Percepatan Pembangunan Fasilitas IKN Nusantara

  • last year
Presiden Joko Widodo serentak melakukan ground breaking sejumlah proyek di ibu kota Nusantara atau IKN mulai dari sekolah, rumah sakit, hingga Mall. Jokowi mengungkapkan sejak tahun lalu, hingga akhir 2023 total anggaran mencapai Rp45 triliun yang berasal dari investor dalam negeri.


00:00 We go to the first information, President Joko Widodo has done a ground breaking of a number of projects in the capital city of Nusantara or IKN
00:08 Starting from schools, hospitals to malls
00:11 The president revealed since last year until the end of 2023, the total budget reached 45 trillion rupiahs from domestic investors
00:20 President Joko Widodo did the first stone or ground breaking of the airport in the capital city of Nusantara
00:29 The airport was targeted can be used in June 2024
00:33 This IKN airport covers an area of 347 hectares with a runway of 3000 x 45 meters
00:39 Accompanied by a 7,350 square meter terminal
00:43 In addition to the VVIP airport, the president also ground breaking the construction of schools, hospitals and malls in the IKN Nusantara area
00:51 President Joko Widodo revealed since last year until the end of 2023, the total budget reached 45 trillion rupiahs
00:58 Which comes from domestic investors
01:01 The government itself still holds investors from abroad
01:04 The president said that at the moment he still prioritizes domestic investors to be involved in the construction of the smart city concept in the IKN Nusantara
01:12 First, domestic investors
01:21 But if it is not enough, we will issue foreign investors
01:32 Because a few months ago, 130 domestic investors came from Singapore
01:41 From Singapore, they came here to see if they are interested in what
01:49 Then from Korea, 30 people
01:52 From Japan, also 30 people
01:55 From Malaysia, from the United Arab Emirates
01:58 But we are really slow first
02:03 I told the head of the slow authority for those from abroad
02:07 Give an opportunity, if possible, to be joined by those from the inside
02:11 So that the areas that we have planned will all be filled
02:19 On the other hand, the government admits that investors who want to be involved in the IKN are increasing
02:26 Mainly domestic investors
02:28 In the OIKN timeline, December there will be a total of investment of 45 trillion rupiahs
02:34 So far, the number of facilities that have been built in the IKN, including 3 hospitals, 4 hotels and 2 malls
02:40 From Jakarta, IDX News
02:44 IKN News
02:47 (bell chimes)
