Ben: More investment in science and technology as powerful tools for change needed

  • last year
Abdellah Ben Mellouk, representative of Morocco, during his speech at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the G77 and China, stated that our summit is taking place in the context of an international situation marked by multidimensional crises, especially health, energy, food and geopolitics. However, these crises have created opportunities such as the enormous potential of science and technology to face the challenges of development. teleSUR
00:00 We go live to the summit of the Group of 77 in China, here in Havana.
00:07 Let's listen to the statements of Abdallah Ben Malouk, Director of Multilateral Cooperation
00:11 and International Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Corporation
00:15 and Moroccans Resigned Abroad of the Kingdom of Morocco.
00:19 (In French.)
00:40 Ladies and gentlemen, this summit has been characterized by multidimensional crises,
00:54 especially sanitary energy, food crisis, and geopolitical crisis.
01:00 These crises, however, have brought about opportunities that we much seize, such as
01:09 the huge potential of science, technology, and innovation to tackle the challenges of
01:16 development.
01:18 Science and innovation have allowed to lessen the COVID-19 pandemic through the production
01:28 of vaccines with which we have been able to manage the disease.
01:36 It is necessary to change this vision, invest even more in science and technology as powerful
01:46 tools for change and for development.
01:50 First of all, I would like to integrate science and technologies even more into the national
01:56 development strategies and guarding a joint policy with inclusive management.
02:15 The progress is made in technologies improve our economies and financing.
02:29 And one of the greatest challenges is to stimulate the culture of science, technology, and innovation
02:35 to have greater access to technologies.
02:40 And this will have a positive impact on the cultures of this science, technology, and
02:45 information.
02:46 It's also key to massively invest in the digital infrastructures connectivity and access
02:52 with affordable prices, especially for vulnerable populations.
02:59 Development also depends on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data.
03:06 So we could say that developing countries could take better advantage of these great
03:12 technologies.
03:13 Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I would like also to take this opportunity to
03:19 highlight the commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco under the clear vision of His Majesty
03:25 in favor of science and technology.
03:28 These three components are highly present in his new development model celebrating numerical
03:37 transformation as a true instrument for development.
03:43 He considers that science and innovation are indispensable tools to attain food and technological
03:53 sovereignty.
03:57 And we are striving to strengthen political, legal, and procedural systems of the country.
04:06 The goal is to strengthen competitiveness of the national economy and make it more attractive
04:12 for foreign investors.
04:15 Ladies and gentlemen, South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation should include
04:22 or should be at the epicenter of our – at the center of our priorities.
04:26 This meeting is a proof of that.
04:28 Thanks to the exchange of best practices and the strengthening of building of capacities,
04:33 especially in green technologies, renewable technologies, water management, and agriculture,
04:39 we can make quick progress towards new technologies.
04:46 This is the way – this is how we have – to what we have committed under the clear vision
04:51 of His Majesty through the promotion of concrete South-South cooperation projects.
04:57 Thank you very much for your attention.
05:01 Thank you, His Excellency Mr. Abdelalem Ben Malouk, Director for Multilateral Cooperation
05:08 and International Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
05:16 of the Kingdom of Morocco.
05:23 We must also say that – and we celebrate his – so we join the expression of previous
05:35 speakers in our sentiments towards Morocco.
05:38 We would like to give the floor to His Excellency Mr. George Orina, Director General of the
05:43 Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Kenya.
05:51 We were listening to the statements of Abdelalem Ben Malouk, Director of Multilateral Cooperation
05:55 and International Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom
05:59 of Morocco.
06:00 The official call to promote development of science and innovation for its implementation
06:04 in social development, adding Morocco's commitment to this purpose.
06:07 Ben Malouk described these actions as fundamental to achieve food security.
06:12 Stay tuned with TREASURER English for more updates on this paramount summit held in Havana.
