Pan American Games enter its third day

  • last year
From Chile, journalist Eduardo Regonesi updates us on the 3rd day of the Pan American Games. teleSUR


00:00 Welcome back.
00:13 We continue with the journalist Eduardo Regonesi.
00:16 He's with the Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile.
00:19 Good morning, Eduardo.
00:20 And what are the latest updates so far?
00:24 Good morning.
00:27 How are you doing?
00:28 I'm alive here still at the National Stadium of Santiago, wrapping up the third day of
00:35 athletic competition here in Santiago.
00:38 Today it was the turn of diving.
00:41 We started with diving early in this morning.
00:43 It was a preliminary round, women's 10-meter platform, where the athlete from Canada, Makai,
00:49 took the highest spot, followed by two Mexicans, Agundez and Orozco.
00:54 Just to be clear, this is a preliminary round.
00:57 This means there were 17 athletes supposed to compete today.
01:01 One of those, Pedroso from Brazil, didn't show up.
01:05 So out of the 16 athletes that were competing today, 12 move on for tomorrow, four don't
01:12 make it to the second round.
01:13 Those four are Reyes from Peru, Garcia from Cuba, Miklo from Puerto Rico, and Osorio from
01:19 Colombia.
01:20 Out of these 16, as I was saying, 12 move on for tomorrow round, and tomorrow is going
01:25 to be another day of action here at the pool, where the men are going to be starting their
01:30 turn of competition as well.
01:32 Apart from diving, today we had also baseball in the morning, where Cuba defeated Colombia,
01:38 and there were several matches in the boxing arena at the athletic center just a couple
01:43 miles up the road from here.
01:45 But everything is done by now, being almost 2 o'clock here in the afternoon in Chile,
01:51 1.49 to be more precise.
01:54 As you can see around, there's a calm.
01:56 There's not too much going on, because everybody's waiting on what's going to happen tonight.
02:01 The big party is tonight, the big party of the century, probably.
02:05 Chile hasn't had an event like this since 1962, when they hosted the FIFA World Cup,
02:11 and today is going to be the party of the century.
02:14 Everybody's getting ready.
02:15 We are getting ready.
02:16 As I was saying, there's not much going on right now at the Santiago National Stadium.
02:22 Everybody is getting ready for what's going to happen in the athletic field, where the
02:27 delegations are going to be marching.
02:29 There's going to be music.
02:30 There's going to be artists from all over the world, and it's all going to happen just
02:34 in a couple hours.
02:35 And of course, we are going to be covering for you guys.
02:39 We're going to be live tomorrow with all the updates, and we're going to bring a busy,
02:44 busy day tomorrow.
02:45 We are going to have the inauguration, and about 20 more disciplines start tomorrow.
02:50 We're getting ready.
02:51 Everybody's getting ready.
02:52 It's going to be a fun, fun time.
02:55 We're going to say goodbye for now.
02:56 I'm Eduardo from Santiago, and we will be back with you guys very, very soon.
03:01 Thank you, Eduardo Reganesi, for reporting for us from Chile at the Pan American Games.
