When Are You Too Old For Rollercoasters? (Free Swim)

  • last year
Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00 All right, Big Man, today is Wednesday, September 27th.
00:02 Welcome to the Dog Walk presented by Barstool Sports.
00:05 Free Swim Wednesday, myself, Danny Chief.
00:07 How we feeling, Danny?
00:10 Big birthday weekend.
00:12 - Guy was fucking tanked.
00:14 - Faded, trippy, all the above.
00:17 Tell me about it.
00:17 - Nell Keddie.
00:18 I did what every 31-year-old would do
00:20 and went to Fright Fest at Six Flags.
00:23 When's the last time you guys rode a roller coaster?
00:26 - Long time.
00:29 - Long time.
00:30 - And honestly, it might be eighth grade physics class.
00:35 - I took about a 15-year break and relapsed hard,
00:38 went seven roller coasters in one night.
00:40 - How'd it hit?
00:41 - Kicked my ass.
00:42 - Were you sore the next day?
00:43 - Yeah, what do you mean it kicked your ass?
00:44 - Dude, you're getting banged around, I'm upside down,
00:46 I'm vertical, I'm horizontal.
00:47 - I feel like it's like a legit whiplash situation.
00:50 - No, they took down the shockwave like 20 years ago.
00:52 That was the one that really got you.
00:53 - All of them, the raging bull, all that shit.
00:55 - No, no, no.
00:56 - Dude, American Eagle still has it even.
00:58 - No, but there's nothing to bang your head off of.
01:00 Your head's banging air.
01:02 - No, but your body's tense.
01:04 It's like you're getting in a car wreck almost.
01:06 - Have you been on the Joker?
01:07 You are just going in circles the whole time.
01:10 Joker, you're on a roller coaster,
01:12 but the cart is flipping upside down the whole time.
01:14 - Yeah, I heard that's intense, you told me that.
01:16 And I saw my friend's girlfriend,
01:21 she was getting her hair pulled out on it.
01:23 So it's like a lot going on.
01:25 - It's like that from Always Sunny, have you seen that?
01:27 - No.
01:28 - D, like over the Jersey Shore,
01:30 D has like the braided, beaded hair,
01:32 and they're doing the giant drop,
01:33 and it gets stuck and just rips the whole thing.
01:36 Like she's bleeding from, yeah.
01:37 - But yeah, you're just, it's like you have
01:41 the wind knocked out of you for a minute and a half
01:43 straight the whole time.
01:44 - They took down the Iron Wolf, right?
01:46 - They did.
01:47 - That's a shame. - Disappointing.
01:48 - That's the Richie Rich coaster.
01:49 - Yeah, that was the one probably
01:51 causing the most head trauma.
01:52 - Well, it was shockwave,
01:53 and then I think Iron Wolf was too.
01:55 - Do you think?
01:58 - Shockwave, my mom wouldn't let me go on that.
02:00 - Why did you go to this?
02:01 Was it just like ironically, or?
02:03 - No, my buddy is a fireman,
02:06 and some foundation booked it out
02:09 and gave him a bunch of tickets.
02:09 So it was basically a life capacity from 6 p.m. to 11.
02:14 So you're also riding all these at night,
02:16 which is a whole different element.
02:17 - Yeah, I've never done that.
02:17 - You're like in a,
02:18 feel like you're going through space.
02:20 - I've had that before.
02:21 If you get the opportunity to go to something like that
02:23 where the park is rented out, do it 1,000%.
02:26 It's such a game changer.
02:28 - 'Cause there's no lines, right?
02:29 - Yes, 15 minutes for Raging Bull.
02:31 - Yeah, it's crazy.
02:32 - The only bad part is--
02:34 - You're making out in line.
02:35 - I was gonna say, not enough PDA
02:36 going out on those lines.
02:37 - That's right, I saw Country Club tweeted
02:39 that as a Tasmanian Devil stuffed animal
02:42 that's on their shelf.
02:43 - Oh, really?
02:44 - Yeah, it's great.
02:44 That's great.
02:47 No, I haven't gone in forever,
02:48 but Fright Fest is--
02:50 - I don't think I want to, though.
02:51 - What do you mean?
02:52 - I don't think I'd ever want to do a roller coaster ride.
02:54 - I can't go, I've dated beers out.
02:56 - You gotta be a little guy.
02:57 Not a little guy.
02:58 - What do you think the upper limit is?
03:01 Weight-wise.
03:02 - I don't know, I think it varies by coaster.
03:06 Like, some might be fine,
03:08 but you want to experience them all, you know?
03:11 - You don't want to take any chances on Superman.
03:13 You're just splatting straight down on the ground.
03:15 - Yeah, that'd be bad.
03:16 - Yeah, it's one of those things where it's like,
03:19 even in eighth grade, it was more,
03:22 like the rush was more like walking through the gates
03:24 and just having a day off of school,
03:25 like doing the roller coasters didn't really do much for me.
03:29 - No, it was the best.
03:31 - What I found, though, if you're waiting two hours in line
03:34 for Raging Bull, it's like, okay,
03:35 this better be worth the hype.
03:37 But if you're waiting 15 minutes, it's sweet.
03:39 - Yeah, I suppose.
03:41 - But sometimes the lines--
03:41 - Did you do it more than once?
03:44 - Time was of the essence, so we would try to get through
03:46 as many roller coasters as we possibly could.
03:48 - Sometimes the lines are so creative and cool
03:52 that you do appreciate them.
03:56 Like the Batman line was sweet.
03:59 - I remember that being more of a thing at Disney
04:01 than Six Flags.
04:02 - Really? - Yeah.
04:03 - Six Flags, the Batman line, it's got a cop car,
04:05 like it's smoking a fire hydrant,
04:08 and there's a refrigerator that's rogue in a field.
04:11 It's weird.
04:11 - I feel like that, I do remember that now,
04:14 and I feel like that was the indication
04:15 that you were getting towards the end of the line.
04:17 Like you were in line for a long time
04:19 before you saw that cop car.
04:20 - You're right, and there's like a fan
04:22 that you're walking in on.
04:23 It's like you're in the depths, the bowels of Gotham City.
