MY DIY | Rag making

  • last year
MY DIY | Rag making
00:23 Good morning, say, welcome to Rice and Shine Filipina.
00:26 Hi.
00:26 Good morning.
00:27 Jamie Lamy Eva.
00:28 Happy to be here.
00:29 Of course, happy to be here.
00:38 Would you tell us something about this project?
00:40 Actually, we started [SPEAKING IN TAGALOG]
00:45 By the way, [SPEAKING IN TAGALOG]
00:48 So when we were outreaching, we shared the word of God
00:51 to the community.
01:03 So we thought of something to do.
01:09 Give a man a fish, you will allow them to eat for a day.
01:14 But teach a man to fish, you will teach them
01:17 to feed for a lifetime.
01:23 And love is blind.
01:27 To help them financially and to empower women.
01:31 Is to shape leaders then among a mom she's.
01:38 Our vision is [SPEAKING IN TAGALOG]
01:43 And then [SPEAKING IN TAGALOG]
01:47 We will copy it to other communities that
01:49 needs this kind of--
02:15 I think, Ros and Chi, let's start.
02:17 Let's start.
02:18 OK, OK.
02:22 Materials, yes.
03:02 I was a dentist before.
03:04 Do you want me to try it on you, ma'am?
03:14 Actually, there's a crack.
03:16 Be careful.
03:18 And the crack isn't included.
03:21 So it's not the crack.
03:22 It's just the top of the crack.
03:24 Let's start.
03:26 I think we should remove it.
03:28 Okay, it's already on.
03:30 RSP, it's easy to remove.
03:32 You have a square that you can use as a wood.
03:34 And then you can put some sticks.
03:36 Okay, ma'am Gemma, what's our first step?
03:39 First step is--
03:40 Third day.
03:41 So you need a piece of cloth from Tite Rizal that's cheap.
03:46 How much is that?
03:48 Usually, per kilo, it ranges from 15 pesos to 20 pesos.
03:52 How many kilos is this?
03:53 It's not even 1 kilo.
03:54 Maybe it's around 1 or 2 kilos.
03:57 So it's around 15 pesos.
03:59 15 to 20.
04:01 How many pieces can you make with one cloth?
04:03 How many?
04:04 Okay, ma'am Gemma, you can start.
04:05 Around 2.
04:06 2?
04:07 Okay, ma'am Gemma, let's start.
04:09 How many pieces can you make with one cloth?
04:12 I can make around 10.
04:14 10?
04:15 How much can you sell this for when it's finished?
04:17 Around--
04:19 300 pesos.
04:21 You can divide it.
04:23 33 pesos and 33 cents.
04:26 It's not cents, it's centavos.
04:29 Can I start?
04:31 Yes, you can.
04:32 But a lot of people buy this.
04:33 When you put it outside, the price is a bit high.
04:36 Yes, for those who walk around.
04:38 100 pesos, especially if there are designs.
04:40 Correct.
04:41 So sometimes, you put designs so that the price is higher, ma'am Gemma.
04:45 I can do that.
04:46 You can do that.
04:47 How do you design?
04:48 You can put a cross pattern.
04:52 Okay, okay.
04:54 But it's harder to do.
04:56 It's not that hard, ma'am Gemma.
04:58 It's just a bit hard.
04:59 Because it's just a solid fabric.
05:02 How long does it take to make this?
05:04 It's not even half an hour.
05:08 It's not even 30 minutes.
05:10 Is this the finished product?
05:12 No, it's actually this.
05:14 So when you're done with this, this is it?
05:16 Yes.
05:17 Okay, given that we've already cut the RSP.
05:20 We'll put the retassong tela on our--
05:23 What do you call this?
05:25 Pulmaha.
05:27 Where's the end? We can't find the end.
05:29 You know, I haven't even opened it.
05:30 Of course, there it is.
05:31 You're pulling it.
05:33 You're breaking the stiletto.
05:35 But it's hard to make this big.
05:39 It's just a bit.
05:41 It depends on how you're used to it.
05:44 Okay.
05:45 But if you're doing it, it'll take a while.
05:47 It'll take a week.
05:48 I think it'll take a month.
05:50 I'll be with Russ for two months.
05:52 We're doing this together because I'm inspired.
05:54 You guys talk a lot.
05:56 But let's do this.
05:58 Okay.
05:59 We'll sew it.
06:00 But we're not sewing the end.
06:01 You have to put the tip in the pocket.
06:04 Okay.
06:05 And then we'll sew this.
06:07 That's great.
06:09 It'll only take a year.
06:10 It'll only take a year.
06:12 We have to alternate.
06:14 Okay.
06:15 We have to show it.
06:16 Can you see it?
06:18 Okay, you can sample it.
06:20 You can do it.
06:21 I can try.
06:23 You have to alternate.
06:25 She's enjoying doing it.
06:27 Of course.
