Rights group files murder complaint vs 19 cops in Jemboy Baltazar’s killing

  • last year
Human rights group IDEALS files a murder complaint against 19 policemen tagged in the killing of 17-year-old Jemboy Baltazar, the teen slain by Navotas police on August 2, 2023.

Full story: https://www.rappler.com/nation/rights-group-files-murder-complaint-vs-cops-jemboy-baltazar-killing/


00:00 Human Rights Group Ideals files a murder complaint against 19 policemen tagged in the killing
00:06 of 17-year-old Jemboy Baltazar, the teen slain by Navotas Police on August 2, 2023.
00:12 The group says it filed the complaint against the following policemen, with Jemboy's father,
00:17 Jesse, as complainant.
00:22 On August 2, Navotas Police killed Jemboy while he and his friend were cleaning their
00:26 fishing boat on the river near their home.
00:29 Jemboy sustained gunshot wounds in the head and hand and fell into the river.
00:33 Balaes, Bugayong, Maliban, Esquilon, Blanco, and Mangada, who were initially under custody,
00:39 already face a reckless imprudence resulting in homicide complaint on top of the new murder
00:44 complaint.
00:45 The group says it filed the complaint against the teen slain by Navotas Police on August
00:46 2, 2023.
00:46 you
