FTS 8:30 09-10: Attacks against Palestine continue, leaving over 500 dead

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00:00 Palestine continues under siege by Israeli occupation forces.
00:15 In Argentina, the candidates for the presidency of the country met again face to face in the
00:20 second presidential debate.
00:25 In China, the Hansu Asian Games came to an end, with China dominating the medal standings
00:30 followed by Japan and South Korea.
00:34 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:39 I'm Ana R. Razaval from the Television Studios in Havana, Cuba, where we begin with the news.
00:44 On Monday, Palestine continues under siege by Israeli occupation forces.
00:48 The Palestinian Health Minister confirmed the attacks on the Palestinian population so far
00:54 left 508 people killed and 2,800 wounded in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank.
01:01 The shelling destroyed numerous homes and residential buildings in different areas of
01:06 the Gaza Strip, and the fatalities include 91 children and 61 women.
01:11 Palestinian media reported that Israeli forces committed two atrocious massacres in the city
01:17 of Cancun and Beit Hanun, so the death toll could increase in the coming hours.
01:23 In addition, there are reports of 15 dead in the occupied West Bank, including two minors,
01:28 in addition to 81 wounded.
01:36 The Palestinian press reports that Israel is carrying out a massacre by launching missile
01:40 attacks on a highly populated neighborhood in the Hebali refugee camp.
01:45 According to local press, the attack has resulted in the death of dozens of innocent Palestinian
01:50 civilians, including children and women.
01:53 And on Noon on Monday, a highly populated residential neighborhood in the Gaza Strip
01:57 was the target of Israeli bombs.
02:07 Palestinian Prime Minister Mohamed Staye'a says the security solutions adopted by Israel
02:12 will not be beneficial.
02:13 We make clear to the world that the security solutions adopted by Israel will not be of
02:20 any benefit.
02:21 The only solution lies in ending the occupation through a political program adopted by the
02:26 United Nations Security Council and the international community, and on the basis of the Arab Peace
02:32 Initiative.
02:35 From the very beginning of the events unfolding in the Gaza Strip, we initiated Arab and international
02:41 efforts to halt the aggression and put an end to the bloodshed.
02:45 We received numerous calls from world leaders and engaged in several phone conversations
02:53 with them.
02:54 The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations, Regev Mansour, called on the Security Council
03:00 to focus on ending the Israeli occupation.
03:02 He remarked that it is time to tell Israel that it has to change course and that there
03:07 is a path to peace.
03:10 Regrettably, history for some media and politicians starts when Israelis are killed.
03:21 Our people have endured one deadly year after another.
03:28 We came to the Security Council month after month, warning of the consequences of Israeli
03:36 impunity and international inaction about a year ago.
03:43 We stated before the Security Council the Palestinian people will be free one day or
03:53 another, one way or another.
03:58 We chose the peaceful way, the one the international community advocates for.
04:07 Do not let Israel prove us wrong for our sake and theirs.
04:16 This is not a time to let Israel double down on its terrible choices.
04:24 This is a time to tell Israel it needs to change course, that there is a path to peace
04:33 where neither Palestinians nor Israelis are killed.
04:40 In this context, the Lebanese army confirmed on Sunday civilians wounded after the Israeli
04:46 army attacked with a man-array of eagles against Hezbollah installations.
04:51 The Lebanese militia reported that the military units belonging to Israel bombarded with artillery
04:57 and tanks the escorts of several localities.
05:00 The bombardments, made with shells and rockets, caused injuries to civilians who were transferred
05:05 to a hospital in the area.
05:07 The Israeli action is in response to an attack by the Lebanese armed organization in solidarity
05:13 with the Palestinian forces in Operation Al-Qaeda's Deluge.
05:22 To better understand what is happening in the Middle East with the progress of Operation
05:26 Al-Qaeda Flots executed by the Palestinian self-defense movement Hamas against Israeli
05:31 colonies and positions, let's review the context that led to the hostilities between Israel
05:36 and Palestine.
05:39 After World War I, with the fall of empires such as the Russian Tsars, Austro-Hungarian
05:44 and Ottoman Empires, the United Kingdom and France took control of the Middle Eastern
05:48 territories.
