Hamas attack on Israel: What reactions from European leaders?

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00:00 look, where are we in terms of the diplomatic efforts here in Europe?
00:03 Yeah, there's a lot going on. There's a lot of phone calling going on a lot of video conferencing.
00:07 Let you know, in Germany, you had Olaf Schultz, the Chancellor, basically conferring with
00:13 Emmanuel Macron, he's been speaking to Rishi Sunak. He's been making the rounds making
00:18 a lot of calls today. But beyond that, Germany has sort of fired a shot across the bow, diplomatically
00:25 by suggesting that it is going to be reviewing its hundreds and hundreds of millions of euros
00:33 of aid that it gives to the Palestinians. Its development minister signaling this this
00:39 policy shift a possible reversal that that revoking of aid, saying that the attacks on
00:44 Israel, Israel mark and I'm using her words, a terrible fracture, saying that Germany will
00:49 now review the entire engagement for the Palestinian territories. Now, a lot of Germany and the
00:54 coalition, a lot of the officials are falling in behind that line. However, it's not everyone.
01:00 It is not a monolithic block in favor of this. There's a notable member of the left opposition
01:06 party in Germany, who says that the Palestinians should not have to pay a collective price
01:12 for the actions of a fringe terrorist element, among them Hamas, Hamas imposing its will
01:19 on the rest of the Palestinian people. But that is it seems to be a dissenting view right
01:24 now within Germany and Germany signaling that shift. Will it lead to other powers looking
01:29 at that shift? I don't I don't know. We have heard, you know, as you just reported, we
01:33 saw that as Fraser was reporting from Washington, the US is actually looking at more concrete
01:37 support aid, you know, in the in the coming hours, possibly to Israel. Will that affect,
01:43 you know, the US aid to Palestinians? Will that affect other Europeans? Aid to Palestinians?
01:49 Too early to say, but it does show another way in which this is seems to be this Hamas
01:53 attack in so many ways. And this is another dimension that's being a paradigm shift in
01:58 the diplomatic game and the way and the way the business as usual is no longer business
02:04 as usual. Thank you to you, Doug Herbert, our international affairs commentator.
