Boxing offers first results in the Pan American Games in Chile

  • last year
In the continuation of the second day of the 2023 Pan American Games in Chile, the first results are offered in the sport discipline of boxing. teleSUR


00:00 Welcome back and we continue with more updated information about the Pan American Games held
00:18 in Santiago, Chile.
00:20 Eduardo Regonesi reports from Chile.
00:22 Eduardo, what are the latest updates so far?
00:30 Hi Araneb, how are you?
00:31 We are actually here live at the Training Olympic Center in the city of Santiago.
00:38 It's been a very, very busy morning.
00:41 Boxing is what's been on the agenda for the second day of the Pan American Santiago 2023
00:46 Games.
00:47 We have a couple of results for you guys.
00:49 Argentina did pretty well this morning, winning two of their matches.
00:55 Kevin Alicoc from Guyana defeated the representative from Panama.
01:00 Brazil defeated Canada.
01:02 And Uruguay did the same as well with Guatemala.
01:06 Cristian Salcedo from Colombia, he had a very, very good match against Nigel Paul from Trinidad
01:12 and Tobago.
01:13 And he said he's coming to Santiago for the gold.
01:16 So we're going to keep an eye on him.
01:18 He's going to do very, very well.
01:20 We're sure he's one of the favorites to take the gold.
01:23 As we said earlier, we were covering the morning shift.
01:27 Right now we're on a break.
01:28 It's a little bit empty, as you can see.
01:30 But the action is going to start over around 5 o'clock local time, where we're going to
01:35 keep an eye on the representatives from Cuba, especially, who are the favorites for this
01:40 discipline, as well as Venezuela and the representative from Haiti.
01:44 One of the athletes is going to be taking the ring against the representative from Colombia,
01:54 Jose Biafra.
01:55 As I said, we are going to be here covering boxing.
01:59 Boxing is what's going to be on the agenda for today.
02:01 And we're going to have all the live updates for you guys.
02:05 As soon as you need us, we'll be here for you.
02:08 And what can we expect at the inauguration ceremony?
02:13 Yes.
02:16 Actually we talked yesterday to the executive director of the Pan American Games, Harold
02:21 May Nichols.
02:22 He told us that we're going to have an amazing show.
02:25 We're going to have a light show, fireworks, artists, a lot of Chilean artists, but a lot
02:30 of international musical artists that are going to be presenting this Friday around
02:35 eight o'clock in the National Stadium of Santiago.
02:40 And despite being on the second day of the Games, the first medals will not be awarded
02:45 until Saturday.
02:46 What can you tell us about this?
02:49 Yeah, that's a good question.
02:52 A lot of people are asking us when are we going to see medals at the ceremony.
02:57 But as you well mentioned, right now it's all preliminary rounds.
03:02 The first medals are going to be this Saturday in a couple of disciplines actually.
03:08 The sports that are going to be handing medals, there's several, but the ones that we want
03:12 to highlight is swimming, mountain bike, which is a sport that is new for the Pan American
03:17 Games, weightlifting, among others.
03:20 Diving is another sport that's going to have their first medals this Saturday.
03:23 And of course, we're going to be there letting you guys know what countries are winning,
03:28 what's the scoreboard, and all the details from this Pan American Games in Santiago,
03:33 Chile.
03:34 Thank you, Eduardo Reonesi, for reporting for us from Santiago at the Pan American Games.