05:49 Palestine came under the command of London.
05:52 During the conflict and to win the support of the international Jewish community, the
05:56 British government promised to establish a national homeland for the Jews, despite the
06:00 fact that the region of Palestine was historically inhabited by people of Arab origin.
06:05 The arrival of Jewish immigrants into that region caused tensions and clashes between
06:10 the Arab Palestinians and the British authorities.
06:12 Subsequently, the Nazi extermination policy in Europe increased the flow of immigrants
06:18 and at the end of World War II, Arabs and Jews claimed the right to have a state of
06:22 their own.
06:23 In November 1947, the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into two independent states,
06:29 one Arab and one Jewish, and to create an international zone in Jerusalem under UN control.
06:35 The Ad agreed to end British domination of the area.
06:38 The measure triggered the displacement of thousands of Palestinians from their ancestral
06:43 territories.
06:44 The withdrawal of the British from some areas initiated the confrontation between Palestinians
06:49 and Zionists.
06:50 The increase of the Jewish military capacity succeeded in taking control of the territories
06:54 assigned to the Palestinian state, starting an illegal occupation of those areas.
06:59 Since then, Israel has perpetrated the policy of persecution and apartheid against Palestinian
07:05 citizens, betraying their religious, national and cultural expressions in addition to destroying
07:10 Palestinian villages in order to build illegal settlements with Israeli settlers.
07:15 The security forces have also carried out several police operations in which many Palestinian
07:20 civilians have been killed.
07:23 Let's take a short break.
07:24 Remember, you can join us on TikTok, @TalesurEnglish, where we'll do fun news in different formats,
07:29 new dates and more.
07:33 Political studies coming up, stay with us.
07:56 Welcome back.
07:57 On Sunday, Argentina, the candidate for the presidency of the country, met again face
08:02 to face in the second presidential debate.
08:05 The candidates aspiring to succeed, Alberto Fernandez, Arpat Frizzaburich of Together
08:10 for Change, candidate Miriam Brehmann of Left Front Candidate, Juan Schwitzer-Ecchi of We
08:16 Act for Our Country and candidate Javier Millet of Liberty Advances, and candidate Sergio
08:21 Maza of Union for the Homeland Candidate.
08:24 The candidates met in the hall of events of the University of Buenos Aires.
08:28 It was a discussion of issues of security, work and social protection, human development
08:33 and housing.
08:39 Presidential candidate for left-wing and unity workers, Miriam Brehmann, denounced the State
08:43 of Israel's policy of occupation and apartheid, while expressing solidarity with the civilian
08:49 victims of the recent escalation.
08:52 We are hurt by the civilian victims, which occur in a conflict based on the policy of
08:57 the State of Israel, Peshim and Apartheid against the Palestinian people.
09:03 Juan Schvaretti of We Act for Our Country candidates, said in the context of security
09:08 penal judicial code must be modified.
09:13 And this means modifying the penal code and the code of criminal procedure.
09:17 Criminal law must also be changed because what is enforced is in the latest genocidal
09:23 dictatorship, and we must do it according to the recommendation of the United Nations
09:28 and UNICEF.
09:29 We must fight seriously against the drug trafficking, the national government and here they look
09:34 to the side.
09:35 Argentina does not produce drugs, but we have a border that is a sieve, so we must guard
09:41 the border and the armed forces must participate.
09:45 In Ecuador, the Attorney General's office initiated an investigation into the responsibility
09:51 of the National Survey for the Care of Persons Deprived of Liberty for the death of six inmates
09:56 implicated in the murder of Fernando Villavicencio.
10:00 The police prosecutor's office announced an eye for non-compliance with an order to
10:05 transfer the detainees who were found lifeless in the Penitenciaria del Litoral in Guayaquil
10:10 to a secure prison.
10:12 The inmates were arrested for allegedly participating in the murder of presidential candidate Fernando
10:17 Villavicencio.
10:19 The prosecutor's office detailed that a chief and two of guards in charge of safeguarding
10:24 the accused are representing statements of the authorities.
10:32 In Colombia, the government informed that it will deploy more than 120,000 troops of
10:38 the national army to guarantee the security of the borders in the territorial elections
10:42 on October 29.