04:26 - Do they let you six to 11, do they let you drink?
04:29 Do they have bars at Six Flags?
04:30 - Yeah, I don't know why they don't have
04:33 beer tents in line.
04:34 - Yeah, that would make a lot of sense.
04:36 - Captive audience.
04:37 - I don't know.
04:39 - How many times can you go by that, like set it up
04:41 so like one whole side of the line,
04:45 so you get a beer, you kind of meander your way,
04:48 snake your way through, you end up back in the same spot,
04:50 kind of just six feet further down, get another one.
04:53 - That's for--
04:55 - Get a lot of people puking on that raging bull.
04:57 - But still, these corporations are just,
04:59 all they think about, they wake up,
05:00 how could the park make more money,
05:01 how could the park make more money?
05:02 It's kind of wild that they haven't thought of a way
05:05 to plop one in between the lines.
05:07 Like to sell hot dogs, pretzels, beer, like you know?
05:10 You're buying.
05:11 - I'm genuinely wondering if it is a puke hazard.
05:14 - And you can do it at a point where it's like
05:16 you have a half hour still until you get on the ride.
05:18 Like take, drink your beer, you'll be fine.
05:21 - Yeah.
05:22 - You know, not a puke hazard.
05:23 - Would you rather, would you,
05:25 you have to shut, someone pukes on raging bull,
05:27 you gotta shut it down for hours.
05:28 - You just call the fucking custodian
05:30 who's probably making minimum wage, you mop it up.
05:33 - Disinfect that shit, but then it's like,
05:35 don't go on that ride, they fucking puked on it.
05:37 - And you're selling more beer and pretzels
05:38 in that 10, 15 minutes as they're cleaning up.
05:42 - I feel like you might get a puke per ride
05:44 if you're selling beers like that.
05:47 - Would you rather do a day as an adult
05:50 at Six Flags or Medieval Times?
05:52 - Six Flags.
05:56 - They do do it up for Fright Fest too.
05:58 Like they got haunted houses going,
06:00 they got chainsaw guy chasing you.
06:03 They do do a good job.
06:04 They got the spider on the--
06:05 - I thought it was gonna be like Looney Tunes characters
06:08 dressed up in Halloween costumes.
06:09 I don't know, it was that intense.
06:10 There's a guy chasing you, a chainsaw through fog
06:14 that I couldn't even see through.
06:15 Now, September, it's a little early.
06:18 - Yeah, I guess it started September 16th.
06:20 - Yeah, I don't know how I feel about that.
06:22 It should be October for Fright Fest, but whatever.
06:24 - But they probably wanna elongate it as long as they can
06:26 'cause they're gonna close before November, right?
06:28 Or I guess Halloween's the 31st, so.
06:32 - I would like Medieval Times to,
06:36 there should be like an R-rated Medieval Times.
06:40 - Where like people die?
06:41 - Well, no, not die.
06:42 - Like Squid Games?
06:44 - Yeah, yeah.
06:45 - No, but like obviously--
06:48 - The Green Knight got jousted right through the jugular.
06:51 Is that what you're talking about?
06:53 - Game of Thrones was just huge.
06:55 - So you want like a brothel section?
06:57 - Yeah, give me like, you know,
06:59 give me a little Tyrion Lannister
07:00 to take me to the--
07:01 - Yeah, get some wine and get your dick sucked
07:04 and get back out for the joust.
07:05 - You just be barbaric and just hold turkey legs
07:07 and fucking scream and just say whatever you want.
07:11 - If we're doing Venn diagrams here,
07:12 Six Flags has a turkey leg as well.
07:15 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:16 - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:17 - It's a jumbo turkey leg.
07:19 - They should have like some kind of gambling element
07:22 to Medieval Times.
07:24 And like those, like it's no like WWE stuff
07:27 where like you know who's gonna win.
07:29 It's like you guys are actually battling it out.
07:31 And then it's like, hey, if you're the Green Knight,
07:33 like you get your money back or something like that,
07:36 your section wins.
07:37 - Free turkey leg.
07:38 - Yeah.
07:41 - On that note, what would you say
07:43 if you had to sleep in a store overnight,
07:48 what store you picking?
07:49 - Dick's.
07:51 - See, I said Dick's is the easy answer.
07:53 - Yeah, it is.
07:54 - 'Cause of the tent selection.
07:55 - Right.
07:56 - But they don't got mattresses.
07:58 - That's true.
07:58 - You know?
07:59 - So what, you're thinking,
08:01 yeah, but do you wanna sleep in a mattress firm?
08:03 - I don't know if you want that either.
08:05 I don't know.
08:05 - I have, I've slept in a mattress firm before.
08:07 - Yeah, that's right, yeah.
08:09 - For work.
08:10 - Yeah.
08:10 - Which was, I'm sure, lovely,
08:12 but a standard mattress firm,
08:15 like I don't think there's a food source, right?
08:17 So you don't really, you know?
08:18 - Give me a Home Depot.
08:20 I'll do the outdoor section.
08:22 Let me sleep on some patio furniture.
08:24 - Oh, just huffing sawdust?
08:26 - You don't have to be.
08:27 - I love that smell.
08:28 I love the way Home Depot smells.
08:29 - But you don't wanna sleep in it.
08:31 - I might.
08:31 - You don't want that thing to be
08:33 protruding your nostrils while you're in the room.
08:36 - I feel like if you gave me a Yankee candle
08:39 that smelled like Home Depot, I'd probably buy it.
08:41 - Yeah, I don't think the smell's that intense.
08:43 - I think it's good,
08:44 but I just don't know if you want it while you sleep.
08:47 Like I think at some point you get tired of it.
08:49 It's good to walk in there,
08:50 to be in there less than an hour,
08:52 and be smelling it.
08:53 But I think, I'm actually curious
08:55 how a Home Depot worker feels about the smell for eight hours.
09:00 Like at some point it might get a little--
09:01 - You think it sticks with you?
09:03 - Oh, like when you go home?
09:04 - Yeah.
09:05 - Double shower.
09:06 Probably.
09:07 - After a couple months of being on the payroll, yeah.
09:10 - See, I feel like I would,
09:13 like if you ever walk into a Bath and Body Works
09:16 in the mall, remember that?
