FTS 14-11 20:30: Heavy rains in Palestine aggravate humanitarian situation

  • last year
Heavy rains in Palestine exacerbate critical humanitarian situation for displaced people. // Venezuela described as an outburst Guyana's petition before the ICJ. // In Ecuador, citizens organized a sit-in rally in rejection of electricity cuts by the Lasso government. teleSUR


00:00 [Music]
00:07 Heavy brawls and fouls and wars in the critical humanitarian situation
00:12 displaced people, victims of the rally attacks in the Gaza Strip.
00:16 [Music]
00:18 Venezuela described as an adverse to the petition made by Guyana
00:22 before the International Court of Justice
00:24 seeking to prevent the holding of this referendum and its equivalent.
00:27 [Music]
00:29 In Ecuador, citizens organized a sit-in rally
00:32 in projection of the electricity cuts by the Laso government.
00:35 [Music]
00:39 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:41 I'm Ana Herrosabal from the Telso studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:44 We begin with the news.
00:46 [Music]
01:02 Heavy brawls in Palestine and wars in the critical humanitarian situation
01:07 displaced people who have fallen victims to Israel attacks on the Gaza Strip.
01:11 The National Meteorological Department warned
01:14 the region will be affected over the next few days
01:17 by a low-pressure area accompanied by rain
01:20 and will experience a drop in temperatures.
01:22 It also informed that strong winds and rainfall caused a collapse and damage
01:26 to a limited number of refugees in several areas of southern Gaza.
01:30 [Music]
01:34 In Palestine, health authorities warned that a few hospitals are still open
01:38 could close in the next 48 hours due to the lack of fuel because of the Israeli siege.
01:43 According to the latest information, medical centers in the north of the Strip
01:47 have already stopped working, including Al-Shifa and Al-Quds hospitals,
01:50 the two largest in the territory.
01:52 Also, the Palestinian Red Crescent announced on Tuesday
01:55 that the only power generator, Al-Aman Hospital, located in the southern city of Qandounis,
02:00 was shut down, preventing medical personnel from continuing to treat patients.
02:04 To date, more than 20% of the 35 hospitals in the Strip have been shut down
02:10 since the beginning of the attacks on October 7th.
02:12 More than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in the ongoing Israeli shelling of Gaza.
02:17 In Palestine, more than 600,000 students have been unable to exercise their right to education
02:26 due to the closure of schools and suspension of classes
02:29 as a result of the Israeli siege against the Gaza Strip.
02:32 In addition, the airstrikes and raids that Tel Aviv maintains against Palestine
02:36 have prevented more than 1,700 teachers from arriving at educational centers.
02:41 According to the Palestinian Center's statistics office,
02:44 in the beginning of the siege, last October 7th,
02:46 more than 3,000 students have been killed during the shelling,
02:49 while more than at least 5,000 have been injured.
02:53 In addition, more than 230 public schools have been bombed
02:56 by the Israeli forces, of which 45 were destroyed,
02:59 and another 50 were schools run by the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees.
03:08 A New York civil liberties group is suing Joe Biden and another government official
03:12 for allegedly failing in their duties on the international U.S. lawsuit
03:16 preventing Israel from committing genocide in the Gaza Strip.
03:19 The non-profit liberal organization Center for Constitutional Rights
03:22 filed on behalf of several Palestinian organizations
03:25 an individualized lawsuit against the U.S. President and Secretary of State
03:29 Antony Blinken and Defense Lawyer Austin.
03:31 The lawsuit has a core to bar the U.S. from providing weapons, money,
03:35 and diplomatic support to Israel.
03:37 It also seeks a declaration to urge the President, the Secretary of State,
03:40 and the Defense Secretary to take all measures within their power
03:44 to prevent Israel's commission of genocidal acts against the Palestinian people of Gaza.
03:49 In Netherlands, citizens took over the Amsterdam Stipel International Airport
03:57 in support of Palestine.
03:59 According to local media, demonstrators took over the airport facilities
04:02 to demand a ceasefire from Israel on the Gaza Strip,
04:05 while urging the international community to take action to solve the situation in Palestine.
04:10 As well as Israel, forces continue to suffocate the citizens of Gaza
04:14 for shelling, energy, and food blockades.
04:16 Finally, since the beginning of the operation in Al-Qasada Lodj,
04:19 more than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed by the attacks of the Tel Aviv regime forces.
04:31 The government of Belize announced on Tuesday the package of measures
04:35 against the government of Israel for the genocide Tel Aviv is carrying out
04:39 against the citizens of the Gaza Strip.
