BREAKING NEWS: Trump Scores Major 2024 Endorsement From Iowa Attorney General

  • last year
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird endorses former President Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
00:00 you. Wow I have never seen this
00:16 many people here in this
00:16 building. You're almost hanging
00:20 off the rafters today, aren't
00:23 you? Yeah Wow. You know, uh,
00:24 I'm Brenna Bird. I'm so glad to
00:25 be working for you as your
00:27 attorney general. Sue in the
00:28 house. I'm so glad to be
00:30 working for you. I'm so glad
00:32 to be working for you. And you
00:35 know what? We're at my home
00:37 County. That was county, the
00:39 county where I was born and
00:41 raised and tell you what I
00:43 showed some animals at the
00:44 county fair and some four H
00:47 projects, so it's good to be
00:49 home again. It's also just good
00:51 to see so many people who helped
00:52 me in my race want to say thank
00:55 you for that, but also. Who
00:57 helped me in my race. Thank
00:59 you. Thank you. Thank you.
01:01 Thank you. Thank you. Thank
01:03 you. You know, here in Iowa,
01:05 we've got things pretty good
01:06 compared to the rest of the
01:09 country, don't we? Yeah. But
01:10 our the rest of our country.
01:12 It sure is another story. You
01:14 know the borders wide open.
01:16 Our law enforcement are
01:19 disrespected. Uh we have well,
01:20 the Biden administration seems
01:22 to be against farmers, right?
01:25 And I don't think that's
01:27 going to change. I don't think
01:29 that's going to change. I don't
01:30 remember what happened when
01:31 Donald Trump was president.
01:32 What it no way. And we need a
01:35 new president in the White
01:37 House. I am so glad to get to
01:39 be here today to introduce
01:40 Donald Trump because he will
01:41 secure our border who supports
01:44 that? He will fight the
01:48 terrorists. He will fix the
01:52 problems. He will uphold our
01:55 constitution and our way of
01:58 life. So please join me in
02:01 giving a good Dallas County
02:04 welcome to our next president.
02:07 President Donald Trump.