09:17 - Yeah, oh yeah.
09:18 - That was like, I would get a headache.
09:20 Like I gotta get out of here.
09:21 - That's what I mean.
09:22 - Yeah, but I don't get that from Home Depot.
09:24 I'm just like, this is nice.
09:25 - Yeah, but it's also like, it's closer quarters.
09:28 - Yeah.
09:29 - Home Depot's fucking huge.
09:32 - I feel like there's a better answer
09:33 that we just haven't--
09:34 - I feel like--
09:35 - What if you--
09:36 - I feel like they offered Costco to me.
09:37 - Costco?
09:38 - 'Cause they do have beds.
09:39 - Yeah.
09:40 - They got, but then again, like if you wanna--
09:41 - Home theater section of Best Buy might be nice.
09:45 - True.
09:46 - Yeah, yeah.
09:47 Actually, I have the answer.
09:49 It's very localized Chicago.
09:51 The answer is ABT.
09:53 - Yeah, I don't know if I've ever been inside an ABT.
09:57 - It's only one.
09:58 Only one place.
09:59 - Let me ask you this, is your biggest concern a bed
10:01 or getting caught pulling it off?
10:03 Sleeping overnight?
10:04 - I'm saying like if you're allowed.
10:06 - If you're allowed.
10:06 - You know what I mean?
10:07 Like what's the best thing?
10:08 - Well, if it's getting caught,
10:11 I feel like the answer is Home Depot.
10:13 - Yeah.
10:14 - 'Cause then you go up high,
10:16 climb those shelves.
10:17 I've always wanted to do that.
10:18 - I think I could successfully hide in a Home Depot.
10:21 - Yeah.
10:21 - After close.
10:23 - Yeah.
10:25 - The best answer is Duncan's Toy Chest.
10:27 Let's be clear here though.
10:28 - Is it though?
10:29 - You got guys breaking in.
10:30 - Oh yeah, do they got gumdrops if you get tired?
10:33 Like you can do whatever you want and then--
10:35 - Sleeping in a convertible?
10:36 - Yeah.
10:37 - Like a car bed?
10:38 - Race car bed, yeah.
10:39 - Exactly, you wanna hop out,
10:40 play the fucking piano from Big for a couple minutes.
10:43 Like you could do whatever you want.
10:44 The possibilities are endless.
10:46 But I think ABT, they have this little theater section
10:51 that it's a whole priced out home theater.
10:54 It's like $250,000.
10:57 And it is fucking awesome.
10:59 I would just go in there and then they got like
11:01 a candy shop, they got everything.
11:03 They really do.
11:04 - I was talking to this girl who she does
11:07 like landscape design as her job.
11:11 And she's working on this house on the North Shore.
11:14 And they quoted out a new driveway for this family.
11:19 Their house, guess how much their driveway costs.
11:23 - Oh God.
11:24 So it's--
11:25 - It's just like you, if you saw,
11:27 it's not like it's brick or anything like crazy.
11:30 - No bells and whistles.
11:31 - Yeah.
11:31 - Heaters under the concrete.
11:34 - I don't know if there's heaters under there or not.
11:36 I would assume so maybe.
11:38 But that would be like, if I had money,
11:40 I would absolutely do that.
11:42 But--
11:43 - Oh, that's worth it.
11:44 - Yeah.
11:45 - What, heat a driveway?
11:45 - Yeah.
11:46 - You think it's that worth it?
11:47 - Oh yeah, dude.
11:48 - Fuck yeah, dude.
11:49 - And walkway, you never have to,
11:50 you just flip that switch and the snow melts.
11:53 No snow blowers, no shoveling, no salt, nothing.
11:56 It's awesome.
11:57 But the quote for a driveway,
12:01 for a driveway.
12:02 - I don't like to hear this.
12:03 As a guy who's planning on pouring a patio next spring,
12:05 I don't like to hear this.
12:06 - $2 million.
12:07 - What?
12:08 - A $2 million driveway.
12:09 - Is it a parking lot?
12:10 - No.
12:11 - Wait, is this for a house?
12:12 - For a driveway for a house.
12:14 And it's like a nice, it's a nice like North shore,
12:16 like I don't know how much the house costs, but it--
12:19 - Dude, this isn't a driveway, this is like a street.
12:21 - Definitely heated then.
12:23 - Maybe, yeah.
12:24 But it was like, it had like--
12:25 - Cures cancer.
12:26 - One little like curve to it.
12:28 Like I saw like the, like a blueprint.
12:31 And it didn't look like, I was like, I don't know.
12:34 And I was like thinking, I guess,
12:36 and I was like high end, I'm like,
12:38 geez, I don't know, 50 grand?
12:39 Like, I don't know.
12:40 It's like $2 million.
12:42 $2 million for a fucking driveway.
12:44 - Jesus, how much is the house?
12:46 - I didn't even ask that.
12:47 - That's like fake.
12:51 That's not real.
12:52 - I swear.
12:53 Let me double check, let me double check.
12:55 I'll send a text right now.
12:56 - It's just gotta be an abnormal driveway.
12:58 It's gotta be massive, like six car driveway.
13:00 - No, it wasn't like, it was a driveway that you wouldn't,
13:03 like, how special can a driveway look?
13:06 - $2 million?
13:07 It better be special.
13:08 - Like that's like a private drive.
13:09 Like I'm thinking of like Michael Jordan's,
13:12 where you gotta go through the gates
13:13 and you gotta go through a little windy road
13:15 to get up to the house.
13:16 - Right, yeah, it's like half a street.
13:18 - Yeah, what the fuck?
13:20 - I'll see if I get an answer by the end of the show,
13:21 'cause maybe I'm misremembering,
13:22 but I'm pretty sure it was $2 million.
13:23 - Who's doing a $2 million driveway?
13:25 How do you get the value out of that?
13:27 Like you bake that into the price of the house,
13:30 and like, oh, like why is this house $12 million?
13:34 It should be like nine or 10,
13:36 like wow, the driveway's worth $2 million.
13:39 That's fucking crazy.
13:40 - Yeah, I don't know, it's like,
13:43 is there another artery to another village
13:45 where like waste management--
13:46 - Has it underground or something?
