Queensland government accused of lacking plan to tackle traffic jams

  • last year
The state government's being accused of lacking a plan to deal with traffic congestion in south east Queensland. The state's biggest car club and the opposition are calling for more action.


00:00 Those behind the wheel say there's too much traffic around the south east.
00:07 SEQ has a congestion problem. They tell us all the time about it. It's frustrating, it's
00:14 inconvenient, it's a drag on productivity and ultimately it will be a drag on the economy
00:18 and our lifestyle.
00:19 Queensland's peak motoring body wants to see more vision from the government.
00:24 We need to think more strategically. We need to have a proper transport plan for this region
00:28 if we're going to cater for the population growth that we anticipate over the coming
00:33 decades.
00:33 The State Opposition says there are dozens of railway crossings holding up cars that
00:38 should have been turned into under or overpasses.
00:42 Queensland's now spending up to 10,000 hours a year extra sitting behind their wheel waiting
00:47 at open level crossings like this one here at Castle Dome.
00:51 We need a dedicated plan, money needs to be attached to it and ministers need to be held
00:56 accountable to actually deliver that on time and on budget.
00:58 The Minister says they're forgetting the role of public transport.
01:02 You can't talk about moving people around south east Queensland without talking about
01:06 public transport and roads and we've got a massive big build program there.
01:10 Cross river rail, light rail to Burley under construction right now, Sunshine Rail duplication
01:16 under construction.
01:17 He says there'd be cuts to transport if the LNP was elected while Labor's presiding over
01:23 a record infrastructure spend.
01:25 They're spending nearly double what they spent in their last budget on infrastructure and
01:30 yet only recently, this year, the LNP have said that they will cut billions from the
01:35 budget.