04:41 The measures include the withdrawal of concern for the accreditation of
04:45 H.E. Einar Grantz-Niger, ambassador of Belize to the United Nations;
04:49 Einar Grantz-Niger, ambassador of the designate of Israel to Belize;
04:52 the cessation of all activities of the honorary consultate of Israel in Belize;
04:57 and of Belize in Tel Aviv, the appointment of the honorary consul.
05:00 The withdrawal of the appointment of its honorary consul
05:03 and the withdrawal of its obligation for the accreditation of Mr. Jonathan Enaf
05:08 as honorary consul of Belize.
05:10 Belize renewed its call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
05:13 on impeded access to humanitarian supplies to Gaza and the release of full hostages.
05:25 And we go live with Honorable Ivo Kornet, the minister of foreign affairs of Belize.
05:30 The government of Belize, hello, hello sir, how are you?
05:35 Everything, I'm fine, thank you for inviting me to come on your show.
05:40 Okay.
05:41 The government of Belize recently suspended relations with Israel
05:44 to the unjust genocide that is happening in the Gaza Strip.
05:48 And the government condemned the actions of Israel in the Gaza Strip
05:52 and therefore the government took four measures to take immediate effects.
05:57 Can you explain a bit more about these measures?
06:01 Certainly.
06:03 We took four measures today as a result of a decision made by our cabinet
06:08 and parliamentary representatives in the halls of representatives,
06:12 which was taken yesterday.
06:14 The first measure we took was to revoke the approval
06:19 of the designated ambassador of Israel to Belize.
06:23 She did not formally present her credentials,
06:27 but we have now revoked the approval that we had given for her to come to Belize
06:32 and to present her credentials.
06:34 The second measure we took was to suspend the right of the honorary consul of Israel
06:42 who lives in Belize from continuing to represent the interests of Israel
06:47 and Israelis in Belize.
06:50 Thirdly, we suspended the right of our honorary consul in Israel
06:59 from continuing to perform his functions in Israel.
07:03 We had sought approval of the Israeli government for a second honorary consul
07:08 to be appointed in Israel, and we have withdrawn that request.
07:13 The effect of these four measures is that at present time,
07:17 there will be no diplomatic contact between Belize and Israel
07:22 through established diplomatic channels.
07:25 These measures, I must emphasize, stop short of us formally suspending
07:31 or revoking relations with Israel.
07:34 How were the trade relations between both countries?
07:41 Well, we do not have much trade at all between Israel and Belize.
07:47 It is very small.
07:48 Israel is, as you know, quite far away from Central America,
07:52 and there is very little trade between the two countries.
07:55 Indeed, there is very little cooperation between Israel and Belize
08:00 in terms of cooperation from the Israeli government to Belize, to Belizeans.
08:05 Our relations and our contacts are primarily through diplomatic channels.
08:10 And do you believe that the government's decision could be an inflation point
08:17 to encourage other countries to do the same?
08:20 Well, at this stage, all I can say is I hope so.
08:25 The government of Belize took the decision that it took
08:29 to implement these measures with immediate effect,
08:32 because first of all, we believe that what is happening in Gaza
08:36 is a gross violation of international law, international humanitarian law,
08:41 and the human rights of the Gazans who are resident in the Gaza Strip.
08:46 We believe that we, as a member of the international community,
08:50 have an obligation to do anything that we can to encourage Israel
08:55 to stop the actions that it has been taking in Israel,
08:59 stop violating international law, stop operating as an apartheid state,
09:05 stop operating as a genocidal state.
09:08 The best way for us to do that is by the measures that we have taken,
09:12 which are diplomatic measures.
09:14 I believe, and the government of Belize believes, that it is past time
09:19 that all countries consider what measures it can take
09:24 to persuade the Israeli government to stop what it is doing,
09:28 to implement an immediate ceasefire.
09:31 Secondly, to allow relief workers and relief aid to get into Gaza
09:36 to alleviate human suffering.
09:38 And, of course, to ensure that the siege that it has imposed on Gaza
09:45 comes to an immediate end.
09:47 We are talking about the lives of human beings,
09:51 and the actions since the 7th of October by Israel
09:55 are unjustifiable and gross violations of law.
10:00 Thank you, thank you, Imar Karni, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize,
10:05 for your time and your comments.
10:08 You're welcome. Thank you very much.
10:10 And we continue with more news.
10:12 It has been more than a month since the Israeli army began its attacks on the Gaza Strip,
10:17 which have caused death to more than 10,000 civilians.
10:20 These attacks even targeted the presidential area.
10:23 Let's watch a report of our correspondent Huda Hegazi
10:26 on one of these latest attacks.
10:28 We found ourselves in front of the house of the family Abu Huda,
10:34 one of the houses that have been shelled in a deliberate act
10:38 here in the governorate of Khan Younis.