10:44 The strategy is part of the Democracy 2023 plan and contains the deployment of 120,000
10:52 and 193 armed forces personnel in coordination with the national police, the aerospace force
10:58 and the navy.
11:00 The troops will guarantee the security of the 4,600 and 611 prioritized voting centers
11:07 distributed among 5,605 in urban areas and 7,200 in rural areas.
11:17 On October 29, Colombia will elect the local and territorial authorities of the 1,000 municipalities
11:23 for the constitutional period 2024-2027.
11:33 Panama authorities reported that close to 500 irregular migrants were rescued after
11:38 being abandoned in the jungle of Darien.
11:41 According to a report issued by the National Border Service of Panama, most of those rescued
11:47 were abandoned to the fates by human trafficking gangs to control the trails in the jungle
11:52 bordering Colombia.
11:53 He detailed that 19 people have been arrested and 12 boats used for illegal human trafficking
11:59 have been seized.
12:00 The records prove that more than 400,000 people crossed the jungle of Darien so far in 2023.
12:12 In Spain, 1,000 citizens have been mobilized in the city of Barcelona against Pedro Sánchez
12:17 and the amnesty.
12:18 The demonstrators demanded a vindication after Alberto Núñez Fejo lost his presidential
12:24 investiture attempt in Congress after two rounds of failed votes.
12:28 In this context, the mobilization marches under the slogan "Not in my name, not amnesty,
12:33 not self-determination" as an expression of the rejection to the constitutional amnesty
12:38 proposed by the FCOA.
12:41 Now Pedro Sánchez must accelerate the negotiations to achieve facts that will allow him to obtain
12:46 the votes of the Congress-ready investor before next November 27.
12:56 In India, the number of the dead has risen to 56 following the overflowing of the Lonak
13:01 Blast Lake in the Himalayan Valley in the north-east of the country.
13:06 Local authorities reported that during the search operation for the missing in the region
13:10 of Sekim, 26 bodies were found, in addition to the 30 previously confirmed.
13:17 At the same time, search and rescue teams attended to more than 2,500 people while at
13:23 least 7,000 victims were moved to shelters.
13:27 The Minister of Defense added that the waters swept away dozens of buildings, bridges and
13:32 other civil infrastructures.
13:38 On Sunday, the Hansel Asian Games came to an end, with China dominating the medal standings
13:44 followed by Japan and South Korea.
13:47 The host China, who stood in first place, accumulated the record of 201 gold medals.
13:53 The 19th and largest Asian edition, concluded at 80,000 seats in Hangzhou City Olympic Stadium
13:59 in China, gave the exchange over to Japan for 2026 at a closing ceremony.
14:05 This year's Games featured all the traditional Olympic sports, as well as a look at a sport
14:10 that will be introduced next year in Paris, breakdance.
14:14 Cricket, which will be included in the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, or the 2032
14:20 Olympic Games in Brisbane, was also on display.
14:28 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit Adidas' channel
14:33 at Towson English, where you'll be able to re-watch short interviews, top stories,
14:37 special broadcasts and more.
14:39 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
14:43 world's most recent events.
14:45 Final short break, don't go away.
14:47 Welcome back.
15:10 Egyptian President Adel Fatah el-Sisi's re-election campaign announced on Saturday
15:15 that he had received the support of 424 members of the 596-seat lower house of the country's
15:22 parliament to run for a third term.
15:25 El-Sisi confirmed earlier this week that he will run for another term in the election-scale
15:30 due for December, entering the race as the clear favourite and as his government struggles
15:35 with rising inflation and mounting debt.
15:39 Egypt would hold presidential elections over three days, December 10-12, with a run-off
15:44 on January 18 if not candidate gets more than 50% of the votes.
15:49 And half of the politicians have already announced their candidacy for the country's highest
15:54 office, but none pose a serious challenge to el-Sisi, who has ruled the country since
15:59 2014 and has faced criticism from the West over alleged human rights violations in his
16:05 country.
16:23 In Afghanistan, near 2,000 people have died in the earthquakes that jolted Washington
16:28 on Saturday, says Mullah Hanan Zagex, spokesperson for the Ministry of Disaster Management.