06:28 If you're doing this, who do you want to be with?
06:32 Maybe my mother.
06:33 Your mother?
06:35 I think she'll enjoy it.
06:36 You try it, Russ.
06:38 Me, Russ?
06:39 You won't be happy if I'm with you.
06:41 You're BFF.
06:42 We can be together for two months.
06:44 Don't do that, Russ.
06:46 I'm already opening it.
06:47 We'll be getting angry with our Kharys.
06:49 So, after the diagonal, we'll do the horizontal.
06:53 You have to turn it around.
06:57 And then on the other side,
06:59 you have to put it vertically.
07:02 Oh, I see.
07:04 And then,
07:05 we're going to put a package
07:08 because we're going to put a color.
07:11 The next one that's laid out like this,
07:14 or another color,
07:16 that's also fine.
07:17 Let's say we're going to do this first.
07:19 Just a small one.
07:20 We need to finish it.
07:22 What if we can't finish it because we don't have time?
07:25 So, what do we do?
07:26 But there are smaller ones like this, right?
07:28 There are. We're making pot holders.
07:30 But we can also make it into a whole.
07:32 Let's just show that after this,
07:34 we'll do it like this.
07:36 Okay.
07:37 Let's show them how we made it
07:39 because we'll finish it tomorrow.
07:41 This is the rust because I can't do it.
07:43 When will you put it in?
07:45 So, this is it.
07:46 Wow!
07:48 Actually, it looks like a work of art.
07:50 It's four layers.
07:52 Four?
07:53 So, two horizontal, two vertical.
07:57 Okay.
07:58 So, this is how it looks like when it's finished.
08:00 So, for one like this,
08:01 how many kilos worth of this?
08:05 There's no...
08:06 Two can make this.
08:08 So, this is just one?
08:09 Yes, just one.
08:10 Okay.
08:11 Which one is more selling,
08:12 the solid color like this
08:13 or the one that they like to have different colors?
08:16 Both.
08:17 But I like the solid one like this.
08:19 Actually, we'll buy a lot of these.
08:22 We'll put them in a set.
08:23 The one below.
08:24 We'll put it in a set.
08:26 Okay.
08:27 Ah, like that.
08:29 It's just that.
08:30 It's like you're having a hobby.
08:31 Okay.
08:32 How much is this?
08:33 One like this?
08:34 Yes.
08:35 So, we're selling this in our project for 100 pesos.
08:41 Bundle of two.
08:42 That's bundle of two.
08:43 So, 50 of this.
08:44 This is it.
08:45 It's possible.
08:46 So, guys, this is 100 pesos bundle of two.
08:48 It's beautiful.
08:49 From Project Payatas PH,
08:52 and it says, "Thank you".
08:54 Let's show this finished product so that they can see the ending.
08:58 But there's also one.
09:00 Because actually, a lot of people choose colors.
09:03 So that the buyers won't have a hard time.
09:07 Okay.
09:08 Let's buy.
09:09 I like that.
09:10 It comes with, it can also be a do-color.
09:13 But when you see rug, I thought it's rug.
09:15 It's just for wiping.
09:16 It's just for wiping.
09:17 It's for feet.
09:18 I think we have the black.
09:19 It's for feet.
09:20 Yes, I think the black is beautiful.
09:21 Let's show the ending.
09:23 Then this one.
09:24 Okay, just continue that.
09:25 Then this one.
09:26 We'll put it on the top.
09:27 Of course, it's necessary.
09:28 There.
09:29 So that it's more intricate.
09:31 Let's put it on the top.
09:33 I love it.
09:34 Then we'll put this one on the bottom.
09:36 We'll open it so that they can see the finished product.
09:39 I remember my mom when I was young.
09:41 I was so naughty when I was young.
09:43 Really?
09:44 You were naughty?
09:45 So naughty.
09:46 I think I had two or three kids.
09:47 Now, I don't have any anymore because I'm about to lose my hair.
09:50 It's not obvious.
09:51 Let's show the finished product.
09:55 I'm not done with my story.
09:57 You're not done with your story while you're still editing.
09:59 So what happens is whenever my mom is being naughty because I'm so naughty,
10:04 she'll always beat me up.
10:06 I always get wet.
10:08 But you're using that?
10:09 Yes, that's why I can relate to the morning steps when you're cleaning.
10:13 You know what?
10:14 It's like those who have breakfast.
10:15 It's really beautiful.
10:17 But can I use this towel?
10:18 Brass towel.
10:20 But you know what?
10:21 It's so comfortable to hold.
10:23 You can relax.
10:24 I'm sorry.
10:25 Does this have a contract?
10:27 Because you can remove it anytime.
10:29 You can use this as a towel.
10:31 A car is feel.
10:32 Because when we wake up early, we should be happy.
10:35 But anyway, this is it.
10:37 It's okay.