10:40 This house, which is right next to the Nasser Hospital of this governorate,
10:45 was shelled by the missiles of the Israeli occupation army.
10:49 At approximately 2 a.m. when its inhabitants, the residents of this house,
10:55 as well as the neighbors were sleeping peacefully in their homes.
10:59 We will now proceed to talk to one of the neighbors
11:02 to tell us exactly what happened in this attack.
11:05 Hello, please, can you tell me what happened after this attack and where were you?
11:12 We were outside the house during the attack
11:17 because this house was kind of targeted by the Israeli aggression.
11:20 Without notice and without any warning they shelled the houses.
11:27 The shelling caused partial damage to this house.
11:34 But other nearby houses were completely destroyed
11:41 and several martyrs and several wounded fell.
11:43 As we can see, it happened without warning.
11:52 The planes of the occupation army proceeded to attack this house,
11:56 which we can see how it has been completely destroyed.
11:59 In this attack at least three Palestinians were killed.
12:07 We are talking about a man and two of his children, one of them a kid.
12:11 The house was shelled by two F-16 missiles
12:16 that have caused all this destruction.
12:24 As we can see, the whole living room, the kitchen, the rooms,
12:27 nothing has left in this place.
12:32 The army of the Israeli occupation proceeded to bomb the entire house.
12:39 Unfortunately, this attack took place in the middle of the night at 2 a.m.
12:44 when the inhabitants were sleeping.
12:52 Even the neighbours were terrified by the strong explosion
12:56 and the surrounding houses were partially damaged, as we can see.
13:06 We are talking about a house that was inside a residential neighbourhood
13:09 where people were sleeping peacefully at long hours of the night.
13:13 As I said, the army of the Israeli occupation has proceeded to bomb it without warning.
13:25 When this civilian population, innocent, was sleeping in their rooms
13:29 unfortunately dozens of wounded have fallen due to the Israeli attack on residential homes.
13:38 Let's take a short break.
13:39 But remember you can join us on Tiktok at @SouthEnglishWorldNews
13:43 in different formats, new updates and more.
13:45 Other studies coming up. Stay with us.
13:48 (Music)
14:05 Welcome back.
14:06 Venezuela described an adverse petition made by Guyana
14:10 before the International Court of Justice
14:12 seeking to prevent the holding of the referendum of the S-Equivo.
14:15 The executive vice president of Venezuela, Desi Rodriguez, emphasized that her attendance to the court
14:20 is to defeat the pretensions of Guyana's judicial colonialism
14:23 but isn't the court to stop the unstoppable.
14:26 They considered the referendum territorial defense of the S-Equivo of Guyana.
14:30 The vice-mandatory denied that the petition of Guyana,
14:32 which acts in international accord for regional measures
14:35 with the purpose of preventing Venezuela from carrying out the referendum,
14:38 has any legal grounds.
14:40 This year began the Suse-Azure-Folly hearings
14:43 where I will first listen to the follow-up of the official of Guyana during this day.
14:47 They have criminalized and paid immense sums of money to criminalize
14:57 what has been the historical position of Venezuela
15:00 on not submitting automatically and obligatorily
15:03 this territorial dispute to the knowledge of the court.
15:07 Why is that historical position?
15:09 Because we have already come in 1899 from a fraud
15:13 through an arbitral judgment and Venezuela since then
15:16 decided the matters of the highest transcendence
15:19 with its independence process as its territorial integrity.
15:23 We would never submit then to third parties decisions.
15:27 The vice president, Desi Rodriguez, pointed out that Guyana
15:31 insists on fleeing from the Geneva Agreement for a satisfactory solution for both countries.
15:37 Who is threatening the peace and stability of the region?
15:40 Who is the southern commander? Venezuela? No.
15:43 The joint military exercises are precisely in Guyana
15:47 and we saw their president dressed as military men
15:50 giving instructions in a territory that is in dispute
15:53 and it is in controversy.
15:55 They are fleeing from the Geneva agreement
15:58 because they refuse to find a practical and satisfactory solution for both parties.
16:04 Rodriguez called on the citizens to participate in the consultative referendum
16:08 to defend the historical rights over the Isla Cueva Guyana.
16:11 So, where we stand firm and tomorrow we will defend Venezuela
16:16 and on December 3rd, it is the day for the whole country
16:19 to look at the importance of participating in the consultative referendum.
16:23 It is so important that Guyana has asked for it not to be held.
16:28 I also call on the Venezuelan people to make the answer be forceful again
16:32 as our history is written. Let us give examples to humanity.
16:37 The Venezuelan National Assembly has called for mobilization
16:40 in defense of the consultative referendum on the Isla Cueva territory
16:44 to be held on December 3rd.