13:48 Yeah, I don't know.
13:49 - Waste management needs to pay you like $50,000 a year
13:51 to like use it, and that's why it's worth it?
13:52 I don't know.
13:53 - Yeah, it's crazy, I don't know.
13:54 - You can't even live with a car?
13:55 - That's bananas.
13:57 I don't know, Costco's a good answer though.
14:00 But I also don't like, you know,
14:02 go out for a late night snack.
14:04 I don't wanna open up the milk carton jug of Goldfish
14:06 to, you know, for myself.
14:09 Seems excessive.
14:10 - That's a big thing.
14:11 If you're going to Home Depot,
14:12 you're really only getting what, candy?
14:13 Maybe, well, maybe you can go behind there,
14:15 get a Depot dog.
14:17 Not all of them have it, select locations.
14:18 - Yeah, that's true.
14:20 That's true, like if I did Costco,
14:22 I would assume that the food wouldn't be open.
14:25 - Right, realistically you're like,
14:27 eating a cold hot dog.
14:28 - Yeah, exactly.
14:29 Menards ain't a bad choice.
14:31 I mean, similar vein, but I feel like
14:32 they got a little better food selection.
14:35 They're a little grocery.
14:36 - What about, I mean, I feel like a Target
14:38 is kind of an obvious answer too.
14:40 - Yeah, they do have furniture.
14:42 Yeah, they do.
14:43 They got a pillow section.
14:44 - You can get some bedding.
14:47 - Yeah, Target's not bad.
14:48 - Yeah, Target, I haven't been there.
14:50 That's like one of those things,
14:52 I haven't been in a long time,
14:53 but every time I go, it's just like,
14:55 you come back with like $600 worth of stuff.
14:57 - Yeah, the girl meme.
14:58 - Yeah, what's the girl meme?
15:00 - They're just like, go to Target
15:02 with no expectations of buying anything
15:03 and walk out with $100 worth of stuff.
15:05 - All right, I did have this wrong.
15:07 - You had to.
15:08 - All right, so the roof was two million.
15:12 - Okay.
15:13 - Okay.
15:13 - The driveway, 480,000, still.
15:16 - Still a lot.
15:17 - Still fucking crazy.
15:19 - It's one of those things where I have no idea
15:20 what a price of a driveway is,
15:21 but I know that was too much.
15:23 (laughing)
15:24 - Well, two million for a roof is fucking crazy.
15:26 - Yeah, it's like the fucking road
15:28 in a Four Winds Casino.
15:29 - Yeah.
15:30 - It's like a huge drop.
15:30 - Yeah.
15:31 - But a roof, you're adding value to the house lease.
15:33 It makes a little more sense than driveway.
15:35 - Totally.
15:36 - Yeah.
15:37 - That's a crazy amount of money.
15:39 - What do you think of people working out in public?
15:42 - What kind of work out?
15:43 Are we talking like Venice Beach shit?
15:45 Or like jogging?
15:46 - Say you're even in the office
15:49 and someone starts doing air squats.
15:50 - Fucking our guy Lance.
15:53 - Sure.
15:53 - Yeah, but he would sneak into the green room
15:55 and just do squats.
15:56 - Yeah, sometimes it's like,
15:58 his would be like half kind of stretching, I get it.
16:00 Like might as well bust a couple squats out.
16:02 But like, more so say someone's wearing like an ab simulator
16:07 around their waist during office hours.
16:10 - Or like the posture thing.
16:11 - Yeah, like I had a friend in grade school
16:14 who would like, he'd be sitting in class
16:17 and he would lean back and do like,
16:19 he'd like roll his arms, do like quick ab exercises.
16:22 I'm like, is it worth it to be doing this in public?
16:26 - I think--
16:28 - But like maybe it is, you know?
16:30 - I saw something the other day that was like,
16:33 if you do 20 minutes a day,
16:36 so jumping jacks and pushups 20 minutes a day,
16:39 your rate of like, what do you call it?
16:42 Something like, not comorbidities,
16:45 but like a word like that.
16:47 Like your health risks go down like 600%.
16:51 - That's what I mean.
16:52 - It's like, maybe--
16:54 - Someone would flip that back to me,
16:55 like yeah, it is worth it.
16:56 - Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
16:57 Like I wouldn't do it.
16:58 - Just 20 a day or 20 an hour?
17:00 - 20 minutes a day.
17:01 Like it's like a shockingly low--
17:03 - You can get 20 minutes somewhere else besides work.
17:06 - I don't know, like someone, like Stefan,
17:10 he's here long hours.
17:11 I walked in here one time,
17:12 he's doing crunches on the floor.
17:13 - I think a lot of it depends on your personality too.
17:17 And how long you're here.
17:18 Like he was here a long time.
17:20 If he wants to do that--
17:21 - What do you mean by your personality though?
17:22 - I don't know, like I had, when I was the film--
17:25 - Like if you don't give a fuck?
17:27 - If you're too hardo about it, you know?
17:29 Like I was on the,
17:30 I was the filmer for the football team in college
17:34 and there was this like new GA grad assistant strength guy
17:38 and we took a bus trip
17:41 and this guy would get up periodically
17:43 and he would go in the middle of the road
17:44 and he would start doing squats.
17:46 And like everyone was just staring at this guy like,
17:49 dude, like fucking take it easy.
17:50 - He's doing chin-ups through the emergency room.
17:53 - Yeah, that's a two--
17:53 - Emergency exit in the room.
17:54 - Fucking relax, this guy also--
17:56 - That's strength coaches though.
17:57 - Yeah, but he also, one time there,
18:00 like I forget where it was,
18:01 they had like a crazy deal on almonds
18:03 and he ate so many that he made himself allergic.
18:06 Did you know that's a thing?
18:07 - Whoa, no.
18:08 - Yeah, apparently that was a story.
18:11 Someone could check me on that,
18:12 but there is something that can happen to you
18:15 if you like not overdose on something,
18:17 but if you do too much of something,
18:18 it could like flare up an allergic reaction
18:21 or something like that.
18:22 But he like ate too many almonds.
