Emma Best and Sadiq Khan clash over wedding cake theatre advert

  • last year
Emma Best and Sadiq Khan clash over wedding cake theatre advertThe advert for the video forthe theatre show Tony and Tina's wedding was not granted permission because it had a picture of a wedding cake
00:00 The advert that you refer to in your answer there for Toner and Tina's wedding, a dinner
00:04 show at Wonderville Haymarket, featured a three-tier sponge cake.
00:08 And as you said, that was denied access to be displayed on London's transport network
00:14 after the team in their marketing department spent £20,000 on designing and issuing those
00:19 posters.
00:21 Is that right?
00:22 Is that what you-- do you believe it's right that the wedding cake, which was a small feature
00:26 of advertising the play, was banned?
00:28 So at a previous Mayor's Question Time, Chair, TfL's criticised for failing to enforce its
00:35 policies on foods high in fat, sugar and salt-- wrongly, by the way, because it was Council
00:39 bus stops, not TfL bus stops.
00:41 So now TfL's been criticised for enforcing its policy.
00:44 What brands are supposed to do, and what most brands do do, is confirm that advertising
00:50 complies before they print their posters.
00:53 It's stipulated by TfL's media partners in booking confirmation.
00:58 If this particular theatre decided to print the adverts before they'd got confirmation,
01:02 that's clearly an issue for them as the client.
01:05 TfL's quite clear in relation to its policies, and everyone else for the last few years appears
01:10 to be following that.
01:11 I'm obviously sorry for any finances lost by this theatre company.
01:16 I suggest they speak to the company they used to make sure next time they get compliance
01:21 confirmed before printing posters.
01:23 Thanks, Mr Mayor.
01:25 It just seems strange to me, and I'm sure you'd agree, that on my way here at Royal
01:30 Victoria I saw an advert for a Subway sandwich.
01:33 Other sandwich providers are available.
01:36 Past Lola's Cupcakes in the station, other cake providers are available.
01:41 And yet a theatre play is being attacked.
01:45 Now I've been on the Tube often, feeling peckish.
01:49 I've never felt like I would like to devour a wedding cake.
01:52 I've never seen an advert and thought, actually, I think I'll stop off and buy myself a wedding
01:56 cake.
01:57 Do you not see that this seems totally bizarre and against the principles of trying to promote
02:04 culture in London?
02:05 Well, no theatre play has been attacked.
02:09 In fact, I've been criticised by members on her side for promoting culture in our city.
02:14 The good news is, notwithstanding that, London is back.
02:16 Theatres are busy, live music is busy, tourists are back.
02:20 TfL's policy has been well known for some years now, and I think the Assembly Member
02:25 and her team deserve credit for getting even more publicity for TfL's advertising policy
02:29 by their criticism.
02:31 The evidence is also clear that the policy works in relation to reducing the number of
02:35 children.
02:36 I appreciate that the Member's got far more discipline and control than children, but
02:40 also won't pressurise her parents to buy foods that are high in fats.
02:44 Yes, my children often ask me to stop off and buy them a wedding cake.
02:47 It's difficult.
