• 2 years ago
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appeared optimistic walking into the U.S. Capitol Monday morning after a weekend of negotiating to avoid a fast-approaching government shutdown.
00:00 Remember, we've had this posted since July,
00:02 but we had some members, you remember back even before then,
00:05 that would shut the floor down, we couldn't do anything.
00:07 Apparently they're willing to work now,
00:11 so we could have an opportunity if we pass those five,
00:14 the one we already passed,
00:15 but I'll say the other four,
00:16 that'd be 72% of the discretionary spending already.
00:21 The goal has always been to not allow any more omnibus.
00:25 I'm proud to say we have stopped that
00:27 by putting in the debt ceiling a 1% cut across the board
00:31 if you don't do all 12.
00:32 Remember what an omnibus is,
00:33 that no bill goes through committee.
00:36 All these bills have gone through committee,
00:37 the Senate has now taken their suit committee.
00:39 Unfortunately, the Senate has not passed
00:41 any appropriation bills.
00:43 So let's get this going,
00:45 let's make sure the government stays open
00:47 while we finish doing our job,
00:49 passing all the individual bills and getting this done.
00:51 - Well, you have to keep the government open.
00:53 I mean, if people wanna close the government,
00:55 it only makes them weaker.
00:56 Why would they wanna stop paying the troops
00:58 or stop paying the border agents or the Coast Guard?
01:00 I don't understand how that makes you stronger,
01:03 I don't understand what point you're trying to make.
01:05 We've got a border that's wide open today.
01:08 We say it's getting worse each month under Joe Biden.
01:12 We've got now border agents,
01:13 you saw this morning being bloodied.
01:15 Why would you wanna stop paying those individuals?
01:18 I couldn't understand somebody that would wanna do that.
01:21 - What's the plan on Ukraine funding?
01:22 Obviously you met with President Zelensky last week,
01:24 there are some members in your caucus who oppose that.
01:28 What are your thoughts?
01:29 Is that something you would bring up
01:30 for an individual vote?
01:31 - That's supplemental, that's something taking up difference.
01:33 I truly think we need to deal with the disasters
01:37 that have happened in America.
01:38 I don't understand why the president
01:40 would wanna tie those two together,
01:42 and especially why the president
01:43 would want to ignore the American border.
01:45 I would want to deal with that.