18:25 - I don't, I wonder if that was like,
18:27 I have a hard time believing that.
18:29 - I don't know, that's what--
18:31 - I feel like--
18:32 - And I remember kind of looking into it a little bit.
18:33 - Like he had a permanent allergy after that?
18:37 Like if he had an allergy--
18:38 - Or maybe it was a one-time reaction,
18:40 like he just ate too many that day, I don't know.
18:42 - Well, that I can see you getting like sick,
18:44 but I wonder if it was like,
18:46 was it where those almonds like just covered in glyphosate
18:50 kind of thing where it's, you know?
18:52 - Right, maybe.
18:54 - But yeah, 'cause it is like developing a permanent allergy
18:58 from something like that.
19:00 They're new, they're not new,
19:02 but like they say that the thing with that,
19:05 and this is where like the vaccine people
19:07 talk about it too,
19:08 but like if you have like exposure to something,
19:11 like something toxic,
19:13 and then you eat peanuts or almonds or whatever it is,
19:18 while you have like that toxic element in your body,
19:23 your body will associate a peanut or an almond
19:28 with that toxic response.
19:31 So then it like permanently,
19:32 that's why like if you have a peanut allergy,
19:35 it's like a big problem,
19:36 but it wasn't like, it's not like a peanut was the problem.
19:39 It was like you ate a peanut,
19:41 or you had exposure to peanuts
19:42 while you also had exposure to something like highly toxic.
19:44 - Ah, okay, that's interesting.
19:46 - Yeah.
19:47 - And then like Russell Wilson doing high knees
19:49 in the aisle on the way to London.
19:51 - He's a fucking dink, man.
19:52 - Sure like that.
19:53 - Yeah.
19:54 - Yeah, that's more you want people to see you doing it.
19:56 - But that's like, I do think that's like a personal,
19:58 have you seen, you might have seen the tube girl,
20:02 that trend on TikTok?
20:04 - Remind me.
20:05 - So it's just like this girl in London,
20:09 she looks like she's, she's like a dark skin,
20:12 like look like she's from India,
20:13 but she has like an American accent.
20:15 And she just was like in public on the public transit,
20:18 like filming TikToks like this.
20:20 And like people just staring at her
20:22 and she just like does not give a fuck.
20:25 And now it's become like a trend where people will like,
20:28 just film themselves like dancing to this one,
20:31 like TikTok sound.
20:32 And it all started with her.
20:33 And she's now like a runway fashion model
20:36 because she started doing this.
20:37 - Go figure.
20:38 - Tube girl.
20:39 But it's like, you just have to be able to be like,
20:40 I don't give a fuck.
20:41 - Yeah, there is a level of,
20:43 if you want to make content like that,
20:44 you have to truly like that.
20:46 You saw that Home Depot dancing video
20:48 that went kind of viral, like the summer.
20:51 - No, I don't know.
20:51 - There's like two girls like busting out,
20:53 just like aggressive dance move at Home Depot,
20:57 right by the checkout lines.
20:58 Like people are just going by them.
20:59 And it's like, it was like a big,
21:01 like people, what's happening in society.
21:04 - Yeah.
21:05 - Like people are fine doing this.
21:07 - It's one of those things too,
21:08 where like I see crazy people being crazy
21:11 on Belmont street here all the time.
21:13 Not a camera on them, they've just lost their mind.
21:16 But if I saw a person holding their phone up,
21:18 talking all crazy, I'd be like,
21:19 oh, they're just trying to go viral.
21:21 But it's the same behavior.
21:22 - Yeah.
21:23 - It's just like, one's like--
21:24 - Crazy people just need to start holding phones.
21:26 - Yeah.
21:27 - Yeah, but crazy people on Belmont,
21:29 they're usually something mentally wrong.
21:31 - That's what I'm saying though.
21:32 But I'm saying maybe the people who are doing it
21:34 with a phone in public spaces as well,
21:37 also have something mentally wrong with them.
21:39 But we have like a, we just accept it.
21:43 Because it's there.
21:44 - It's possible.
21:45 I don't even like taking a video around my friends.
21:49 - Oh, I won't do it.
21:50 - If I have to do like a Bears halftime or something,
21:51 I'll like walk outside.
21:52 - He's going in the closet.
21:53 - I don't like doing it.
21:55 I didn't like doing it, like a full beer garden.
21:57 I'm gonna start screaming into a camera.
21:59 - No.
22:00 - You know what I mean?
22:00 And there's like 100 people outside.
22:02 - When I would do, I had a girlfriend that lived with me.
22:05 And when I would do like Blackhawk spaces,
22:07 I'd be like, you have to go to the bedroom.
22:08 (laughing)
22:10 Like you can't be here for this.
22:11 - Yeah, like you can't sit here while I just
22:13 curse out this team.
22:14 - And talk to strangers on the internet.
22:15 - Yeah.
22:16 - Like you can't be here for that.
22:17 - Speaking of that though, I had a buddy,
22:19 and I put this out to a poll.
22:21 I had a friend who brought a kettlebell to a bachelor party.
22:24 - He's no longer your friend.
22:27 - Ultimate hard-on move.
22:28 - Yeah.
22:29 - Ultimate hard-on move.
22:29 - You have to lug that thing around, the kettlebell?
22:31 - Yes.
22:32 - Was it a, did he have to fly to get there?
22:34 - No, no, no, it was a drive.
22:35 - Okay.
22:35 - It was a drive one.
22:36 But yeah, he brought a kettlebell.
22:37 - That would be fucking preposterous.
22:38 Can you imagine going through like security?
22:40 - Oh, dude, yeah, bringing a kettlebell?
22:42 I don't even know it's allowed.
22:44 Too much metal.
22:45 - That's what I mean, like it goes through
22:46 like the x-ray machine, and then you just be like,
22:50 like it's not a weapon per se,
22:51 but you're on no-fly list now.
22:53 - Yeah, absolutely.
22:54 - Just for being a fucking asshole.
22:55 - And I put it on a poll, 5,600 votes.
22:59 93.6% said yes, it's a hard-on move.
23:03 - Of course.
23:03 - And he was like--
23:04 - Who were the other ones?
23:06 - 6.4%--
23:06 - That's what I mean, who are those people?