10:38 Let's not be too naughty.
10:40 So step five.
10:41 What does it say, Raz?
10:43 When we're done with everything, we need to lock.
10:49 Locking.
10:50 Locking.
10:51 So let's go here.
10:53 Oh, so this is where you put your dentists.
10:57 So this is where you put your dentists.
11:00 So we'll lower this first.
11:02 Then, we'll stretch it.
11:06 So that the side of the teeth can be pulled.
11:09 -So we can pull it from the other side? -Yes.
11:11 Am I doing it right?
11:13 So that it's not too tight and not too loose.
11:17 Because the sides of the teeth will be loose.
11:22 If you have dogs at home, they'll destroy it.
11:25 It'll be destroyed.
11:27 So you really need to do it.
11:29 But why is this small compared to this?
11:32 We have sizes.
11:33 -It's small but it's still stretched. -It's small.
11:36 You can remove it when it's removed from the form.
11:40 You're so good.
11:41 Enjoy yourself, mommy.
11:43 You're so good, Filipino beauty.
11:45 I love it.
11:46 How many of these do you buy in a day?
11:53 -I don't-- -It's running out.
11:55 -But it's big. -But it's running out.
11:57 -It's running out. -Yes.
11:59 Where can you buy it? Is it only online?
12:02 It's online. Sometimes, they have it on their networks.
12:04 -This is what we're doing. -This is what they're doing.
12:06 -We'll remove it from the form. -Okay.
12:09 -Oh. -That's the only tip.
12:12 That's why it's big.
12:16 So it should be knocked.
12:19 The tip of the cloth should be cut.
12:22 So the tip is cut so that it won't run.
12:27 So that it will be locked.
12:29 I hope we can try the pot holder.
12:32 -Because the small ones are easier to finish. -Yes.
12:36 But it's easier to sell the pot holders outside because it's lighter and smaller.
12:41 -Yes. -Sometimes, Jeepney drivers use it as a cleaner.
12:45 -That's what they sell on the streets. -The cheap ones.
12:49 -There's that too. -Maybe it's a low-end material.
12:52 -It's used to clean the supermachines. -But they don't use this kind.
12:56 But some people do it.
12:58 -I don't know. -It's like a scissors.
13:01 And then, next, we'll clean it.
13:04 After we remove the nuts on the sides,
13:07 we'll clean the excess cloth that's on the door mat of ours.
13:12 -So that it'll be clean. -So that it'll be clean.
13:14 -Jinkx, soulmates. -I'm so happy.
13:18 -It's perfect, right? -Of course.
13:21 Perfect.
13:22 So now, we're still going to lock the floor mat.
13:30 -So we can see that it's getting smaller. -Because it's stretched.
13:36 So no matter how much you stretch it, you'll still get back to your original.
13:41 So that's what we're going to do for this day, Jinkx.
13:43 Yes. No matter what you look for,
13:47 you'll still get back to the real thing that you're looking for.
13:50 -What song is that? -What song is that, Jinkx?
13:53 -I don't know. -You'll get back to your original.
13:57 No, I'm singing for Gariby.
14:01 Sometimes, our ages are so different.
14:04 But where is the best place to sell this? Online or personal?
14:09 -It's the same. -It's the same.
14:10 -It's online and personal. -It's online.
14:12 There's no difference in price between online and personal.
14:14 -Delivery fee. -There's no difference.
14:15 -Delivery fee. -Oh, delivery fee.
14:16 -You're crazy. Why would you buy delivery fee? -There's a delivery fee.
14:19 But usually, we also join the bazaars, especially this per month.
14:24 And you can also message us on Facebook for orders.
14:27 -What's your Facebook? -Project Payatas PH.
14:29 Oh, okay. That's it.
14:30 Project Payatas PH, for those who want to support us,
14:33 we invite you to our fairs. It's okay if you buy from them.
14:36 Do you have social media accounts?
14:38 Yes, we have Project Payatas PH on Facebook and Instagram.
14:43 -You can message us for orders. -Cellphone numbers.
14:46 Cellphone numbers? Actually, we have.
14:48 -It's here. -Oh, okay. It's here.
14:51 -You can read the cellphone numbers. -Cellphone numbers.
14:55 -It's like you don't have it. -You can find it.
14:57 -It's not here. -It's not here.
14:58 -It's not mentioned. -It's for the wages of Sibu.
15:00 -It's not here. -It's a Bible verse.
15:01 Because we're already in the emerging media.
15:03 So that's why we're using different social media platforms.
15:07 And you just have to follow them on their social media.
15:09 Thank you so much for teaching us this morning,
15:12 Rose Reyes Yoso and Mommy Jemayeva.
15:15 Thank you so much.
15:16 And more power to you.
15:18 -Yes. -Thank you.
15:19 -Let's say goodbye to Nanda Simon. -Thank you.
15:20 - Happy morning!
