Marrocco (Fimmg): "vaccino monodose per noi aiuto non indifferente"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Importante che medici abbiano a disposizione tutti e tre i nuovi vaccini anti-Covid approvati o in via di approvazione. Questo permette maggiore precisione nella programmazione degli appuntamenti e meno sprechi. Chiediamo quindi che i medici di medicina generale siano riforniti nel modo più appropriato e tempestivo possibile”.


00:00 The 2023-2024 vaccination campaign for the COVID-19 outbreak is about to start and I think it is very important.
00:12 It is important that people get vaccinated in a conscious way.
00:17 There are many reasons. First, because COVID-19 has not disappeared.
00:23 Obviously, there is the idea that we have left this problem behind, but in reality it is not so.
00:33 Because there is a lot of submersion.
00:35 But also because it is not known to all our citizens that the percentage of deaths compared to the flu
00:45 has dropped significantly compared to two years ago, one year ago, is still higher than the flu itself.
00:53 So it remains a serious problem.
00:55 It is also important to get vaccinated and re-vaccinated because in this way we are slowing down,
01:02 if not avoiding, the proliferation and the development of the variants that this SARS-CoV-2 has unfortunately taught us to suffer.
01:12 And because in this way we are going to protect more and more those people whose fragility is such that it is good that they do not spread.
01:24 So I think there are really many reasons.
01:28 Fortunately, science, technology, the commitment of companies worldwide has never been less in recent years.
01:39 So we were able to have these three new vaccines approved or on the way to approval at the EMA level,
01:48 that is, the European Pharmaceutical Agency, and then also dropped by AIFA.
01:55 But I think it is important that the doctor has all three weapons at his disposal,
02:03 because it is true that all three vaccines have a base towards the XBB 1.5 variant,
02:14 but then they are a little different from each other.
02:19 They also have a level of research evaluation that is in progress, but not for everyone at the same level.
02:29 So I think we must have all three options at our disposal,
02:35 so that the general medical doctor can make a choice of greater appropriateness and, importantly,
02:41 of personalization of the choice of intervention for the single patient.
02:46 Because then we must also consider that it is important to help to face any logistical and general delivery difficulties.
02:56 So having a certain availability allows you to have less difficulty.
03:01 Another aspect is to also promote the necessary flexibility in the packaging of the vaccines themselves,
03:08 particularly useful in the study of general medicine, for organizational management of appointments and to avoid waste.
03:16 In the previous campaign, we found ourselves faced with the need to ration, to prepare the vaccines,
03:24 which, in addition to taking time, has meant a large organizational commitment to have that group of patients
03:33 necessary so as not to waste doses in the multidose bottles.
03:38 So having vaccines even with single doses is an organizational help for us, no matter what.
03:48 So, in the end, we ask that the general medical doctors be provided in the most appropriate and timely way possible.
03:56 We had some difficulties in the previous campaign.