23:08 - I don't know, but it was, my friend was like,
23:10 damn, all right, like.
23:12 - Like if you really, like was he working out actually
23:15 with it, did he use it?
23:17 - Oh yeah.
23:18 - How many pounds was the kettlebell?
23:19 - Oh yeah, it wasn't like the heaviest,
23:20 but it was like a medium one.
23:21 - Like a 25 pound?
23:23 - Yeah, probably around that range.
23:24 - If you really wanna work out on a bachelor party,
23:26 you can find ways without bringing anything.
23:28 - Yeah, but I've talked about this guy before,
23:30 he's like a fucking psycho.
23:32 - This is the guy who had like, I can't go on the trip
23:34 unless there's like a 24-hour fitness nearby?
23:37 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:39 He wouldn't go to a weight for one of our friends
23:42 because he needed to go to the gym the next day,
23:44 I swear to God.
23:45 He's like, if you guarantee me that there's a gym
23:47 somewhere nearby, I will go.
23:49 - I will pay my respects.
23:50 - And I will stay overnight, yeah.
23:53 - This is one of those things though
23:54 where it's like, in my current condition,
23:58 I feel like I can't make fun of that guy.
24:00 He's a better, he's probably a better guy than me.
24:02 - I know what you mean though, but is he?
24:04 That's crazy behavior.
24:06 - Yeah, 'cause like you could still do pushups,
24:08 jumping jacks, squats without any equipment.
24:11 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm talking about Rocky.
24:12 - You don't need a gym.
24:13 - I get what you're saying.
24:14 - Yeah.
24:14 - Very much same boat, but like, you can't.
24:17 - Yeah, you can't.
24:18 Or like, you gotta have a little bit like,
24:21 have some flexibility for a fucking funeral.
24:24 - It's a funeral.
24:25 - Yeah, yeah, a wake.
24:27 - A wake, pay your respects.
24:29 - You're gonna be a pallbearer, you're gonna work.
24:31 (laughing)
24:32 - Yeah, dude, when my grandpa died, I was 15,
24:37 and I was, you know, we've much talked about,
24:39 I was five two and 110 pounds at that age,
24:42 and I have like a ton of male cousins,
24:45 so there's, I was like the eighth,
24:49 there was eight of us holding the casket.
24:52 - Irreliability, huh?
24:53 - Oh, it was so fucking heavy.
24:56 - Front right sore stack, can't fucking get that.
24:58 - Yeah, I think I was front left,
25:00 so I was like, I need to at least have my right arm.
25:02 - Yeah, dude.
25:03 - And it was fucking miserable.
25:06 And then when my Nana died, they were like,
25:10 well, we wanna have the granddaughters be the pallbearers.
25:13 I'm like, that's, first of all, lame.
25:16 That's not their role.
25:17 (laughing)
25:18 - Sexist.
25:19 - Yeah, but I'm like, fine, fucking let them try to,
25:21 they're not gonna be able to carry it.
25:23 Now they just wheel 'em in.
25:24 Somewhere in like the 10 years between the two funerals,
25:28 they like changed all the rules.
25:30 So like I had grown, I was in shape,
25:32 I was ready to carry that fucking casket for my Nana,
25:35 and they're like, no, we're gonna have the girls
25:36 like wheel it in.
25:37 - I think it just all depends on the church.
25:39 - Same church.
25:41 - Really?
25:42 - St. Luke's, Westport, Connecticut.
25:43 - Like if it's, I don't know,
25:44 I think church has gotta be ADA accessible at this point,
25:47 but I've seen a lot of them wheel 'em in,
25:49 but carry 'em out.
25:50 - They did not, these girls, my cousins, my sisters,
25:53 they did nothing but wheelies.
25:55 It was pathetic.
25:55 - But you gotta take it off the fucking roller
25:58 in the hearse.
25:59 - Right.
25:59 - No, you roll it right up and then they shooted it in.
26:03 They put it on those rails and slide it right in.
26:05 That was always the case.
26:05 You could slide it right in that hearse.
26:07 And the other thing, like my Nana, God rest her soul,
26:12 she fucking hated women too.
26:13 (laughing)
26:14 She hated women.
26:15 She had 36 grandchildren and five daughters.
26:20 It was like a running joke,
26:25 like how much better the boys got treated than the girls.
26:28 She was like, "Hey, why don't you help me cook for the boys?"
26:30 (laughing)
26:31 Like, well, you know, like that kind of thing.
26:33 - Jeez, shout out to Nana.
26:34 - Hey, the grandsons are almost back
26:36 from playing football outside.
26:38 Why don't we clean up for 'em?
26:39 It was great.
26:40 - Thank God that there was no rollers there.
26:41 Probably banging her off corners if we had the chance.
26:43 - Yeah, yep.
26:45 She was the best.
26:46 - Jeez.
26:46 - Nana Mac.
26:47 - That's hilarious.
26:48 - Yeah.
26:49 - The people in that, like, what is it?
26:53 I don't know what, I would assume it's Africa.
26:56 That famous video.
26:58 - Oh yeah, the meme.
26:59 - Yeah, the famous meme.
27:00 Those people, if they knew we're doing rollers now,
27:02 they would think America's the softest place
27:04 in the fucking world.
27:05 - Bro, we are the softest place in the world.
27:08 They had the full on dances for that.
27:11 - Yeah, I know.
27:11 They're fucking throwing it over their heads,
27:13 burnt their hair.
27:14 I mean, that's probably not the music set to it.
27:15 - Yeah, that was racist.
27:17 - What?
27:18 - You just made up African music right there.
27:20 - No, I didn't.
27:21 I said the music and the meme.
27:22 You know what I'm talking about.
27:24 - They're dancing to something.
27:25 They gotta be playing music.
27:26 - Stop being 75 and know the fucking music.
27:28 - I take it back.
27:28 I take it back.
27:29 - Speaking of domestic or international issues.
27:35 - Ukraine?
27:36 - No, not doing, that's for Tuesday.
27:39 - Call Dave in here.
27:39 - That's for Tuesday episodes of White Sox Day.