16:46 During this extraordinary session, the president of the National Assembly,
16:49 Jorge Rodriguez, called for a rally this Wednesday
16:52 in the vicinity of the National Pantheon in the city of Caracas.
16:55 Those attending the demonstration will go to the country's Supreme Court of Justice
16:59 in order to deliver an injunction with the purpose of defending
17:03 the constitutional, political and electoral rights of the Venezuelan people.
17:07 During the session, the president of the Parliament projected
17:10 the interference of the International Court of Justice
17:13 and the controversy with Guyana over the territory of the Cueva.
17:16 In Ecuador, citizens organized a city rally and projected
17:24 an electricity cut by the Vlaso government.
17:26 Demonstrators assured that the blackouts have cut millions of dollars
17:29 in losses for the country and the citizenship in general.
17:33 A discounter representative of the commercial sector pointed out
17:36 that the power outages caused losses of more than $18 million per day.
17:40 A discounter at the Andean Nations experienced a constant blackout
17:43 due to the lack of maintenance of the main hydroelectric plants
17:46 in the midst of the negligence of Guayana's government.
17:53 We have a second short break coming up but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel
17:57 there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
18:02 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell
18:05 to stay up to date on the world's most recent events.
18:07 Final short break, don't go away.
18:09 Welcome back.
18:27 FPPM Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Tuesday reiterated his pledge
18:31 not to invade neighboring nations over the Red Sea
18:34 but insisted that his government would not abandon his demand for poor access.
18:38 Abiy's remarks last month about the Red Sea raised regional concerns
18:42 particularly as tensions emerged with the neighboring Eritrea, where it has long coastlines.
18:47 In a televised speech on October 13, Abiy said the land of Ethiopia
18:51 is a nation whose existence is tied to the Red Sea, a key waterway for global trade.
18:56 He said Africa's second most populous country needed access to a port,
19:00 adding that if they plan to live together in peace
19:03 they have to find a way to mutually share with each other in a balanced manner.
19:07 Abiy has tried to alleviate regional fears and reiterated
19:10 that they are committed to mutual interest for dialogue and negotiation.
19:15 Mali's military has seized control of the northern Chinatown of Tkidal,
19:22 marking the first time the army has sailed the Tuareg rebels' front hall
19:26 in nearly a decade, states broadcaster Autumn reported on Tuesday.
19:30 Journalist Ibrahim Tahor read a message from the president of the transition to the Malian people
19:35 who said that the armed and security forces have seized Tkidal and that the mission is not over.
19:40 Mohamed Mahalou Ramadan, a rebel spokesman based in neighboring Mauritania,
19:45 confirmed the presence of Mali military in Tkidal.
19:48 Soldiers from Mali's army, accompanied by a partner from Russian military contractor Warner,
19:53 have been battling Tuareg fighters for several days in an effort to take control of the town
19:58 following the departure of United Nations peacekeepers two weeks ago.
20:03 On Tuesday, Nigeria's two largest labor unions, the Labor Congress and the Trade Union Congress,
20:10 declared an indefinite strike nationwide.
20:13 Despite government claims that the economic measures are necessary for financial stability
20:17 and the financing of social projects,
20:19 the unions are maintaining the workstop as despite a recent court order seeking to prevent it.
20:24 For the part the unions announced, the strike includes the interruption of vital services
20:29 such as hospitals, railroad stations and schools.
20:32 In a sense, unions call on President Bola Tinubu to raise the monthly minimum wage from US$35 to at least US$100.
20:40 The unions have briefly suspended an earlier strike last month for talks with the government,
20:45 but resumed their actions saying the government has failed to meet their demands
20:49 within the stipulated one-month deadline.
20:54 In Iceland, at least 3,000 citizens evacuated due to the intense seismic activity of Kegen's peninsula.
21:01 After days of relentless damage in the city of Grindavik in the south part of the country,
21:06 citizens were evacuated as a precautionary measure due to the volcanic eruption warnings.
21:12 The Meteorological Office of Ireland's IMO also said that the seismic activity has cooled down,
21:19 but the alert remains in place for possible threatening.
21:22 On November 9th, the IMO reported that about 1,400 earthquakes were recorded in 24 hours.
21:30 And we have come to the end of this brief, but before saying goodbye,
21:37 we want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
21:42 We are pleased to share our newscast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the latest world events.
21:48 You can find this and many other stories on our website, butelso.english.net
21:52 and join us on social networks, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
21:57 For TELUS English, I'm Anais Rosabal. Thank you for watching.
22:01 TELUS English Transcript by Transcription Outsourcing, LLC.
22:04 TELUS English Transcript by Transcription Outsourcing, LLC.