16:34 Authorities said 9,240 people are injured and 1,320 houses damaged or destroyed.
16:43 A powerful earthquake has struck Afghanistan, stroking the mountainous country and leaving
16:48 a trail of death and destruction.
16:51 A magnitude 6.3 earthquake followed by three strong aftershocks hit western Afghanistan
16:56 on Saturday.
16:57 According to authorities, about six villages were destroyed and hundreds of people were
17:02 buried under the debris.
17:09 Pakistani President Nares Alvi has called on the international community to support
17:14 Afghanistan following an earthquake in the Herat province.
17:18 The Pakistani president expressed sorrow over the lost lives and material damage caused
17:23 by the 6.3 magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks.
17:27 The president reiterated his country's willingness to contribute with Kabul in providing for
17:33 the victims and the recovery efforts.
17:35 Meanwhile, the Pakistan Foreign Affairs Minister said they are in communication with the authorities
17:40 of the Taliban regime to monitor and tend to the urgent needs of the earthquake victims.
17:50 The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Felix Teghichete, formalized his candidacy
17:55 for the elections of next December 20, in which he will seek a second term.
18:01 The leader of the government coalition, Sacred Union of the Nations, presented his candidacy
18:05 in Kinshasa before the independent National Electoral Commission, where he arrived in
18:10 a convoy amid show of support to the Central Boulevard on June 30, a quarter of the organization.
18:17 The deadline to present candidacies for the Electoral Commission expires on Sunday.
18:23 Once the process is completed, the constitutional court must give a final validation.
18:29 More than 10 aspirants have advanced their intentions to compete for becoming head of
18:33 states among the opposition leader Martin Fajulu and the Congolese gynecologist and
18:38 winner of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize, Denis Mukiwe.
18:47 The military junta that came to power in Niger through a coup at the end of July announced
18:52 a drastic reduction in the national budget for 2023 due to the various international
18:58 sanctions which affect the country's economy, which depends mostly on foreign partners.
19:03 According to the statements of the regime, in the first release, Niger has faced heavy
19:08 sanctions imposed by international and regional organizations.
19:12 These sanctions expose the country to a significant drop in both external and internal revenues.
19:18 Therefore, it is necessary to revise the 2023 budget forecasts.
19:23 Thus, the revised budget amounts to 1,981 billion CFA francs converted to 3,291 billion
19:33 initiated plans, a drop of 40%.
19:38 Niger is suffering heavy economic and financial sanctions imposed on July 30 by ECOWAS, which
19:43 have led to strong inflation of food products and even the shortages of certain medicines.
19:53 South African authorities say the fire that killed at least six soldiers at the training
19:58 facility is under control.
20:00 The victims were at the Lhotala Combat Training Centre in northern Cape province.
20:06 According to official reports, the fire started at a local mine some nine miles away from
20:11 the military base but strong winds made it spread to the whole area.
20:15 The Fire Protection Association of the North Eastern Cape provinces has warned about the
20:20 possibility of more fires caused by lightning during the spring summers that hit the region.
20:30 Hundreds of Muslims and conservative Christians in Kenya's capital have rallied outside
20:34 the Supreme Court to protect its decision last month to reaffirm the LGBTQ community's
20:41 right of association.
20:42 Protestors said that the verdict condones immorality and demanded some judges step down.
20:49 The court last month reaffirmed an earlier ruling that a non-governmental organization
20:54 warring Kenya has discriminated against LGBTQ people when it refused to register their association.
21:02 The two dissenting judges opposed the ruling because Kenya's law bans same-sex relationships.
21:08 Lawmaker Mohammed Ali told the Associated Press Kenya is a religious country and that
21:14 the court should respect that.
21:16 The LGBTQ community in Kenya is often targeted by homophobic people, including in cases of
21:22 physical and verbal abuse.
21:26 And we have come to the end of this news brief.
21:30 You can find this and many other stories on our website, www.tellus.english.net.
21:35 And join us on social media at Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
21:40 For TELUS English, I'm Ana Rosabal.
21:43 Thank you for watching.
21:44 ♪ MUSIC ♪