27:41 - My friend just got back from Australia
27:44 and he showed me, he got a, he was sitting at home,
27:49 got a $1,200 ticket in the mail.
27:53 - From Australia?
27:54 - Yes, from Australia.
27:54 - For what?
27:55 - For having a cell phone on his lap while he was driving.
27:58 - What?
28:00 - Wasn't using it, it was just on his leg.
28:03 - How did he even?
28:04 So he got pulled over or anything?
28:05 - There's a picture overhead.
28:06 - Oh my God.
28:07 - Dude, that's bad.
28:08 - Got it, sent it over, 1,200 bucks.
28:10 - Well, Australia's sneaky, like the most.
28:13 - Authoritarian.
28:14 - Yeah, remember when like for,
28:16 they went nuts for COVID too.
28:18 Remember they would have like,
28:19 they would take you out of your home
28:20 and make you live at like a COVID camp?
28:22 Do you remember seeing the videos of that?
28:23 - I thought it was New Zealand, that was crazy.
28:25 - They both were.
28:26 - Yeah.
28:27 - They both were, Don Oner lost their goddamn minds.
28:29 But yeah, that's fucking,
28:31 and what's he supposed to do, pay that?
28:33 How about he just never go to Australia again?
28:35 - That's what he said, and I'm like, what are you gonna do?
28:37 He's like, well, I could not pay it
28:39 and I'll just never go back,
28:40 but I wanna go back, so I'm gonna pay it.
28:42 - Fuck that.
28:45 - Fuck that.
28:46 - That's crazy.
28:47 - So you can't even have like, under that.
28:48 - $1,200?
28:48 - You can't even have like the Uber holder,
28:51 phone holder then.
28:52 - I guess not, no.
28:53 - What's the like exchange rate?
28:54 Is it close?
28:56 - I don't know, I mean, do the math.
28:59 - I'm assuming it's 1,200 American.
29:00 - Mr. Fucking exchange rates, ask yourself.
29:02 - That's what I mean, like if it's 1,200 Aussie dollars
29:04 and those are like 12 bucks, like I don't know.
29:07 I don't know what the rate is.
29:09 - $1,200, dude, for having his phone on his lap.
29:13 I wish I could show you the picture.
29:15 - You could repave a driveway with that money.
29:17 - Yeah, just sitting on it, exactly.
29:20 I was just sitting on his knee.
29:22 - That's unbelievable.
29:24 - Yeah, it was crazy, and then he said
29:26 there's also something, correct me if I'm wrong,
29:29 Australia, I got my guy Stan out there.
29:31 He was actually--
29:33 - Aussie Stan?
29:34 - Yeah, Aussie Stan, Big Bears fan,
29:35 remember how he said to me about him?
29:36 - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:37 - He was DMing me the other day,
29:39 the Queensland Magpipes, they got a big game coming up.
29:43 They went to the Super Bowl,
29:45 the championship of their sport.
29:47 - For Australia and rules football?
29:48 - Yeah, good luck to them.
29:50 100,000 fans strong, he said.
29:51 - Damn.
29:52 - Yeah, so shout out to the Magpipes.
29:54 - Magpies.
29:55 - Magpies.
29:56 - Yeah, it's a bird.
29:57 - Yeah, the birds.
29:58 Apparently there's also a demerit system
30:03 and he got three demerits for this.
30:04 If you get 12, you lose your license for like a year.
30:07 - Demerits.
30:07 - Yeah.
30:08 - I'm out.
30:11 - I'm out on this whole fucking country.
30:13 Might as well, this is like,
30:16 what's that show you love?
30:18 Black Mirror.
30:19 - Yes.
30:19 - Where they're just watching everything you do.
30:20 It's like when, like that stuff,
30:22 like if you didn't tell me what country that happened in,
30:26 I'd have been like China.
30:27 - Yeah, for sure.
30:28 - Yeah.
30:29 - Can I play devil's advocate though?
30:31 - Sure.
30:32 - Texting and driving is like the worst thing you could do.
30:34 - Yeah, but like sometimes--
30:35 - But he wasn't on it.
30:37 He wasn't on the phone.
30:38 - He wasn't on it, no.
30:39 It was on his knee.
30:40 - So you can't even say he was texting.
30:42 - No, you're right.
30:44 But it's like how do we combat this?
30:46 Because it's a problem
30:48 and it's a pretty fucking big problem.
30:51 - Yeah.
30:52 But like I would have,
30:54 I might have my phone on my knee
30:55 if I was looking for directions somewhere
30:57 and had my mouth open.
30:58 - Totally, totally.
30:59 - What if it was like,
31:01 now I got questions that you can't possibly answer,
31:03 but like if you put it in the cup holder,
31:05 is that--
31:05 - That's what I was saying,
31:06 you can't have like the Uber phone holder.
31:07 - Yeah.
31:08 - And even--
31:09 - Yeah, I don't know.
31:10 I don't know what the qualifications are.
31:12 We need an Australian correspondent.
31:15 - Stan.
31:16 - Yeah, maybe Stan.
31:17 But I just know that,
31:20 I don't know, it's a big problem, dude.
31:22 Like everyone, almost everyone's guilty of it.
31:25 But you genuinely black out
31:29 for like however stretchy your texting.
31:31 - Yeah.
31:32 - It's crazy.
31:33 - I haven't driven consistently in like five years,
31:34 so it's just like not something I think about.
31:36 - Yeah.
31:37 Especially like people are doing that
31:40 in a very busy place, like in the summer,
31:42 when people are walking across the street,
31:43 there's bikers, there's joggers.
31:45 Like you're gonna fucking smoke someone.
31:48 - Yeah.
31:48 - That's gonna be bad.
31:49 - It's like I said in the past,
31:50 we now look forward to red lights
31:52 instead of being bummed by the red lights.
31:54 - Exactly.
31:55 - Then you can go on your phone.
31:56 - You'll fire off that text.
31:57 - Yeah, it's like commercials.
31:58 - Refresh your feed.
31:59 - Yeah, it's like White Sox Dave always jokes about it,
32:03 but that man can't chew gum and walk at the same time.
32:06 - He's the fucking liability while driving,
32:10 while thinking he's the best driver in the world.
32:12 - 100%.
