UK nurse Lucy Letby jailed for life after seven baby murders

  • last year
A former neonatal nurse who killed seven babies and tried to kill six others at a hospital in northern England has been sentenced to life in prison with no chance of release.

Lucy Letby, who refused to appear in court to face grieving parents who spoke of their anger and anguish, was given the most severe sentence possible under British law.
00:00 Over a period of just under 13 months, you killed 7 fragile babies and attempted to kill
00:14 6 others. Some of your victims were only a day or a few days old. All were extremely
00:24 vulnerable. They were in a hospital where others were striving to provide them with dedicated
00:30 medical and nursing care. By their nature and number, such murders and attempted murders
00:38 by a neonatal nurse entrusted to care for them are offences of very exceptional seriousness.
00:48 The damaging impact of your actions on others working at that hospital, including those who
00:55 numbered you as a friend, betraying their trust and creating upset and suspicion,
01:01 as well as eroding confidence in clinicians and nurses generally, aggravates their seriousness.
01:10 This was a cruel, calculated and cynical campaign of child murder involving the smallest and most
01:19 vulnerable of children, knowing that your actions were causing significant physical suffering
01:27 and would cause untold mental suffering. You created situations so that collapses
01:36 or causes of collapses would not be obvious or associated with you. You removed and retained
01:44 confidential records of events relating to your crimes and checked up on bereaved parents.
01:51 There was a deep malevolence bordering on sadism in your actions. During the course of this trial,
02:00 you have coldly denied any responsibility for your wrongdoing and sought to attribute some fault to
02:07 others. You have no remorse. There are no mitigating factors. In their totality, the
02:16 offences of murder and attempted murder were of exceptionally high seriousness, and just punishment,
02:24 according to law, requires a whole life order. Lucy Letby, on each of the seven offences of
02:34 murder and the seven offences of attempted murder, I sentence you to imprisonment for life.
02:39 Because the seriousness of your offences is exceptionally high, I direct that the early
02:47 release provisions do not apply. The order of the court, therefore, is a whole life order
02:55 on each and every offence, and you will spend the rest of your life in prison.
03:02 you
03:02 you
03:03 you
03:03 you
03:04 you
03:04 you
03:05 you
03:05 you
03:06 you
03:06 you
03:07 you
03:07 you
