Desi Rodriguez, Vice President of the country, is
01:48 exercising her right to vote.
01:53 They are taking her fingerprints and he is right now registering and doing all the process
02:04 to vote.
02:17 Just remember that the electoral referendum is taking place today in order to defend the
02:25 S.E. Cuivo that is part of the territory of Guyana.
02:30 And we are seeing images of Desi Rodriguez, Vice President of the country, that she has
02:35 just exercised her right to vote.
02:42 And it is expected that she is going to offer some statements.
02:51 Right now he is just reading people and taking some pictures with the people that are around
02:59 her and the journalists.
03:04 We are seeing that everyone wants to take a picture of her.
03:17 Is now walking out.
03:19 She's now walking out of the center because she has just already exercised her right to
03:25 vote.
03:26 And let's remember that S.E. Cuivo is a territory of 159,542 kilometers that has an important
03:50 natural resources in oil, gas, mining, water and forests.
03:56 And it also has a great tourism potential.
04:00 Let's listen.
04:01 It's a party for our sovereignty, for our integrity.
04:10 On December 3rd I will vote on my polling station.
04:14 But this time we can vote, we can cast a vote in any polling station.
04:23 So I am here in this combative city of Caracas.
04:28 This is really impressive participation.
04:35 On December 3rd the Venezuelan people will express and it's going to be heard.
04:41 And on December 3rd everyone is going to vote.
04:46 This is a drill to prove our solid, steady electoral vote.
05:00 This is a real happiness to do this voting with this electoral system so safe and transparent.
05:11 Venezuelans will attend to the polling stations for the drill to demonstrate the world that
05:21 we have the chance to ratify our goal, our commitment with the homeland, with Venezuela,
05:31 with the territorial integrity of Venezuela and for the defense of Guyana's Kiva.
05:41 I guess the message is from the empire to avoid the referendum.
05:50 We have to go to the Hague to defend our rights because they wanted to stop us.
05:59 So the Venezuelan people, they wanted to prevent the Venezuelan people to vote.
06:06 But the Venezuelan people responded with legality with their active participation attending
06:14 the consultative referendum.
06:16 And second, everyone to cast their votes already on December 3rd.
06:25 We are going to defend our territory.
06:27 No one give us our independence.
06:36 And how Venezuela will be, Venezuela is going to be more sovereign.
06:56 According to this will of citizens.
07:11 So we have to wait until December 4th.
07:28 So the people have to speak loud and clear.
07:58 So what we see on the streets is completely different from their threats.
08:14 So no one listens to our enemies call to war.
08:22 This is there on our Geneva agreement and the constitution.
08:28 This is our answer to the enticers of wars.
08:40 Today this event has surpassed all expectations.
08:50 The Venezuelan people is voting.
08:55 In all places of Venezuela, in all remote places, people are voting.
09:03 So the world is going to listen and we ourselves are listening.
09:09 So that was Rodríguez who stood out.
09:17 And we were listening to the statements of the President of the country and she urged
09:22 people to vote on December 3rd.
09:25 And she also said that this is a rehearsal to improve the transparency of the allied
09:30 system and that this is a chance to ratify the commitment with the homeland and to defend
09:35 the territory.
09:37 She also said that they are about to find a democracy of the country and that after
09:41 the results Venezuela will be freer.
09:44 She also mentioned that sovereignty and independence are the sacred pillars of the Venezuelan state
09:49 and that the people will determine the results and that people are voting even in the remote
09:55 places.
09:56 More breaking news coming up.
09:57 Stay tuned.
09:58 [MUSIC]