32:13 - Yeah.
32:14 Like he does the thing where he intentionally
32:16 breaks the rules of the road,
32:17 'cause he thinks it's funny.
32:18 - Yeah.
32:19 - Like he's just like, ah, that's got him.
32:20 - Which part of me thinks that's like a future plan,
32:23 like that's like a future excuse for him.
32:26 - For what?
32:27 - He says like he does that,
32:28 but he's actually just a bad driver.
32:29 - Of course.
32:30 - No, I mean I've been in a car with him
32:31 where he comes up, someone else right away,
32:33 and he darts through and just like chuckles to himself.
32:36 It's like, you're a fucking asshole.
32:38 And he looks over at the guy,
32:40 and the guy's like palms up,
32:41 and like, yeah, no shit, he's palms up.
32:43 Like you're driving like a fucking asshole.
32:45 - Oh man.
32:46 Yeah, seeing palms up is a little funny.
32:48 - Yeah.
32:49 - It's a little funny.
32:50 - I used to have a coach that would like
32:52 talk about the merits,
32:55 but like he would chart how many times during a game
32:58 we went palms up,
33:00 like to a teammate, to a ref,
33:02 like and then he would bag skate us.
33:04 So like we'd have to like just like,
33:05 you went palms up three times,
33:06 get on the line, you're doing three suicides.
33:09 - Yeah, that's bad.
33:10 And I don't mean to make us about the bears,
33:11 but like I think DJ Moore went palms up like--
33:14 - He did a ton of that Tampa game.
33:16 - Week two, yeah, like two, it's like,
33:17 dude, you can't, like,
33:19 that's making things a lot worse for your guy.
33:21 - Well, and it's like then there's that thing,
33:22 the mic'd up thing that leaked where it was like,
33:26 the corner for Tampa was like,
33:28 they're not using you right,
33:29 and he's like, brother, I know,
33:30 like no shit.
33:32 It's like, oh, fuck, like this is a problem.
33:34 - You know what's more effective than palms up,
33:35 if you're someone that cuts you off,
33:37 just a nice thumbs down.
33:39 (laughing)
33:40 - Like the Roman Empire. - Thumbs down.
33:42 - Yeah, it's very PG, but it hits even harder.
33:45 - That's still one of the,
33:46 it's like an all time meme,
33:48 the guy at the Mets game,
33:49 the thumbs down Mets game guy.
33:51 You know what I'm talking about?
33:53 - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
33:54 - Yeah, yeah. - He's a legend.
33:55 - Yeah, like that was probably,
33:57 that might have been like seven years ago now,
33:59 but it's like, it still hits.
34:01 Great meme.
34:02 - Yeah, that guy is great.
34:03 Yeah, I don't know, I don't know.
34:07 Anything else?
34:08 - Let's see, what did we cover?
34:12 Oh, how about Chief?
34:13 Chief sent out a birthday tweet,
34:16 and he said I was 33 instead of 31,
34:19 which was like the perfect lie.
34:20 The amount of people I had coming up to me,
34:22 being like, are you really 33?
34:24 I'm like, yeah, it's not much better, but I'm 31.
34:26 (laughing)
34:28 - Well, I know-- - It's like a running joke.
34:29 You did it last year, too.
34:30 - I did it when you turned 29.
34:33 I said you were 30, which that stings a little bit harder,
34:36 'cause it's like I moved up the last year
34:39 of your 20s, of your youth.
34:42 And this one now, I just think it's funny
34:43 to just be a little bit off.
34:44 And I didn't really know what number it was.
34:46 I knew it wasn't 33,
34:47 so I'm just trying to age you a little bit.
34:49 - Yeah, I was like, ah, this will be fine.
34:51 There's 60 retweets, Big Cat retweets it.
34:53 Everyone in the world thinks I'm 33.
34:55 - Yeah, yeah, I enjoyed that.
34:57 - When I saw Big Cat retweet it, I'm like, yes.
34:59 (laughing)
35:00 - I think he said that, too.
35:02 He's like, oh, Big Cat retweeted that.
35:04 - Yeah, like, "Danny's gonna hate that."
35:05 - "Danny's gonna be fuckin' pissed."
35:07 - Not pissed, just have to answer to a lot of people.
35:11 - Yeah, well, I mean, this is what you guys say.
35:12 I'm 40 all the time.
35:13 I'm not 40.
35:14 - We don't give you that.
35:16 That's Dave that said.
35:17 - He's done that before, too.
35:18 - We call you an old man, but like--
35:20 - You did it in this episode.
35:21 - Yeah, we call you an old man, but--
35:22 - Call me 75.
35:23 - We don't like go against your, you know.
35:27 - We don't ruin your birthday.
35:28 (laughing)
35:31 - We don't bring up the 37 number.
35:33 - Thank you. - We don't do that.
35:35 - I'm actually, I was fine with,
35:37 I think I was mostly fine with 37.
35:40 I think 38's gonna be like, oh, fuck.
35:42 - Dude, when you turn 40, I'm gonna be like,
35:44 dude, I don't know if we can do a podcast anymore.
35:45 (laughing)
35:47 - I don't know if I can talk to you anymore.
35:49 You'd really, too?
35:50 Wanna talk mortgages?
35:52 - We can talk mortgages.
35:53 (laughing)
35:55 - Fixed rates and whatnot.
35:58 - No, it's one of those things where it's just like,
36:00 I might just do the Goodwill hunting
36:02 where I just don't show up.
36:04 Like, I'm just gone.
36:05 Well, what happened to the chief?
36:06 He turned 40, disappeared forever.
36:08 Got no, he sells insurance now.
36:10 He retired.
36:11 - Yeah, yeah, exactly.
36:15 All right, then, we could wrap it up.
36:16 I got some more stuff, but I feel like we,
36:19 we had a good stride there.
36:20 - Yeah, we got some stuff, too, for next week.
36:21 - Yeah, always good to save.
36:23 All right, everybody, that's a free swim for today.
36:26 Thank you for listening.
36:27 Thank you for watching.
36:28 We'll be back tomorrow.
36:29 Tune in, and we will see you then.
36:31 (whooshing)
36:33 [WHOOSH]
