Dennis France calls to fight for the development, peace and prosperity of our world

  • last year
Closing Remarks at the 78th Session of the UNGA by Dennis Francis, President of the United Nations General Assembly. teleSUR


00:00 Assembly, Dennis Francis.
00:02 Ladies and gentlemen, one week ago I stood before you, your heads of state and government,
00:11 your ministers and representatives, and I spoke of the need to unite the nations.
00:19 I made a call to action for all states to find within themselves the will to act together
00:29 in solidarity.
00:32 I am encouraged by the progress I have seen over this past week.
00:39 One hundred and thirty-six heads of state and government, as well as forty ministers,
00:45 spoke at this rostrum, a record in recent times.
00:52 Thousands of voices of civil society and public and private stakeholders were heard at headquarters.
01:03 There were only twenty women leaders who spoke during the general debate, down from twenty-three
01:11 last year.
01:14 During high-level week, I had the privilege of reconvening the platform of women leaders,
01:21 following in the footsteps of my predecessors.
01:25 I spoke to many leaders of the need to recognize that women's voices, aspirations, and rights
01:35 matter at every level, from the grassroots to the global stage.
01:43 And it begins with investing in education, particularly for girls.
01:51 Let us be resolute in our commitment to inclusivity and to ensure that no woman, no man, indeed
02:03 no one, is ever left behind.
02:08 Excellencies, the General Assembly held seven high-level meetings, and we delivered no less
02:17 than four major political declarations covering universal health care, work to end tuberculosis,
02:27 pandemic prevention and preparedness and response, and the need to urgently and ambitiously scale
02:35 up sustainable development progress.
02:40 The last mentioned declaration, a result of the SDG Summit, is a particularly remarkable
02:49 win.
02:51 It is recognition of the promise we made in 2015 to drive sustainable development, as
03:03 well as a commitment to push harder and close the gaps.
03:10 This speaks to the continued relevance of the General Assembly and the commitment by
03:17 the United Nations to deliver peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability to the peoples
03:28 of our world.
03:31 These developments are a welcome reminder that the United Nations remains focused on
03:37 the collective challenges of our time.
03:42 But declarations in and of themselves are not enough.
03:50 We need to maintain this momentum and to build on it with concrete, tangible actions.
04:01 On this point, I commend the Member States for their active involvement in the high-level
04:07 dialogue on financing for development, as well as discussions around the urgent need
04:15 for reform of the international financial architecture.
04:20 We cannot rest until there is accessibility, equity, and justice in development finance.
04:32 This is the key to accelerating progress on the SDGs.
04:38 Excellencies, of the topics raised during the high-level week, few were as frequent,
04:46 consistent, or as charged as that of the Ukraine war.
04:52 The international community is clear that political independence, sovereignty, and territorial
05:00 integrity must be respected, and violence must end.
05:07 These are calls grounded in the UN Charter.
05:11 That this war is being perpetrated by a permanent member of the Security Council is unconscionable.
05:21 That it has rekindled decades-old fear of the use of nuclear weapons is unthinkable.
05:29 And as discussed today, we must redouble efforts to entirely and absolutely end nuclear proliferation
05:41 and promote the full and total denuclearization.
05:47 Calls to also give undivided attention to other raging conflicts across the globe, from
05:55 Africa to the Middle East, as well as the deteriorating situation in Haiti, were also
06:03 echoed loud and clear.
06:07 As President of the General Assembly, representing the best interests of all member states of
06:14 the United Nations, I recommit to do my part to shine a spotlight on the urgent need to
06:23 resolve these situations of deep concern.
06:29 In that regard, as President of the General Assembly, I will make myself available if
06:37 any nation or leader desires my assistance in facilitating a peace and friendship dialogue
06:48 between any nations or groups in conflict.
06:53 Be assured that I am at your service.
06:59 Excellencies, one call resonated across the General Assembly all this week.
07:06 Our planet is under siege, with the intensifying effects of climate change becoming increasingly
07:14 evident.
07:17 We see this in the extreme weather events, rising sea levels, pollution and biodiversity
07:26 loss that are becoming more prevalent and more destructive by the day.
07:34 Embracing climate actions means safeguarding the Earth's natural resources, preserving
07:41 biodiversity and ensuring equitable access to clean air and water for all.
07:50 It means looking closely at our own carbon footprints.
07:56 It means assisting vulnerable communities in building resilience.
08:02 It means moving beyond GDP to a metric that captures a country's true vulnerability
08:09 to shocks.
08:12 Tackling these questions is a moral imperative, a scientific imperative and a social imperative.
08:23 I urge the Member States to approach the COP28 Climate Conference in a spirit of unity and
08:32 solidarity and deliver a transformative, bold plan of action.
08:40 And I welcome the recent summit of the Pacific Island Leaders with President Biden, which
08:47 builds on recent high-level events I co-hosted on climate mobility and sea level rise.
08:56 The United Nations must, as a matter of principle and of responsibility, safeguard the inalienability
09:06 of the affected countries' sovereignty and statehood amidst the climate crisis.
09:14 This challenge cannot rest solely on the shoulders of frontline communities.
09:21 Excellencies, whether on climate or on conflict, poverty or justice or peace or strong institutions,
09:39 these are not just global calls.
09:42 They are existential calls, calls measured in lives lost, homes destroyed, rights violated,
09:53 inequalities persisted, and accesses denied.
10:00 All these challenges demand that we reach further, that we engage fully in preparations
10:08 for the summit of the future and define the future of international cooperation amid multidimensional
10:17 risks, that we focus our energies towards creating a world that grows sustainably for
10:27 the people and planet, and that gives every child an equal chance at success.
10:36 We hear so often that the clock is ticking.
10:40 We have it within us today to heal our divisions, find integrated solutions that reflect our
10:49 universal values and commitments, and usher in a brighter tomorrow.
10:57 I am confident that we can, together, as one United Nations, as we come to the end of this
11:05 high-level week and the general debate, let us reach out further.
11:14 I thank you.
11:15 (Applause.)
11:15 (END)
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11:18 I have not been able to find the transcript.
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