Countdown to the Detroit Grand Prix

  • last year
00:03 Hey, everyone.
00:17 Welcome to the IMSA Preview Show.
00:19 This season, we talked to some amazing drivers
00:21 about how they got here.
00:23 Now, Colin Braun, you're known as a seasoned veteran
00:25 at the tender age of 28.
00:27 How did you get here?
00:28 Well, I had a cool journey, I guess.
00:30 My dad was a race car engineer, grew up in this sport.
00:32 But I raced quarter midgets, go-karts, NASCAR.
00:35 I mean, you name it, I've driven it.
00:36 Of course, ending up in GTD now in IMSA WeatherTech Sports Car
00:39 Racing, it really is the place to be right now.
00:42 Yeah, I mean, the manufacturers are crazy, right?
00:44 I mean, I'm driving a Porsche, but we've
00:45 got so many other makes we're racing against.
00:47 So much fun to race against, so competitive.
00:50 And hey, that's what I've been bred to do, basically,
00:53 as I grew up.
00:56 People ask me, how do I get involved in the sport?
00:58 How can I drive at some of the best tracks in the world?
01:01 Well, unless you start young, here's some advice, young boy.
01:04 Go and be successful in another business,
01:06 come back, and take the world by storm.
01:08 And that really is what our friend John Bennett
01:10 has done with Core Auto Sport.
01:12 John, it's amazing what you've achieved with the team.
01:15 Yeah, well, I guess an overnight success
01:17 has taken 20 years to start.
01:20 Super passionate about racing and started
01:22 at the grassroots level.
01:24 One of the most, I guess, tender stories
01:26 that I've heard recently was about how your business, what
01:31 you do for a living, one of the products you manufacture,
01:34 actually saved the life of one of your fellow competitors
01:37 who was wounded in Afghanistan.
01:39 2006, an inventor showed up at my company
01:43 and said that he had been in Iraq.
01:44 He was a combat medic, and he had a special idea
01:49 for a tourniquet that could be used in the battlefield.
01:52 Anyway, this soldier said, I have an idea.
01:54 I have some interest at the Department of Defense,
01:56 and will you take a gamble and help me turn this
02:00 into a production part?
02:02 So we took a little bit of risk, and we spent some money,
02:05 and we worked with this soldier, and we further
02:07 developed the product, came up with a manufacturing method,
02:11 and we've been building them in anger, so to speak, since 2007
02:16 and have saved-- well, with his invention and our manufacturing
02:20 have saved a lot of lives.
02:21 So tell the story.
02:22 Liam Dwyer and his family, once they found out
02:26 that you had been the man behind the manufacturing,
02:29 it was an amazing outpouring of emotion from them,
02:33 because here we are at a racetrack,
02:34 but here you're dealing with what
02:36 would have been otherwise perhaps the death of their son
02:39 and your product saved him.
02:40 So that must have been an amazing moment.
02:42 Whenever I meet a soldier, especially one
02:45 that has used our product, it's quite an amazing experience
02:49 and very humbling to know they sacrificed
02:52 a part of their body, a limb or what have you,
02:55 for our freedom, our freedom to go racing.
02:58 It's quite amazing.
02:58 And then I'm thrilled to know that our product helped
03:03 save his life and the lives of other soldiers,
03:06 and then that he could turn around and do something
03:09 he always wanted to do, which is drive
03:11 a race car in our series.
03:12 So it's fantastic.
03:17 Detroit Grand Prix coming up, one
03:19 of the bumpy, twisty, crazy street circuits on the calendar.
03:24 Do you like Detroit?
03:25 How do you like racing there?
03:26 And how are you going to run?
03:27 I love Detroit.
03:28 Yeah, definitely one of my favorite racetracks.
03:30 It's got so much character to it.
03:32 It's a bit like Sebring mixed with Long Beach.
03:34 It's really bumpy, really rough, but a lot of fun.
03:37 It has some fast flowing corners that we don't particularly
03:39 see on street courses a lot.
03:41 I think our Porsche is going to perform well.
03:43 We've got a lot of long straightaways
03:44 where we have some good legs with the Porsche,
03:46 some good brake zones.
03:48 I feel like we're going to be competitive.
03:50 All right, guys.
03:51 Well, I know we've got to get on with practice here.
03:53 Detroit Grand Prix coming up very soon.
03:55 Don't forget to go to to check out
03:57 for your local channel listings.
03:59 Thanks for watching us here on 10.
04:04 you
